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65 Cards in this Set

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Severity of drug interaction: Rating 1
Established, probable or suspectied
Rating 2
Established, probable or suspectied
Rating 3
Established, probable or suspectied
Rating 4
Major or Moderate

Rating 5
Minor all classes

Possible or unlikely
bacteriostatic anti-biotics
bacteriocidal drugs require active cells so bacteriostatic drugs are antagonistic

Rating 2
tetracycline and

divalent or
trivalent cations
tetracycline chelates impairing antibiotic absorption - Serum teracycline reduced from 20-
100% with antacids
Metronidazole and alcohol
metronidazole inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrogenase resulting
in acetaldehyde accumulation - flushing, headache, palp, naus
Metronidazole and lithium
metro inhibits renal excretion of Li - Li toxicity - confusion,
ataxia and kidney damage
tetracyline and lithium
a single case report elevated lithium blood concentration and lithium toxicity with concomitant tetracyline administration
and digoxin
antiB reduce gut flora - especially Eubacterium lentum -
metabolises oral digoxin in 10% of people - elevated [digoxin]
manifests as salivation, visual disturbances and arrhythmias
Broad Spectrum antibiotics or Tetracycline
with warfarin (or anisindione)
antiB reduce gut flora that synthesize vit K - increased risk of
bleeding in patients with poor vitamin K intake

(Warfarin: antagonise vitamin K-dependant clotting factors
Erythromycin, clarithromycin
or metronidazole w/ warfarin
antiB decreases metabolism of warfarin increasing the INR-
haematuria, bruising, risk of serious bleeding and haematona formation
w/ drugs metabolized by CYP3A4/1A2 (example: following 10 drugs)
these antiB block metabolism of CYP3A4/1A2 increasing blood levels of drugs

Astemizole(H1 receptor antagonist)
cisapride (used to treat nightime heartburn)
ventricular arrhythmias -torsades de pointes - prolonged QT

(METRONIDAZOLE also increase cisapride blood levels)

(opioid analgesic)
enhanced and/or prolonged respiratory depression

(KETOCONAZOLE not implicated)

risk of adverse CNS effects, dyskinesias and hypotension


(anticonvulsant & analgesics: for treating epilepsy & trigeminal neuralgia)
risk of ataxia, vertigo, drowsiness and confusion

(Cardiac arrest reported in one child taking erythromycin)

increased immunosupression and nephrotoxicity

Felodipine & calcium channel blocker
risk hypotension, tachycardia, cardiac arrthmias & edema

or Methylprednisolone
risk cushing syndrome and immunosuppression

risk tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, tremors & seizure (except ketoconazole)

Lovastatin & possibly other statin
muscle pain and rhabdomyolysis
(skeletal muscle lysis)

pharmacokinetic intereaction demonstrated for azole antifungal drugs

Triazolam or oral midazolam
inc in blood levels of both benzodiazepines leading to inc in
sedative depth and duration

arrhythmias or heart block
(clinical report with erythromycin)
Penicillins, cephalosporins,
erythromycin, tetracyclines,
metronidazole w/ combined
Estrogen and progestin OCP
interfere w/ enterohepatic recycling of the E - leading to decreased
blood levels - unwanted pregnancy
Analgesics: presribed for < 5 Days
ACEi, diuretic and B-blockers

(NOT calcium channel blockers
an NSAID may be co-prescribed if required for 4 days or less

avoid in patients w/ severe congestive heart disease

caution in elderly or black patients
NSAID and Li
toxicity -

avoid combination OR NSAIDS should be prescribed for a very short term

use w/ elderly should be avoided
NSAID and anticoagulants
GI bleeds - high dosage aspirin is severity 1
NSAID and methotrexate
high dose should be avoided

low dosage methotrexate (for arthritis) little concern
NSAID and alcohol
GI bleeding
NSAID and digoxin
toxicity - combo avoided if elderly or renal disease
NSAID and cyclosporine
NSAID & other NSAID/acetaminophen
renal damage - if given long term
Aspirin & oral hypoglycemics
hypoglycemic effect can be increased
Aspirin and anticonvulsants
toxicity w/ valproic acid
Aspirin & carbonic anhydrase
Acetaminophen & alcohol -
acute ingestion
can be used if normal liver - in alcoholics or liver disease lower
max dosage (<4g/day)
Acetaminophen & alcohol
cessation after chronic use
liver damage - do not tell alcoholic to quit if on acetaminophen
Opioids and alcohol
additive sedation
Anaesthetics w/ opioid sedatn (mepivacaine with meperidine)
risk of local anaesthetic toxicity partic w/ children -reduce dose of local anesthetic
Meperidine and MAOIs
toxicity - aviod if taken MAOI in past 14 days
Summatn w/ CNS depressants:
diazepam and alcohol - antihistamines and barbiturates
CNS depression is additive for sedatives and anxiolytics; LOC,
resp depression & death are possible complications
Chloral hydrate and alcohol
each limits metabolism of other - depressn is > additive
Chloral hydrate and warfarin
compete for plasma protein binding of anticoagulant causes
Chloral hydrate & furosemide
rare diaphoresis, tachycardia, hypertension
Phenobarbital & valproic acid
elim of barbiturate is decreased; sedation prolonged and enhanced
Benzodiazepines & rifampicin
bioavailability of triazolam and oral midazolam is significantly reduced
Benzodiazepn & Carbamazepn
bioavailability of triazolam and oral midazolam is significantly reduced
Benziodiazepn&verapamil &
diltiazem & cimetidine(sev 3)
level of sedation is increased and prolonged
Benzodiazepin & erythromycin
& azole antimycotics
bioavailability of triazolam and oral midazolam is significantly INCREASED
Benzodiazepines & protease
inhibitors-indinavir, nelfinavir
bioavailability of triazolam and oral midazolam is significantly INCREASED
Summatn w/ local anaesthetics
: licocaine with bupivacaine
toxicity is additive - total dose should not exceed MRD

Total dose should not exceed combined maximum recommended doses or MRDS
Ester local w/ sulphonamide
procaine w/
procaine metabolite para-amino Procaine metabolite : para-amino benzoic acid may transiently
reduce sulphonamide antibiotic efficacy
Amide local w/ inhibitors of
metabolism -

lidocaine w/
cimetidine or w/ propranolol
Inhibition of local anaesthetic metabolism - will have little effect on peak plasma levels as a single injection
Local anaesthetic induced methaemoglobinaemia -

Prilocaine with dapsone
methaemoglobinemia usually results from prilocaine dosing in excess of MRD: increased risk may be possible when similar oxidising durgs are administered
Vasoconstrictor w/ TCA (levonordefrin with imipramine)
sympathomimetic effect may be enhanced - E cautiously

use of levonordefrin should be avoided
Vasoconstrictor w/ nonselectv
B - adrenoceptor antagonist

(epinephrine with propranolol)
hypertensive and/or cardiac reactions, vasoconstrictors should be used cautiously;
BP & HR should be monitored E w/ propranolol
Vasoconstrictors w/ general anaesthetic
poss cardiac arrythmias w/ some GA
(Halothane); consult anaesthesiologist
VasoC w/ antipsych or other
α-adrenoceptor blocker
(epinephrine and chlorpromazine)
hypotension from OD of antipsych may be worsened
E and chlorpromazine
VasoC w/ adrnergc neuronal
sympathomimetic effect may be enhancd-vasoC used cautiously
VasoC w/ local
systemic toxicity - self limiting
VasoC w/ thyriod hormone
cautiously if signs of hyperthy
summative when thyroid hormones are used in excess - vasoC used cautiously if signs of hyperthyroidsm are present
VasoC w/ monoamine oxidase inhibitor - (epinephrine and phenelzine)
No substantial evidence of an interaction