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43 Cards in this Set

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what kind of differences for drug are between very young or very old?
drug sensitivity in the very young results from?
organ system immaturity
drug sensitivity in elderly result largely from?
organ system degeneration
pediatrics cover all patients up to what age?
premature infants age
less then 36 weeks' gestational age
full term infants age
36 - 40 weeks' gestational age
neonates age
first 4 weeks
infants age
weeks 5 to 52
children age
1 - 12 years
adolescents age
12-16 years
Congress enacted two important laws in 2002 and 2003
- Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act
- Pediatric Research Equality Act
laws enacted by Congress are design to?
promote drug research in children
the drugs studied to date shows that....
about 20% were ineffective in children, even though they were effective in adults
organs that are not fully developed are reason for? (drug therapy)
for effects that are intense and prolonged
when administrating drug intravenously levels of drugs... ?---> And result of it????
decline more slowly in the infant then in the adult. --->drug levels in the infant remain above the minimum effective concentration (MEC) longer then in the adults ( prolonged effect!)
when administrating drug subcutaneously levels of drugs... ?---> it causes????
in the infants remain above the MEC longer than in the adult, levels rise higher, causing effect to be more intense as well as prolonged
Reason for why infants have heightened sensitivity for drugs?
immature state of five pharmacokinetics processes (thing body organs!)
immature five pharmacokinetics processes
- drug absorption
- protein binding
- exclusion of drugs from CNS by the blood-brain barrier
- hepatic drug metabolism
- renal excretion
In early infancy gastric emptying time is (oral administration)
prolonged and irregular
by the age of 6 to 8 months gastric emptying (oral administration)
reaches adult values
gastric acidity reach adult values by age of? (oral administration)
because of low acidity absorption is?(oral administration)
increased ( acidic drugs)
- delayed gastric emptying time (absorption) (oral administration)
- enhances absorption
- drug absorption fro m intestine is?(oral administration)
Why the precise impact of absorption is not predicable?(oral administration)
gastric emptying time is irregular
IM injection - drug absorption in neonate is??
slow and erratic
IM injection slow rate in neonate is due to?
low blood flow through muscle during the first days of postnatal life
absorption rate of IM injection by early infancy???
rapid than in neonates and ADULTS!!!
percutaneous absorption is?
greater than in older children and adults
greater percutaneous absorption increases?
rick of toxicity from topical drugs
During infancy binding of drug to albumin and other plasma proteins is?
reasons why during infancy binding of drug to albumin and other plasma proteins is limited
- amount of albumin is low
- endogenous compounds (fatty acids, bilirubin) compete with drugs for available binding sites
when protein binding reaches adult levels?
within 10 -12 months
why drugs cross easily BBB?
- brain is not fully developed at birth
drug metabolizing capacity in newborns is? And because of that?
low; neonates are sensitive to drug that are eliminated primarily by hepatic metabolism
By what age complete maturation liver happens?
1 year
By what age complete maturation of renal excretion happens?
when renal drug excretion is reduced?
at birth
body systems that have low secretion during infancy? (think excretion)
- renal blood flow
- glomerular filtration
- active tubular secretion
difference between metabolizing and excretion drugs between kiddos and adult?
kiddos metabolize drugs FASTER!!!!
when the kiddos reach metabolizing values of adults?
dosage formula
body surface area multiplied by adult dose over 1.73m(square)
promoting adherence:
- dosage size and timing
- route and technique of administration
-duration of treatment
-storage of drug
- desired outcome
-adverse responses