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77 Cards in this Set

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What are some of the common diseases associated with drug abuse?
What are some diseases that are not normally associated with drug abuse?
Muscular Dystrophy
In 2005 what was the number of emergency room visits associated with drug use or misuse according to DAWN?
It estimated that 1,449,154 emergency room visits were associated with drug use or misuse.
What situation, (family, social) is most likely to experience drug abuse?
Most likely to abust drugs: single parent family in inner city with female head of house.
What is "backstabbing"?
Backstabbing is when a...Young, middel income user who has depleted their own resources, they will then turn to family and deplete family economic resources/ emotions.
What is endogenous chemical production? EXAMPLE
Chemicals that are produced by our bodies, the production of these chemicals help to change our moods and actions, and even resemble some drugs taken by people for recreational purposes.
AN EXAMPLE: Endorphins, closely resemble morphine or heroin, by they are naturally produced by the body and act to relieve pain.
What is "addictive personality" theory of drug abuse?
Under this theory, a drug user consumes drugs because the drugs help organize an otherwise disordered life. This theory suggest that drug users are lonely, sad, and frigthened people that posess a character flawfor which drugs offer a crutch..
What are some of the impacts on newborns whose mothers were abusers of cocaine? other drugs?
- under normal weight
- may have AIDS
- may suffer kidney problems
- may have learning dissabilities

Other- will experience withdrawal symptoms. possible STDS
11% of all births are born to addicted mothers.
According to the 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention findings on AIDS about what percentage of new cases affect injecting drug users, their sexual partners, and their children?
IT is reported that more than 33% of new AIDS cases affected those groups.
What drugs have been used by what groups for religous ceremonies?
Rastafarians- Marijuana
Native American- Peyote
Sacramental Wine
According to national household survey who is most likely to have abused drugs in his/ her lifetime
26-32 yrs old
white and blacks are more likely to have ever abused more than hispanics
What is the active ingredient that gives marijuana its intoxicating effect?
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes the mind-altering effects of marijuana intoxication.
Which drugs are most commonly associated with emergency room visits?

NOT: Smoking and Marijuana
Which drug is most commonly used by young adults according to recent surveys.

However the most abused drugs are Alcohol and Cigarettes
Alcohol: more fatalities than from any other drug.
Tobacco: more preventable drugs than any other.
Which naturally produced body chemical is associated with "runners high"?
word "endorphine" comes from endogenous, meaning "produced within the body" and morphine, a chemical substance derived from opium that elevates mood and reduces pain.
What is "happy Hour"?
It is a ritualistic recreational chemical use of alcohol in groups. Giving one self an attitudinal adjustment after a long day of work.
What are the most widely abused illegal drugs?
Marijuana and Cocaine
What are some of the general effects of the illegal drug crisis?
- Losses to legitimate enterprises
-Money laundering and related corruption
-Dirty Money overlooked
-Lost productivity at work, absenteeism, work accidents
-Health insurance
What two factors have been major contributors to the demise of the two-parent household?
Unemployment and frequent drug abuse
What is the area of a drug-free school zone?
"Drug-free school zone'' means an area inclusive of any property used for school purposes by any school, whether or not owned by such school, within 1,000 feet of any school property, within which penalties are enhanced.
What crimes might be considered "vice crimes"?
vice crimes- Drug trafficking, loan sharking, gambling, and prostitution.
what does a kilo of coca base cost in Colombia and what does it sell for by the time it reaches distributors in the US?
$950 in Colombia and by the time it reaches distributors it sells for $25,000.
What general category of drugs seems to be prevelant in western cities?
Meth and Marijuana
Key elements and theories from Differential Association and Edwin Sutherland
individuals identify the financially succesful roles in economically depressed areas, second they are exposed to this lifestyle behavior.
1. people learn criminality through close social contact with criminals.
2. learning depends on
-FREQUENCY of contact
-INTENSITY of contact
-DURATION of association
learning mostly occcurs in intimate groups (family, gangs, clubs)
Key elements and theories from Anomie
The goal of success becomes more important than the means to an end. An indiviual will resort to deviant means if no legitimate means (education, employment oppotunities, etc.) are available
Key elements and theories from Social Disorganization
-Minority youth abuse drugs/ low status and poor self esteem.
-social/ family deterioration and dysfunction
-Poor education opporunities
Key elements and theories from Opportunity Theory
Lower class layer is where adult criminals foster a criminal subculture where youths prepare for adult criminal activities by training in youth gangs.
Key elements and theories from Cultural Transmission
-Crime occurs in decaying transitional areas.
-Adult criminals pass vultural values on to youth and family
-High levels of criminality maintained by passing on values and attitudes conducive to crime and delinquency.
What are some of teh general history for the follwong countries: China, Egypt, India, greeks, Incas, Aztecs?
china (chasing the dragon), egypt and india- cannabis, opium and ephedra use.
Greeks- Lotus flower (opium)
Incas- coca leaf (aided in the digestion of food and suppression of their appetites.)
Aztecs-dried peyote cactus
What was a drug-related factor contributing to the Spanish Conquistadores defeat of the Incas?
Many of the incan warriors were so inebriated (intoxicated) that they were mentally and physically unable to fight.
Who was Hippocrates?
Is the father of modern medicine.
Which drugs are classified as schedule 1 and schedule 2 drugs?
Schedule 1-(heroin, marijuana) drugs that have a high potential for abuse , no medical use, lack of accepted safety.
Schedule 2- (cocaine, Meth) High potential for abuse, medical use with severe restrictions may lead to severe physical and psychological addiction.
What is Chloral hydrate?
chloral hydrate was the first depressant developed for the specific purpose of inducing sleep. Currently marketed as syrups or soft gelatin capsules, chloral hydrate takes effect in a relatively short time (about 30 minutes) and will induce sleep in an hour. In Victorian England, a solution of chloral and alcohol constituted the infamous "knockout drops" or "Mickey Finn."
What is the realtionship to the prohibition era to the emergence of mobsters?
Prohibtion created a virtual gold mine for mobsters who to produce and sell for the public demand of alcohol.
How did the enforcement of the Harrison Act reduce medically maintained drug addiction in the US?
it required people who prescribed or distributed certain drugs to register with the government and buy tax stamps.
Which national issue did the US supreme court settle in the decision of the 1919 case of Webb v. US?
Maintaining addicts on narcotic drugs, even by prescription, was ILLEGAL. it also settled nation controversy over medical use of drugs to treat addiction.
Which government department was origianally responsible for enforcing federal drug laws until late 1960s?
Federal Bureau of Narcotics
Which drug probably has the earliest history of use and abuse in the world?
Summerians joy plant 7000 years ago
What best explains the opium wars in the 19th century?
British smuggling of opium from British India into China and the Chinese government's efforts to enforce its drug laws erupted in conflict.
What country was supplying opium to china in the 1800s?
What was a consequence of the American Civil War relating to drug addiction?
A drug epidemic was triggered, resulting in hundreds of thousands of morphine addicts. It was a self-medication for grief and pain, tat often led to high -dosgaes and led to addiction.
What drug was mostly associated with the roaring 20s?
MARIJUANA and alcohol
During the 1930's and 1940s what method was used by the us Government to control marijuana use?
The emergence of the FBN: Federal Bureau of Narcotics.
When and why did teh FBN emerge?
-To deal with drugs other than alchol
-Enforce Harrison Act
Why were many early anti-marijuana laws passed in the Western united States?
Because marijuana was linked to many of the mexican laborersand was seen as part of the "mexican problem"
What were amphetamines originally prescribed to curb?
obesity and depression
Which decade probably saw the most widespread abuse of illegal drugs by young people?
What are synthetic drugs? Name some. what would be some example of "designer" synthetic drugs?
For clarification, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana are in the organic category, while LSD, MDMA, and methamphetamine are synthetics. Some of the most prevalent synthetic drugs of abuse are: Meth, LSD, PCP, Oxycontin.

is a term used to describe psychoactive drugs which are created (or marketed, if they had already existed) to get around existing drug laws, usually by modifying the molecular structures of existing drugs to varying degrees...China White Heroin and Ecstasy.
Why do some athletes abus anabolic steroids?
To maintain a competitive edge, its a muscle builder.
Why is it thought that peasants in the middle ages had hallucinogenic reactions? what drug was developed from the ergot fungus?
Becuase the ergot fungus would grow in the rye that they would use in their bread and other foods.

LSD was developed from the Ergot fungus.
Why did some amateur and entrprenereurial chemists begin to cook their own drugs in the late 1960s and 70s?
Because there was a huge market for it, and ther was a growing epidemic for synthetic drugs that would be cooked in clandestine labs.
What impact did the Pure Food and Drug Act have on over the counter (OTC) medicines?
It instituted controls of over the counter drugs that limited availability.
Boggs Act of 1951 What was teh realtionship to prison sentences for drug related felonies?
increased the penalties for violations of the import/ export and internal revenue realting marijuana and narcotics.
Volstead Act: What was the central issue?
which reinforced the prohibition of alcohol in the United States of America.
Community Mental Health Centers: What provisions were made relating to federal funding for treatment of drug abuse?
Provided federal assitance to nonfederal treatment of drug addicts.
Dopamine is neurotransmitter in the brain. neurotransmitters underlie every thought, emotion, memory, and learning process.

too little dopamine in certian areas of the brain triggers teh tremors and paralysis of parkinson's disease.

Too much causes the hallucinations and bizarre thoughts of schizophrenia.
What is withdrawal?
Physical reaction of the body to removal of addictive drug.
What is Physical dependence?
need drug in increasing amounts to prevent withdrawal
What is psychological dependence?
cravings, compulsive need for feeling of well being or satisfaction.
What is tolerance?
Need drug in increasing amounts to achieve desired effects.
What are some of the direct effects of freebasing amphetamines (speed)?
When is was first marketed, what was its intended use?
fatal lung and kidney disorders, long-term psychological disorders

limited medical use: Narcolepsy, Hyperkinetic Behavior, and weight reduction.
What are the effects of nicotine and what diseases are commonly associated with smoking?
Bronchitis, Lung cancer, clogged arteries.
According to the text, quoting the journal of the American Medical Association, what activity related to drugs is responsible for the most deaths each year?
Accoring to the text, which addicting drug is thought to be generally harmless to people?
alcohol, but maybe marijuana.
Which drug causes Korsakoff psychosis?

What are some of the other illnesses caused by this drug?
Alcohol- Heavy Drinking

Delirium Tremens, cancer of thraot, liver problems.
What drug was used by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
What is chloral hyrdate and what was its inteded use?
is a hypnotic sleep depressant. Mickey FINN
What is the principal drug derived from opium and what are some its legitimate medical uses?

preoperative sedation, anesthia
What is the most frequently encountered illicit drug worlwide?
Why is cannabis classified in a class by itself and how does the DEA classify it?
It has no currently accepted medical use. Schedule 1.
What are some drugs commonly known as barbiturates?
Luminal and Barbital
What is poly-drug use?
taking mutliple drugs for example...uppers in the morning and downers at night.
What is fen_phen and what were some problems associated with it that caused it to be pulled form the market?
Heart-valve problems
What is a designer drug?
Drugs which may be altered and resynthesized to confuse laws and law enforcement.
Why is the claim that marijuana is non-addictive deceptive?
they claim it is not physically addictive, however, the reason for this is because it cannot be withdrawn from the body rapidly. the body builds up its own supply.
A mother of a child born with facial abnormalities and impaired intellectual abilites most likely have consumed what drug during pregnancy?
At what BAC level is a person considered to be intoxicated?
BAC of .08 to .10 is to be considered intoxicated