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51 Cards in this Set

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active comparator trial definition
Comparison of a
standard or conventional therapy
(active entity) to a new therapy
2 reasons you might want to do an active comparator trial
Placebo is not possible or is unethical
•New treatment has a potential advantage over proven treatment
4 ways a comparator might be better than proven treatment
–Lower costs
–Less adverse effects
–Simpler dosing regimen
–New treatment is less invasive
Active comparator must be proven effective in what conditions? (2) why?
–In the same patient population in which the control was originally shown to be effective
–In a placebo control trial (ideally in more than one study)
–Otherwise--- you could be comparing two ineffective therapies.
Use of a Placebo vs. Active Comparator
“In cases where an available treatment is known to prevent serious harm, such as death or irreversible morbidity in the study population, it is generally inappropriate to use a placebo control.”
when is it ok to use placebo
•“In other situations, where there is no serious harm, it is generally considered ethical to ask patients to participate in a placebo-controlled trial, even if they may experience discomfort as a result, providing the setting is non-coercive and patients are fully informed about available therapies and the consequences of delaying treatment.”
superiority trial
To determine if new therapy is superior to standard or conventional therapy
non inferiority trial
To determine if new therapy is no worse than or as good as the standard therapy by a pre-defined margin
equivalence trial
New treatment is similar to standard treatment (not better, not worse)
non inferiority vs. equivalence studies: confidence interval arrows
-non inferiority - one sided arrows- care mostly about one side of confidence interval

-equivalence studies- concerned with both sides of confidence interval
Active Comparator Trial Designs graphs
superiority trial hypothesis


statistical interpretation (what is used to gauge things)
superiority trial hypothesis: to show no difference exists

goal (alternative hypothesis): show meaningful difference exists between treatments

statistical interpretation used: p-value
non-inferiority/equivalence trial hypothesis


statistical interpretation (what is used to gauge things)
noninferiority or equivalence trial hypothesis: to show difference exists

goal (alt hypothesis): show meaningful difference does NOT exist

stat interpretation: CI
confidence interval measures what in an AC trial
A measure of the difference between treatment effects
interpret the 95% confidence interval range (what does it mean)
95% confidence interval is the range across which the results would probably fall 95 times if the trial were repeated 100 times
why is CI better than p value for AC studies
Provides more information than the p value in a non-inferiority study because it not only evaluates the null hypothesis but indicates the lower and upper bounds of the estimate
4 challenges of using an AC trial (study conduct requirements, study conduction, focus)
•Large sample size is necessary
•Active comparator must be proven effective
•Focus is on treatment difference
•Poor study conduct is frequently encountered
active comparator must be proven effective in what 2 conditions
–In the same patient population in which the comparator was originally shown to be effective
–In a placebo control trial (ideally in more than one study)
why is poor study conduct frequently encountered in AC trials
–No automatic check for internal validity (as in placebo controlled trial
Active comparator trials are not useful for
determining true effectiveness of the control or the drug
3 challenges in interpreting AC trials
•Understand the limitations of an ACT
–Lack of “superiority” does not mean “equivalence”
–“Non-inferiority” does not mean “equivalence”
•Poor reporting
–162 non-inferiority or equivalence trials were evaluated for quality of reporting
–33 (20%) satisfied reporting requirements (4/33 trials contained highly misleading conclusions)
Most common active comparator trial design
non inferiority trial
Non inferiority trials Aim to demonstrate what?
that the experimental treatment is not clinically worse in terms of effectiveness or safety compared to the standard treatment (active comparator)
for non inferiority trials, what do you have to determine prior to the trial (for comparisons)
•Necessary to determine a zone of clinical equivalence – non-inferiority margin (Δ)
definition of non inferiority margin

how to interpret
The maximum allowable difference between two treatments

The difference in treatment cannot be outside of the boundaries of the margin to claim “non-inferiority”
the correct way to choose non inferiority margin (when should you choose it, size (2), what its based on)
•Determine a priori
•Determine based on statistical reasoning and clinical judgment
•Smallest value that would be a clinically important effect
•Should be conservative (smaller) than the “clinically relevant” effect - (do not want the margin to be larger than the expected success of the control!!)
CI size and sample size relationship
Larger the CI, the smaller the sample size needs to be- so a lot of people use large CI
relationship between non inferiority margin, success rate and sample size
higher the success rate you want, the smaller the sample size can be (because odds of it being non inferior are higher due to wider margin)

the wider the inferiority margin, the smaller the sample size can be
What if the authors wanted to claim superiority for
the new treatment (assuming it actually performed
better than the control)?
can't do this
effect of a large margin on:
sample size
chance that inferior treatment appears non inferior

chance that non inferior treatment appears inferior
effect on sample size (can be smaller)
chance that inferior treatment appears non-inferior(goes up)
chance that non inferior treatment appears inferior (goes down)???
effect of a small margin on:
sample size
chance that inferior treatment appears non inferior

chance that non inferior treatment appears inferior
sample size: must be larger
chance that inferior treatment appears non-inferior: goes down
chance that non inferior treatment appears inferior: goes up
non inferiority trial bias (2)
• “Bias toward the null”
• Population Analysis Bias (using ITT)
what does bias towards the null mean?
No difference between active control and test treatment
results in a positive study
how to avoid bias towards the null (general)
Make sure factors that can dilute true differences between
treatments were avoided
specific things you can do in the trial to avoid bias towards the null (factors to avoid that dilute true difference) (7)
• Imprecise or poorly implemented entry criteria
• Poor blinding
• Poor compliance
• Drop-outs
• Recruitment of patients unlikely to respond
• Treatment crossovers
• Use of concomitant medications (treatments)
what type of data analysis is preferred for superiority trials? why (what does it lead to)
– ITT analysis is preferred for superiority trials
• Leads to smaller observed treatment effects than if all
patients adhered to the treatment
issue with using ITT analysis in non inferiority studies
– ITT analysis in non-inferiority can falsely lead to
the claim of non-inferiority
best way to do population analysis for non inferiority
PP (AKA “on treatment”, “microbiologically evaluable”,
etc.) and ITT analysis are important for non-inferiority
goal of superiority active comparator trial
Goal is to detect a difference between the new treatment (T) and the standard treatment (C)
superiority active comparator trials are most often designed when?
Most often designed when there are obvious new advances in therapy or the effect of the active comparator is small
superiority active comparator trial- sample size requirements
Requires very large sample size and if superiority is not shown, cannot easily switch to non-inferiority
Ho of superiority AC trial

research data aims to do what?
{non-superiority} ; research data will aim to reject the hypothesis so that T > C
point estimate
best estimate of the size of the difference between treatments
confidence interval and crossing zero (for superiority)
The two-sided confidence interval for the difference between the means excludes zero- it's ok to include zero for non inferiority??
things to keep in mind about superiority trials (sample size, validity, control)
Control must be effective
Remember there is no internal check for validity - bias
–The sample size may be too small (active control superiority trials require VERY large sample sizes)
lack of superiority and equivalence
–Lack of superiority ≠ equivalence
switching type of trials in superiority AC studies
–Can switch from non-inferiority to superiority if meet statistical requirements
equivalence- what is required for equivalence
•Two formulations whose rate and extent of absorption differ by less than -20% or +20% are generally considered bioequivalent (equivalent)
what is used to establish bioequivalence between 2 drug products/formulations?

give 3 examples
•Pharmacokinetic parameters of time-concentration curves (plasma or serum concentration)

–Peak plasma concentration achieved (Cmax)
–Time to achieve this peak concentration (Tmax)
–Area under the blood time concentration curve (AUC)
sample size- what to take into account when calculating

what to report (2)
take into account noninferiority/equivalence margin

report all elements necessary to reproduce calculation

report proportion of dropouts forseen
requirements for reporting conclusions
conclude noninferiority or equivalence ONLY if ITT and PP permit that and only use that vocab