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20 Cards in this Set

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Atropine sulfate (trade, class, MoA)

Trade: atropine

Class: anticholinergic

MoA: a potent parasympatholytic that inhibits the actions of acetylcholine at receptor sites, suppressing the parasympathetic nervous system, reversing SLUDGE and increasing heart rate.

Atropine sulfate indications

Symptomatic bradycardia, nerve agent exposure, organophosphate exposure, pre-intubation in children

Atropine sulfate contraindications

Tachycardia, AMI,narrow or closed angle glaucoma, type 2nd or 3rd degree heart block, myasthenia gravis, GI obstruction

Atropine sulfate adverse

Tachycardia, anticholinergic effects,paradoxical bradycardia if pushed too slowly or in too small a dose, dysrhythmias

Atropine sulfate (onset, duration, dose)

Onset: rapid

Duration: symptomatic bradycardia: 0.5 mg IV/IO every 3-5 min to max dose of 3 mg. Organophosphate and nerve poisoning: 1-2 mg IV as needed to decrease cholinergic symptoms

Digoxin (trade, class, MoA)

Trade: lanoxin

Class: cardiac glycoside

MoA: alters ion transport across myocardial cell membrane causing an increase in intracellular calcium. This increases contractillity while decreasing heart rate

Digoxin indications

CHF, control ventricular rates in A-fib and a-flutter, narrow complex psvt

Digoxin contraindications

VF, VT, heart block, bradycardia, MI

Digoxin adverse

Dysrhythmias, visual disturbances, seizures, GI disturbances

Digoxin (onset, duration, dose)

Onset: 5-30 min IV

Duration: 3-4 day

Dose: individualized

Diltiazem (trade, class, MoA)

Trade: cardizem

Class: calcium channel blocker

MoA: blocks calcium moving into myocardial celss, slowing conduction, increasing AV node refractoriness, and dilating coronary and peripheral arteries

Diltiazem indications

PSVT/ SVT, A-fib or a-flutter with ventricular rate over 120 (not from WPW, etc.), multi-focal A-tach

Diltiazem Contraindications

Hypotension, heart block, heart failure, V-tach, AMI,cardiogenic shock, CHF

Diltiazem adverse

Bradycardia, hypotension, heart block, A-flutter, chest pain, CHF,ventricular dysrhythmias, syncope

Diltiazem (onset, duration, dose)

Onset: 2-5 min

Duration: 1-3 hours

Dose: 0.25 mg/kg IV/IO over 2 min. Repeated at 0.35 mg/kg overt 2 min if needed

Dobutamine (trade, class, MoA)

Trade: dubotrex

Class: sympathomimetic

MoA: agonize beta 1 and to a lesser degree beta 2 and alpha 1 receptors, increasing cardiac contractillity and stroke volume without increasing heart rate, thus increasing cardiac output.

Dobutamine indications

CHF, cardiogenic shock

Dobutamine contraindications

Suspected drug induced shock, hypotension with signs of shock, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. Use with caution in HTN, recent MI, dysrhythmias, or hypovolemia

Dobutamine adverse

HTN, tachycardia, PVCs, hypotension, palpitations, dysrhythmias

Dobutamine (onset, duration, dose)

Onset: 1-2 min (peaks after 10)

Duration: 10-15 min

Dose: 2 to 20 mcg/kg/min IV/IO based on inotropic effect. Doses higher than 20 mcg/kg/min that cause cause HR increase of more than 10% can exacerbate an MI