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31 Cards in this Set

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Furosemide: Lasix
Class: loop diuretic
Indications: CHF, Pulmonary edema, hypertensive crisis
Contraindications: Hypovolemia,
Anuria, Hypotentsion, Hepatic Coma
Dose: 0.5-1.0mg/kg over 1-2min
Digoxin: Lanoxin
Inotropic Agent
Indications: CHF, re-entry SVT, a-flutter, a-fib
Contraindications: v-fib, v-tach, dig toxicity
Dose: 10-15 ug/kg
Amiodarone: Cordarone, Pacerone
Indications: v-fib/pulseless, v-tach, unstable v-tach in pts refractory to other therapy
Contraindications: Cardiogenic Shock, sinus brady, 2nd and 3rd degree block
Dose: 300mg IV/IO push, dilution in 20-30ml D5W, repeat dose 3-5min. 150mg IV/IO push
Atropine Sulfate
Anticholinergic Agent
Indications: Unstable bradycardia, asystole, PEA, Organophosphate poisoining, bronchospastic pulmonary disorders
Contraindications: tachycardia, glaucoma
Dose: 1mg IV/IO repeat 3-5min. max dose 3times, Organophosphate poisoning dose 2-4mg or higher.
Calcium Chloride
Indications: Hypocalcemia, Hyperkalemia, magnesium sulfate overdose, calcium channel blocker overdose
Contraindications: hypercalimia, v-fib, digitalis toxicity
Dose: 500mg to 1000mg (5-10ml of a 10% solution) IV/IO push for hyperkalemia and calcium channel blocker OD
Adenosine: Adenocard
Endogenous Nucleotide
Indications: Conversion of PSVT, may convert SVT due to Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Contraindications: 2nd or 3rd degree block, sick sinus syndrome, a-flutter, a-fib, v-tach and poison induced tachycardia
Dose: 6mg with 20ml flush fast push, 12mg, 12mg, max 30mg
Albuterol: Proventil, Ventolin
Sympathomimetic, Bronchodiolator
Indications: treatment of bronchospasm in pts with reversible obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, asthma)
Contraindications: tachycardia
Dose: 2.5mg dilute 0.5ml of 0.5% solution for inhalation with 2.5ml normal saline
Flumazenil: Romazicon
Benzodiazapine receptor antagonist
Indications: reversal of respiratory depression and sedative effects from pure bensodiazepine OD
Contraindications: tricyclic antidepressant OD, seizure prone pts, coma unknown
Dose: 0.2mg IV/IO over 15secs, 2nd dose 0.3mg IV/IO over 30secs, 3rd dose 0.5mg over 30secs
Carbohydrate, hypertonic solution
Indications: hypogycemia, altered level of consciousness, coma, seizure of unknown etiology, status epilepticus
Contraindications: Intracranial hemorrhage
Done: 12.5-25g slow IV
Promethazine: Phenergan
Indications: nausea, vomiting, motions sickness, potentiation of analgesic narcotics
Contraindications: Coma, CNS depressed patients from alcohol, barbituates, narcotics, Reye's syndrome
Dose: 12.5-25mg IV, IM, PO, rectally
Succinylcholine: Anectine
Depolorizing Neuromuscular Blocker, Paralyzing Agent
Indications: Facilitate Intubation
Contraindications: Glaucoma, inability to control airway or support ventilations
Dose: 1-2mg/kg rapid IV, repeat once if needed
Vitamin B1
Indications: Coma of unknown origin, delerium tremens, beriberi, wernicke's encephalopathy
Contraindications: None
Dose:100mg Slow IV or IM
Platelet inhibitor, Anti-inflamitory agent
Indications: New onset chest pain
Contraindications: active ulcer disease or asthma
Dose: 160mg-325mg PO
Lorazepam: Ativan
Benzodiazepine, Sedative, Anticonvulsant
Indications: Initial control of status epilepticus or severe recurrent seizures, severe anxiety, sedation
Contraindications: glaucoma, coma, shock or drug abuse
Dose: IV/IO must be diluted with equal parts sterile water or normal saline, 2-4mg IV Slow, max dose 8mg, IM no dilution needed 2-4mg
Diphenhydramine: Benadryl
Antihistamine, Anticholinergic
Indications: relief of allergies, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, acute distonic reactions
Contraindications: Asthma, glaucoma, pregnancy, hypertension, MAOI's
Dose: 25-50mg IM, IV, PO
Hyperglycemic Agent, Pancreatic Hormone, Insulin Antagonist
Indications: Alter level of consciousness, when hypogycemia is suspect
Contraindications: Hyperglycemia
Dose: 0.5-1mg IM may repeat in 7-10 min
Magnesium Sulfate
Indications: Seizures of eclampsia, torsades de pointes, hypomagnesemia, class 2a drug for pulseless v-fib, v-tach refractory to lidocaine
Contraindications: heart blocks, myocardio damage,
Dose: 1-4g IV/IO over 3min for eclampsia, max 30-40g/day, cardiac 1-2g diluted in 10ml of D5W IV/IO over 5-20min
Naloxone Hydrochloride: Narcan
Narcotic Antagonist
Indications: Opiate OD
Contraindications: use with caution in narcotic dependant pts
Dose: 0.4-2.0mg IV, IM, SC max 10mg
Methylprednisolone: Sulu-Medrol
Anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid
Indications: Acute spinal cord trauma, Anaphylaxis, bronchodilator for unresponsive asthma
Contraindications: Systemic fungal infections, caution in pts with gastroindestinal bleeding
Dose: Spinal 30mg/kg IV over 30min., Asthma/COPD 1-2mg/kg IV
Meperidine: Demerol
Opioid Analgesic
Indications: Analgesic for moderate to severe pain
Contraindications: Diarrhea caused by poisoning, MAOI's, Abdominal pain, head injury
Dose: 50-100mg IM, SC or 25-50mg slowly IV
Activated Charcoal
Indication: oral poisoning, dedication overdose, can be used after evacuation of poisons
Contraindications: comotose pts, ingestion of corrosives, caustics, petroleum distillates
Dose: 1-2g/kg PO or NG aduld or peds (if not premixed 1part charcoal to 4parts water)
Dopamine: Intropin
Sypmpathomimetic, Inotropic Agent
Indications: Cardiogenic, septic, distributive or spinal shock. Hypotension with low cardiac output
Contraindications: Hypovolemic shock, pheochromocytoma, tachyarrhythmia's, v-fib
Dose: 2-20ug/kg/min titrate to response
Diltiazem Hydrochloride: Cardizem, Lyo-Ject
Calcium Channel Blocker
Indications: control of rapid ventricular rates due to atrial flutter, re-entry SVT, angina pectoris
Contraindications: hypotension, sick sinus syndrome, 2nd and3rd degree AV block, cardiogenic shock, wide complex tachycardia's, poisoning and drug induced tachycardia
Dose: 0.25mg/kg IV over 2min., may rebolus after 15min. .035mg/kg over 2min
Nitroglycerin: Nitrostat, Tridil
Indications: Acute angina pectoris, ischemic chest pain, hypertension, CHF, Pulmonary Edema
Contraindications: hypotention, hypovolemia, intracranial bleeding, head injury, previous ingestion of viagra, levitra, cialis within 24hrs
Dose: 0.3-0.4mg SL, max 3doses, NTG spray 0.4mg 1-2sprays, nitro infusion 10-20ug/min increase by 5-10ug/min every 5min to effect
Lidocaine Hydrochloride: Xylocaine
Indications: Alternative to amiodarone in cardiac arrest
Contraindications: 2nd and 3rd degree AV blocks, Stokes-Adam's syndrome, wide complex ventricular escape beats with bradycardia
Dose: 1-1.5mg/kg/IV/IO, repeat 0.5-0.75mg/kg, max 3mg/kg
Vasoprissin: Pitressin Synthetic
Antidiuretic Hormone
Indications: Alternate to first or second dose of epi in cadiac arrest
Contraindications: Responsive pts with coronary artery disease
Dose: 40units 1times dose IV/IO
Diazepam: Valium
Benzodiazepine, sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant
Indications: Acute anxiety states, acute alcohol withdrawl, muscle relaxant, seizure activity, agitation, analgesia
Dose: 5-10mg IV, q10-15min prn, rectal 0.5mg/kg via 2 inch rectal cathater and flush with 2-3ml air after administration, sedation for cardioversion 5-15mg IV - prior to procedure
Midazolam: Versed
Short acting benzodiazepine, CNS depressant
Indications: Sedation
Contraindications: Glaucoma, shock, coma, alcohol intoxication, OD, Depressed vital signs
Dose: 2.0-2.5mg slow IV over 2-3min max 0.1mg/kg
Epinephrine: Adrenalin
Indications: Cardiac arrest, symptomatic bradycardia, 2ndary to bradycardia when atropine and pacing are unsuccessful. Allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, asthma
Containdications: Hypertension, hyperthermia, pulmonary edema, myocardial ischemia, hypovolemic shock
Dose: allergic reactions and asthma 0.3-0.5mg of 1:1000 SC, Anaphalaxis 0.1mg of 1:10,000 IV/IO over 5min, Cardiac arrest 1mg IV/IO 1:10,000 q3-5min flush with 20ml normal saline
Morphine Sulfate
Opioid Analgesic Class 2 Narcotic
Indications: Severe CHF, Pulmonary Edema, chest pain of cardiac origin, analgesic for acute and chronic pain
Contraindications: Head injury, exacerbated COPD, Depressed respiratory drive, Hypotension, Abdominal pain, Decreased LOC, Hypovolemia, patients who have taken MAOI's within 14days
Dose: 2-4mg q5-30min., repeat 2-8mg 5-15 min
Haloperidol: Haldol
Tranquilizer, Antipsychotic
Indications: acute psychotic episodes
Contraindications: Agitation secondary to shock or hypoxia
Dose: 2-5mg q30-60min