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30 Cards in this Set

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fluoxetine, sertraline, or quinidine + codeine
decreased codeine effectiveness
quinidine, amiodarone, verapamil + digoxin
increases digoxin levels by 25-100%
lovastatin, atorvastatin, nifedipine + grapefruit juice
increased levels of lovastatin, atorvastatin, and nifedipine
St. John's wort, rifampin + cyclosporine
decreases levels of cyclosporine
erythromycin, ketoconazole, diltiazem + cyclosporine
increased levels of cyclosporine
warfarin + miconazole vaginal cream
increased effects of warfarin (anticoagulation)
diltiazem, verapamil + propranolol
increased (additive) effects of propranolol; excessive bradycardia
erythromycin, ciprofloxacin + theophylline
increases theophylline conc.
decreases erythromycin conc.
albuterol + propranolol
decreases bronchodilation (decreased effectiveness of albuterol)
NTG, isosorbide dinitrate + sildenafil(Viagra)
additive hypotension, b/c excessive dilation
Mg2+, Fe2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Al3+ + ciprofloxacin
decreases bioavailability of cipro
oral contraceptives + antibiotics
decreased effectiveness of oc (use backup!)
SMX-TMP(Bactrim), NSAIDs, ASA + methotrexate
increases methotrexate conc.
oral contraceptives + smoking
increased CV risk (stroke, MI, blood clots) in women over 35
warfarin + rifampin
decreased warfarin effectiveness
cimetidine, Bactrim, oxandrolone, amiodarone + warfarin
increased risk of bleeding (increased anticoagulation effects of warfarin)
NSAIDs, ASA + warfarin
increased risk of bleeding (increased anticoagulation)
NSAIDs + furosemide(Lasix)
decreased diuretic effects (decreased effectiveness of furosemide)
rifampin, St John's wort + nelfinavir, indinavir, ritonavir
decreases antiretroviral protease inhibitors levels, decreases their effectiveness and increasing chances of resistance
caffeine + ciprofloxacin
increases caffeine levels and effects
tricyclic antidepressants + clonidine
inhibits clonidine's antihypertensive effects
imipramine(tricyclic antidepressant) +
excessive increase in bp
azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine + allopurinol
increases toxicity of azathioprine by increasing it's bioavailability
(azathioprine ---> 6-MP)
itraconazole, gemfibrozil + simvastatin, lovastatin
reduced metabolism of statins
increased myopathy
cholestyramine, colestipol + pravastatin, fluvastatin
reduced absorption of statins
serotonin syndrome (dysfunction of CNS, autonomic and neuromuscular systems)
MAOIs + pseudoephedrine
severe hypertension
ACE inhibitors(captopril), spironolactone + potassium
increased levels of K
Ca2+, raloxifene(Evista) + thyroid hormone
reduced absorption of the thyroid hormone
lithium + NaCl
lithium levels change inversely proportional to Na levels