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13 Cards in this Set

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Generic: Pitocin
Trade: Oxytocin

Route/Dosage: Postpartum hemorrhage: Adult IV 10-40 units in 1000 ml non-hydrating dilvent infused at 20-40 mU/min IM 10 units after placenta contraction stress test (CST) Adult IV .5 mU/min increase q20 min until 3 contractions within 10 min – stimulation of labor – IV 1-2 mU/min, increase by 1-2 mU q15 – 60 min until contractions occur; then decrease
Incomplete abortion: IV INF 10 units/500ml O5W or .9% NaCl at 10-20 mU/min, max 30 units/12 hr Available forms: inj 10 units/ml

Side Effects: CNS: *Seizures *Tetanic Contractions Fetus: *Intracranial hemorrhage GU: *Abruptioplacentae *Uterine blood flow RESP: *Asphyxia
BLACK BOX WARNING: Elective induction of labor
TEACH Pt./Fam: Report increase in blood loss, abdominal cramps, fever, foul smelling lochia – Contractions will be similar to menstrual cramps with gradual increase in pain

Usage: Stimulation, induction of labor: missed or incomplete abortion; postpartum bleeding

Nursing Interventions:
I&O ratio – Respiration – B/P Pulse – Resp. rate, rhythm, depth – Length/Intensity/Duration of contraction – contraction over 1 minute or no contraction – turn patient on side and discontinue drug – Fetal Distress
Generic: Meperidine
Trade: Demerol, Meperitab
Route: PO/Subcut/IM/IV Adult/Child Labor analgesia subcut/IM Preoperatively Adult/Child IM/Subcut
Dosage: Adult 50-100 mg q 1-3 hr Child: 1.2-2mg/kg 30-90 min. before surgery Adult Iv: 25-50 mg single dose Child IV and Adolsescent IV 0.35-1 mg/kg
Side Effects: Increased intracranial pressure, seizures, respiratory depression, anaphylaxis
Usage: Moderate to severe Px, preoperatively and post operatively
Nursing Interventions: Assess Px, I&O ratio, Dizzy, Drowsiness, Allergic reactions, rashes
Generic: Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate Trade: Bicitra
Route/Dosage: Based on condition and response to treatment - Can be in liquid form and should be mixed with at least 4 oz water
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain
Usage: Makes urine less acidic, used to prevent gout or kidney stones or metabolic acidosis in people with kidney problems.
Nursing Interventions: Patient should report swelling of hands/ankles/feet, tingling/numbness of hands/feet weakness, fast/slow/irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms.
Generic: Brethine, Bricarye
Trade: Terbutaline
Route: Bronchodilatrion
Adult/Child PO 2.5-5 mg q6hr max 15 mg/24 hr child 12-15 yr PO 2.5 mg tid (g6 hr)
Dosage: Bronchospasm Adult/Child > 12 year PO 2.5-5 mg q 8 hours Subcut: .25 mg q 15-30 min max .5 mg in 4 hr preterm – unlabeled
Side Effects: *Cardiac Arrest, tremors, tachycardia
Usage: bronchospasm, hypercalemia
Nursing Interventions: Assess: Respiratory, lungs, dyspnea, wheezing
Generic: Lanolin Top
Side Effects: burning, stinging, redness or irritation, serious allergic reaction rare, precaution: breast feeding
Can be harmful if swallowed
Usage: Treats/prevents rough, dry, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations
Generic: Ampicillin
Trade: Ampicin, Apo-Ampi

Route/Dosage: Systematic infection GI/GU infection: Novo Ampicillin, Nu-Ampi, Omipen, Adult and child PO” 250-500 mg q6hr Child > 20 kg PO: 50-100 mg/kg/g 6hr
Bacterial menegitis: Adult IM/IV 500 mg 3g q6hr; Child IM/IV: 200-400 mg/in/doses
Gonorrhea: Adult and child > 45 kg PO: 3.5 g w/1g probenecid
Renal disease: Adult and Child: CCr 30-50 ml/min q6-8hr; CCr 10-30 ml/min dose q8-12hr; CCr<10 ml/min dose q12hr

Side Effects: CNS: coma, seizures
GI: pseudo-membranous colitis
GU: glomerulonephritis
HEMA: bone marrow depression, granulocutopia
Misc: Anaphylaxis, serum sickness, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrology

Precautions: Pregnancy (B), breastfeeding, nenates

Usage: Effective for gram-possitive cocci, gram-negative cocci, gram negative bacilli, gram-positive bacilli

Nursing Interventions: Assess: I & O ratio, Patient with compromised renal system, toxicity may occure, AST, ALT, WBC, Hgb and Hct, bleeding time, urinanalysis, protein, BUN, C&S before therapy, Bowel pattern, skin eruptions, respiratory rate, character, wheezing, chest tightness, Anaphylaxis
Generic: Ibuprofen
Trade: Advil, Motrin

Route/Dosage: PO Adults: anti-inflam 400-800 mg 3-4 times daily (not to exceed 3200/day)
PO Child 6 mo-1yr: anti inflame 30-50 mg/kg/day in 3-4 divided doses max dose 2.4 g/day PO Infants & Child: Analgesic 4-10 mg/kg/dose q 6-8 hr IV Adults: Analgesic 400-800 mg q 6 hr not to exceed 3200 mg/day PO Child OTC Dose: 6mo-1yr 50 mg q 6-8 hr every year after that add 50 mg

Side Effects: CNS: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, psychic disturbances
EENT: amblyopia, blurred vision, tinnitus
CV: arrhythmias, edema, hypertension,
GI: GI bleeding, hepatitis, constipation, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting
Syst: Anaphylaxis
Black Box: bleeding, stroke

Contraindications: Pregnancy (B) 1st and 2nd trimester

Precautions: Pregnancy (B) 1st & 2nd trimester, breastfeeding, children

Usage: Rhematoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, primary dysmenorrheal, gout, dental pain muscoskeletal disorders, fever, migraine

Nursing Interventions: Assess: reduce pain Evaluate: check urinary patterns, weight, edema, pain, fever, indicate nephroxicity, avoid alcohol, NSAIDS, salicylates, bleeding may occur
Hep B Vaccine
Generic: hepatitis B immune globulin
Trade: BayHep B, Nabi-HB, CA+C Pregnancy

Route/Dosage: IM Adults: .06 mL/kg (usual dose 3-5 mL) within 7 days of exposure repeated 28-30 days after exposure IM neonates: .5 mL within 12 hrs of birth

Side Effects: CNS: dizziness, faintness, malaise, weakness
Derm: pruritus, rashes, uticaria
Local: erythema IM site, pain, swelling, tenderness
MS: joint pain
Misc: anaphylactic shock and angioedema

Usage: Prevetion of hepatitis B, provides passive immunity, infection of P+S known to be exposed including neonates to HBg – Hg - + females

Nursing Interventions: Advise patient to report symptoms of anaphylaxis (hypotension, flushing, chest tightness, fever) Determine date of exposure (24 hrs) no later 7 days for injection
Generic: Epimorph, Astramorph
Trade: Morphine

Route/Dosage: Chldren: Subcut/IV: 0.05-0.2 mg/kg max 15 mg PO: 0.2-0.5 q 4-6

Side Effects: CNS: drowsiness, dizziness
CV: brachycardia, cardiac arrest, tachycardia & respiratory depression, thrombocytopemia, respiratory, depression

Usage: moderate to severe Px

Nursing Intervention: assess Px, location, type, character, constipation common, I+O ration check for decrease output, check respiratory <12/min.
Magnesium Sulfate
Pregnancy Cat A mineral electrolyte replacement supplements

Route/Doasge: Adults: IM/IV Severe def: 8-12 g/day in divided doses Mild: 1 g q 6 hrs for 4 doses of 250 mg/kg over 4 hr Children: IM/IV Children > 1 mo: 25-50 mg/kg/dose q 4-6 hrs for 3-4 dose, max single dose 2 g Neonates IV: 25-50 mg/kg/dose q 8-12 hrs for 2-3 doses

Side Effects: CNS: drowsiness
Resp: decreased respiratory rate
CV: arrhythmias, brachycardia, hypotension
GI: Diarrhea
MS: Muscle weakness
Derm: flushing, sweating
Metabolic: hypothermia

Indications: Tx/prevention hypomagnesium/Tx HT

Usage: Preterm labor, Tx torsade de pointes, anticonvulsant associated with severe eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, or acute nephritis

Nursing Interventions: Monitor pulse, BP, repirations, ECG, respiration should be 16 before each dose. Monitor newborns for hypotension, hyporeflexia, respiratory depression. Monitor intake and output ratios. Monitor serum M6 levels and renal function periodically
Generic: actis, fentora, onsolis, sublimaze

Route/Dosage: Anesthetic Adult IV 25-100mcg q 2-3 min prm Adult/Child >12 hrs IM/IV: 2-20 mcg/kg/ Neonate IV Bol; 0.5-3 mcg/kg/dose

Side Effects: bradycardia, arrest, hypo/hypertension, respiratory depression, arrest, laryngospasm, inhibits ascending pathways

Usage: controls moderate to severe Px, pre-post operation, anesthesia, premedication conscious sedation

Nursing Interventions: after parenteral route note min rigidity, hepatic and renal function tests CNS Assess: drowsiness, dizzy, allergic reaction, respiratory function
Vitamin K
Generic: Phytonadione, Mephyton
Trade: Vitamin K

Route/Dosage: Subcut PO/IM Adult: 2.5-25 mg Child PO: 2.5-5 mg Infant PO/IM: 2 mg Neonates IM: 0.5-1 mg within 1 hr after birth Hypoprothrombinemia caused by oral anti coagulants Adults PO/subcut/IM: 1-10 mg

Side effects: hemolytic anemia, hemoslohiaurea, bronchospasm, respiratory arrest, hyperbillirubinemia

Usage: prevention of hemorrhasic Dx of newborn, vit K malabsorption, prevention of hypoprothrombinemia caused by oral anticoagulants

Nursing Interventions: Assess bleeding, stools, urine, nutritional status foods for diet, report symptoms of bleeding