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17 Cards in this Set

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Alpha adrenergic agonists: (Maxair, Seravent, Epinephrine, Albuteral)

Side 1: vaso and broncho effects, and HR?

Side 2: Side effects and uses
inc beat of ht
Given: COPD, Chronic bronchitis, Asthma

SE:Vomiting, sweating, dizziness, nervousness, weakness

Side 1: effect?

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Clotting; no direct effect on ht / lungs
Given: Strokes, TIA, MI, DVT, PE, certain ht Conditions, recent surg

SE: Excessive hemorrhage, N/V, hair loss, osteoporosis, thrombocytopenia
Cholinergic (Alvamaline, muscarine, nicotine, pilocarpine, donepezil, galantamine)

Side 1: Vaso, broncho, and HR effects

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Decreased HR
Given: Myasthenia gravis, muscle relaxation

SE: Bradycardia leading to cardiac arrest, m. weakness, cramps, pain
Anti-Cholinergics: (Atrovert, Spiriva)

Side 1: Broncho, vaso and HR effects

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Increase HR
Given: As a bronchodilator in COPD and asthma and for Parkinson's dz

SE: Blurred vision, constipation, dec sweating, diff or painful urination, photosensitivity
Adrenergic sympathomimetic (Ventolin, Alupent, Brethine, Adrenaline)

Side 1: broncho and vasodil and HR

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Increase HR
Increase BP
Given: Asthma, COPD, other lung Dz

SE: HA, Dizziness, N/V, irritability
Nitrates: (Nitroglycerin, Nitrostat)

Side 1: Vaso, Broncho, and HR effects

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Increase HR
Given: Post acute MI, relieving angina

SE: HAs, flush face, syncope
Statins (Lipitor, Zorcor, Crestor, Pravachol)

Side 1: Effect

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Dec cholesterol by decreasing liver's capability to synth chol
Given: Reduce cholesterol

SE: Muscle and jt pain, Nausea, liver dmg
Diuretics (Lasix, Esidrix)

Side 1: Effect

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Dec BV
Dec BP
Given: Reduce HTN, Dec edema during heart failure

SE: Dry mouth, thirst, weakness & cramps (with digoxin)
Anti-leukotrienes (Singulair, Zyflo)

Side 1: broncho effect

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Given: Asthma, Allergic reactions

SE: HA, rash, fatigue
Corticosteroids (Steroids, Hydrocortisone, prednisone)

Side 1: Effect

Side 2: Side effects and uses
Given: Asthma, allergies, RA, Lupus

SE:Thick skin, coughing, infection
Alpha adrenergic antagonists (Cardura, Flomax, Phentolamine, Terazosin)

Side 1: Vaso and HR effect

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Dec HR
Dec continence in bladder
Given: HTN, BPH

SE: Palpitation, Orthostatic hyptension, tachycardia, edema, dizziness, H/A, N/V, diarrhea, incontinence, nosebleed
Sympatholytics (Carvedilol, Clonidine)

Side 1: Vaso effect, BP effect, HR effect, force of ht

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Dec BP
Dec HR
Dec contraction and electrical conduction of heart
Given: HTN

SE: Orthostatic hypotension, Fatigue, nausea, HAs
Methylxanthines (Aminophylline, Theophylline, All phyllines)

Side 1: Broncho effect

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Given: Bronchodilation for COPD, Asthma

SE: N/V, Palpitations, Urinary freq
Anti-histamines (Benadryl, Dramamine, Allegra, Claritin)

Side 1: Vaso, Broncho, and HR effects

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Inc HR
Given: Relieve respiratory sx, Allergies

SE:Sedation, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision
Beta blockers (Carvedilol, Propanolol, Sotalol)

Side 1: HR and BP effects

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Dec HR
Dec BP
Given: Angina, Arrhythmias before and after MI

SE: HR and BP may reduce, drowsiness, cold hands and feet
Mucolytics / Expectorants (Mucomyst, Mucinex)

Side 1: Effects

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Breaks down mucus to be expectorated
Given: COPD, Asthma, Upper resp infection

SE: Dizziness, Drowsiness, nausea
Anti-cholinesterase Drugs (Eserine, Prostigimine, Tensilon, Aricept)

Side 1: Broncho effects

Side 2: S.E. and uses
Given: Glaucoma, anti-dote for anti-cholinergic agents

SE: Nausea, vomitting, bradycardia