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50 Cards in this Set

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Name 4 classic lung diseases?



Pulmonary Oedema

Cystic fibrosis

Name 3 centrally-mediated resp dysfunctions?

Premature birth

Opioid intoxication

Rett syndrome

Bronchial asthma causes what 2 problems?

acute bronchospasm and dyspnea

What happens to the airways in chronic asthma?

Become inflamed

3 common asthma triggers?

allergens, rapid changes in temp, drug side-effects and exercise

Most common symptoms (4)?

Feeling of breathlessness

tight chest



How do you diagnose asthma? 2

measure the FEV1:FVC ratio


How do B2 adrenoceptor agonists work?

Via activation of GPCRs and an increase in cAMP

Mimic bronchodilator effect

Name 3 common adverse side effects of beta agonists?

Muscle tremor


Excessive = tachycardia

Name 2 short acting beta 2 agonists?

Salbutamol and terbutaline

Name 2 longer acting beta 2 agonists?

What are these intended for?



Long-term prevention of attacks rather than acute relief (delayed onset of action)

What are longer actin beta agonists useful for treating?

Nocturnal asthma

How do muscarinic receptors anatagonists (MRAs) cause bronchodilation?

Binding to the musc receptors in the airway smooth muscle and prevent ACH action from psymp nerves

MRAs also do what?

mucus secretion

Which type of bronchospasm are MRAs particularly useful for?

irritant-induced attacks

Problem with MRAs at the moment?

Non-selective, block M1, 2 and 3

Blocking 2 decreased their effectiveness

Name 3 short acting MRAs


ipratropium bromide

oxitropium bromide

Name a longer acting MRA

Tiotropium bromide

How are anticholinergics administered?



Speed up their onset of action and reduce systemic adverse effects

How long after admin does max bronchodilation occur?

30 mins

What are anticholinergics usually used to treat?


Where can you find naturally occurring xanthines?

Coffee and tea

caffeine and theobromine

How do xanthines act?

Inhibit phosphodiesterase enzymes in airwya smooth muscle

this inceases cAMP and inhibits MLCK = relaxation of smooth muscle

Name the main xanthine





overcome short biological half-life

Major problem of xanthines?

V narrow therapeutic window

Adverse effects of xanthines? 4


cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions

Drug interactions problematic

What to AIDs treat?

Not suitable for what?

preventing inflammation

do not cause bronchodilation and not suitable for treatment of acute attacks

Eg of class of AIDs?

what do they do?

Egs 2?


inhibit inflam cell infiltration into the airways and reduce oedema formation by acting on the vascular endothelium

Beclometasone and budesonide

Which 2 diseases often occur together?

Chronic bronchitis and emphysema often can occur together

Genetic deficiency in the enzyme alpha 1 antitrypsin increases what?

Susceptibility to bronchitis and and emphysema

Symptoms of COPD? 3

excessive production of sputum

chronic cough

breathlessness on exertion

Why is the airway obstructed in COPD?

Luminal narrowing and mucus plugs

May later lead to resp infection

What does chronic bronchitis cause? 3

Alveolar hypoventilation, hypercapnia and hypoxia

3 treatments of chronic bronchodilators?


mucokinetic drugs


Which 2 bronchodilators are most commonly used in COPD?

B2 agonists and xanthines

Mucokinetic drugs mech of action?

2 e.gs?

reducing viscosity of mucus by breaking disulphide bonds holding mucus glyco proteins together

Acetlycysteine and ambroxol

What are antibiotics prescribed for in COPD?

Combat the secondary basterial infections in sputum

Treatment for pul oedema based on what?

reducing blood vol (to reduce BP and therefore reduce hydrostatic pressure forcing fluid out of pul cap.s and to reduce cardiac work)

what are diuretics used for in pul oedema?

Give an eg?

act to increase urinary fluid loss and blood vol

inhibit reabsorp in the loop of Henle


name 3 types of drugs used to improve cardiac function in pul oedema? eg of each?

cardiac glycosides - digoxin

phosphodiesterase inhibitors - inamirone

beta t agonists - dobutamine

What is the primary defect in cystic fibrosis?

mutatio in specific proteins essential for CL- efflux from cells within the lung

What does the defect in CF cause?

thick and viscous secretion in ducted organs, incl airways of the lung

therefore poor ventilation of affected areas

bacterial infection causes ireversible lung damage

What do MRAs do in CF?


reduce mucus secretions

What do expectorants do to help CF?

glyceryl guaiacolate

Increase the fluidity of secretions and thereby increase the productivity of coughing

What do mucolytic agents do to help CF?


Decrease viscosity of secretions

what does opioid intoxication do to respiration?

Centrally-mediated depression

What are mew opiod receptors and mech of action?


activation inhibits adenylate cyclase

Decrease cAMP

therefore decrease neuronal excitability

Where can the mew receptor be found?

expressed in neurons in resp control centres of the pons and medulla

Preferred treatment of accidental opioid overdose is?

Admin opiod antagonist NALOXONE, which blocks the opiod receptors and reverses effects

What is used when the analgesic effect of opioids needs to be maintained?

Stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors activate GPCRs which stim adenylate cyclase

counteracts the resp depression by maintains analgesia