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16 Cards in this Set

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Calcium chloride

2-4mg/kg of a 10% solution slow IV push q 10 minutes Onset immediate supplied in prefilled syringe 1g in 10mL

Calcium Gluconate

500-1000mcg IV/IO slow @approximately 1-1.5mol/min Max dose 3g IV/IO Onset immediate supplied 10% solution (each mL contains 100mg) in 10 mL vial note do not administer by I'M or SQ


4-24mg IV/IO/IM

Peds: 0.2-0.4mg/kg max one dose Onset 4-6 hours

Dextrose 50%

25g IV push

Peds: 0.5g/kg dilute to 25% solution, neonates get 10% max 50g IV push Onset immediate supplied in 25g prefilled syringe


Status epileticus: 5-10mg slow IV/IO push

Anxiety: 2-5mg slow IV/IO push or I'M

Premed: 10-15mg IV/IO

Peds: 0.1-0.2mg/kg for status epileticus IV/IO/RECTAL

Onset is immediate but short duration (15-20min) comes supplied in 10mg/5mL vial (2mg/mL)


5mg IV/IO over 5 minutes; repeat in 5 min supplied 5mg/10mL


Nebulizer: 2.5mg diluted in 2.5mL over 15 minutes. MDI: 1-2 puffs (90mcg per spray) peds: 0.15mg/kg diluted to 2.5mL in neb max: repeat as needed Onset is rapid supplied in prefilled plastic ample with 2.5mg/2.5mL


0.5mg max of 3mg Onset immediate supplied in prefilled syringe 1mg/mL (0.1mg/mL)


3-5mg every 3-5 min until secretions dry (doses of 100mg have been reported) no max, Onset immediatr, supplied in prefilled syringe 1mg/10mL(0.1mg/mL)


5mg/kg IV/IO slowly over 20-30 min followed by infusion rate of 0.4mg/kg/hr is okay for non smoker but smokers need double and CHFers need half supplied in 500mL vial


Initial 6mg rapid IV push with 20mL saline flush. Repeat at 1-2 minutes with 12mg up to 2 times if no effect Onset immediate but half life of 10 seconds supplied in 6mg vial


Low: 2-5mcg/kg/min medium: 5-10mcg/kg/min high: 10-20mcg/kg/min max of 20mcg/kg/min Onset rapid <5min with peak in 5-8 min after starting infusion supplied in 400mg vial must be diluted Note:400mg/250mL or 800mg/500mL top yield 1600mcg/mL. Initial Dose 2-5mcg/kg/min then titrated to a systolic BP of at least 90 or reaching max dose


25-50mg slow IV/IO or IM. Max one dose Onset immediate supplied 2mg vial


0.25mg/kg (actual body weight) IV/IO over 2 min (2mg avg person) if inadequate response after 15min can give 2nd bolus 0.3mg/kg over 2 min consider pretreatment with Carl 3.3mL IV Onset immediate note dilute with NS or D5W put 10mL NS into 100mg vial to get 10mg/mL gently shake vial until mixed


V tach with pulse: 150mg/10 min (15mg/min); VT/VF: 300mg IV push followed by defibrillation attempt within 1 minute. May repeat at 3-5min with 150mg IV push if no change. Maintenence drip is 1mg/min for first 6 hours then 0.5mg/min thereafter. Peds: 5mg/kg IV/IO max VT with pulse 2.2g/24hours ; VT/VF: 400mg Onset immediate


325mg PO once. Not recommended for peds. Max 325mg. Onset 15-30min. Supplied in chew tablets