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46 Cards in this Set

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Class: Antidysrythmic

Ind: Symptomatic PSVT
SVT > QRS .12 sec if regular and monomorphic (wide complex tach)

Contra: 2nd or 3rd degree heart blocks, sick sinus syndrome

Prec: Dysrythmias (including blocks) common at time of conversion, caution w/asthma Pt

Side: Facial flush, headache, SOB, dizziness, N/V

Dose: 6 mg 1-2 sec push flush
12 mg same


Slows atrioventricular conduction
Class: Sympathomimetic
B2 selective

Ind: Asthma, bronchospasm from COPD, hypokalemia, anaphylaxis chronic bronchitis, emphaysema

Contra: Symptomatic tachy

Prec: High BP, HR and ECG, Pt. w/heart disease

Side: Palp, anxiety, headache, dizziness, sweating

Dose: A: 2.5 mg/3 ml
P: 0.15 mg/kg (0.03 ml/kg)


Class: Antidysrhythmic (Group III)

Ind: Life threatening dysrhythmias (V-tach, v-fib)

Contra: 2nd, 3rd blocks, atrioventricular block, sinus brady

Prec: heart failure

Side: Hypoten, N/V, anxiety, vent ectopic beats, malaise

A: Loading dose 150 mg over 10 min
Drip 1 mg/kg for 6 hours then 0.5 mg/min

P: 5mg/kg or 15mg/kg

Route: IV/oral

Slows sinus rate, raises PR and QT intervals, lowers vascular resistance
Class: Platelet inhibitor

Ind: New onset CP from MI, S/S recent stroke

Contra: Hypersensitivity

Prec: GI bleed, upset stomach

Side: Heart burn, N/V, wheezing

Dose: 160 or 325 mg
P: not recommended

Route: Oral
Class: Parasympatholytic

Ind: Hemodynamically bradycardia, Hypotension secondary to brady, organophospate poisoning

Contra: Tachy, Anterior MI, heart transplant


Side: dilated pupils, palp, blurred vision, anxiety, headache, dizziness, urinary retention

Dose: A:
Bradycardia : 0.5 mg every 3-5 min max of 3 mg or 0.4 mg/kg
Organo: 2-5 mg (0.5 - 1 mg boluses titrating to effect)

Bradycardia: 0.02 mg/kg

Route: IV, IM, ET (2x dose)

Blocks acetylcholine receptors, raises HR, raises AV conduction, lowers GI secretions
Class: Diuretic

Ind: CHF, pulm edema

Contra: preg, dehydration

Prec: dehydration

Side: None

Dose: A: 0.5 - 1.mg

Route: IV/IM

Prevents reabsorption of NaCL (sod chloride), slight vasodilater
Calcium Chloride
Class: Electrolyte

Ind: Hyperkalemis, hypocalcemia, CCB OD, muscle spasm due to spider bite and portuguese man-of-war stings

Contra: Digitalis, VF, hypercalemia

Prec: IV flush between calcium chlor and sodium bicarb

Side: Dysrhythmias (bradcardia, asystole), hypoten

A: 2-4 mg/kg of 10% solution, repeat every 10 min
500 - 1,000mg over 5-10 min

P: 5 - 7 mg/kg of 10% solution
20 mg/kg per dose

Route: IV

Raises contractility
CL- fluid balance and renal funct
Ca+ myocard conduct, contraction, nervous impulse trans
(Thorazine, Largactil)
Class: Tranquilizer (Phenothiazine)

Ind: Psychotic episodes, alcohol withdrawal

Contra: Comatose states, presence of sedatives,

Prec: Ortho hypotension

Side: Phys and mental impairment, drowsiness

A: 25- 50 mg
P: 0.5 mg/kg

Route: IM

Blocks dopamine receptors
Dextrose 50%
Class: Carbohydrate

Ind: Hypoglycemia

Contra: None

Prec: Blood sample prior to admin, ICP or intracranial hemorrhage

Side: Venous irritant

A: 25g/50ml
P: 0.5g/kg diluted 1:1 water to make 25% solution

Route: IV

Raise blood glucose
Class: Tranquilizer

Ind: Seizures, status epilepticus, anxiety, premed to cardioversion

Contra: hypersensitivity

Prec: Venous irritation, short duration, CNS depressant

Side: Drowsiness, hypotension, respiratory depress and apnea

Dose: A: Status epil- 5-10 mg IV
anxiety - 2-5 mg IM/IV
premed cardioversion - 5-15 mg IV

P: status epil - 0.1 - 0.2 mg/kg

Route: Slow IV, IM, rectal

Anticonvulsant, skeletal muscle relaxant, sedative
Class: Cardiac glycoside

Ind: CHF, rapid atrial dysrhythmias (a-fib, a-flutter)

Contra: Digitalis od, V-fib

Prec: recent MI,

Side: N/V, dysrhythmias, yellow vision

Dose: A- 0.25 - 0.50 mg

Route: IV

Increases cardiac contractility, card output, reduces edema, slows atrioventricular conduction
Class: Antihistamine

Ind: Anaphylaxsis, allergic reaction, dystonic reaction from phenothiazines

Contra: Asthma, nursing mothers

Prec: Hypotension, CNS depressants, ETOH

Side: Sedation, dries bronch secretion, blurred vision, headache, palp

A: 25-50mg
P: 1-2mg/kg

Route:IV, IM, IO

Blocks histamine receptors
Class: Calcium Channel Blocker

Ind: Control A-fib, Flutter and CP

Contra: Hypoten, wide complex tachy, WPW, preggers, Digoxin

Prec: Other CCB, keep cool

Side: Hypoten, N/V, dizziness

15 min interval between 1st and 2nd dose
1st Dose: 0.25 mg/kg bolus (20mg) in 2 min
2nd Dose: 0.35 mg/kg bolus (25 mg) 2-3 min
Maint drip 5-15 mg/kg in 1 hour

Route: IV, Drip

Slows AV node, vasodilator, lowers mycardio O2 demands
Class: Sympathomimetic

Ind: hypotension from cardiogenic shock

Contra: hypovolemic shock

Prec: presence of tachy dysrhythmias (V-vib, v-tach)

Side: Vent tachydysrhythmias, HTN, palp

A: Intial 2-5 mcg/kg up to 800 mg/500ml of D5W giving 1,600 mcg/kg

P: 2-20 mcg/kg

2-5 mcg vasodialation in renal
5-10 mcg anti-diuretic, contractility/conductility/automacticity
10-20 mcg raises myocardial contractility, vasoconstriction

Route:IV drip

Raises cardiac contractility, peripheral vasoconstriction
Epinenphrine 1:1,000
Class: Sympathomimetic

Ind: Bronch asthma, COPD, allergic reaction, ped card arrest after initial epi dose

Contra: Pt w/underlying cardiovascular disease, HTN, preggers, tachy dysrythmias

Prec: High BP, P, ECG, protect from light

Side: Palp, tachy, anxiety, headache

A: 0.3- 0.5 mg
P: 0.01 mg/kg max .3 mg

Route: Sub Q

Drip: 1 mg/250 ml (1-5 mcg 1 min)

Class: Sympathomimetic

Ind: Card arrest, anaphylactic shock, severe reactive airway disease

Contra: Used in Pts. that do not need extensive resuscitative efforts

Prec: Keep out of light, can be neutralized by alkaline solutions

Side: palpitations, anxiety, N/V

Dose: A: Cardiac arrest: 0.5- 1.0 mg every 3-5 min
Anaphylaxis : 0.3 - 0.5

P: 0.01 mg/kg. 1/1,000 used subsequent dosages 0.1 mg/kg

Route: IV, IV drip, ET

Raises HR, contractile force, myocardial electrical activity, sys vascular resistance, BP and bronchodilator
Class: Sedative, Hypnotic

Ind: Induction agent RSI, Addison's disease

Contra: Hypersensivity

Prec: Hypotension, severe asthma or cardiovascular disease

Side: Apnea, laryngospasm

A: 0.1-0.3 mg/kg over 15-30 sec
P: Over 10 same as A
Under 10 not indicated

Route: IV

Lower ICP
Class: Benzodiazipine antagonist

Ind: Reverse resp depression and sedative effects from Benzo OD


Prec:Short duration, do not give for Tricylclic (Cocaine) OD, seizure


Dose: 0.2 mg IV over 30 sec (max 1 mg)
0.3 mg IV over 30 sec
0.5 mg IV in a min max 3 mg

Route: IV bollus
Class: Diuretic

Ind: CHF, pulm edema

Contra: pregnancy, dehydration

Prec: protect from light, dehydration

Side: None

Dose: A: 40-80 mg
0.5 - 1.0 mg/kg IV push max 2 mg/kg

P: 1 mg/kg

Route: IV

Inhibits reabsorption of NaCL, vasodilater
Class: Hormone, Antihypoglycemic agent

Ind: Hypoglycemia, Beta blocker OD (2nd round if CaCl doesn't work)

Contra: Hypersentivity

Prec: Must be sufficient glycogen stored in liver, caution with cardiac and renal PT, blood sugar before and after admin

Side: Tachy, Hypotension, N/V, Uticaria

IM 1.0 mg (Max 3 mg)

Under 6 0.5 mg
Over 6 1.0 mg

Route:IV, IM

Breaks down glycogen into glucose
Raises blood glucose, card contractility and HR
Class: Tranquilizer (Butyrophenone)

Ind: psychotic episode

Contra: Not with other sedatives

Prec: Orthostatic hypotension

Side: phys and mental impairment

A: 2-5 mg
P: .05 - .15 mg/kg

Route: IM

Antiemetic, blocks dopamine receptors
Class: Anticholinergic

Ind: Bronchospasm from asthma, emphysema

Contra: Soy allergy, peanut allergies

Prec: monitor vitals, narrow angle glacoma

Side: Palp, dizziness, anxiety, headache

Dose: 0.5 in 2.5mls via neb

Route: Inhalation

(Trandate, Normodyne)
Class: Sympathetic blocker

Ind: HTN

Contra: Broncho asthma, CHF, heart block, bradycardia, cardiogenic shock

Prec: ECG, monitor BP, pulse, atropine on hand

Side: Bradycardia, heart block, CHF, bronhospasm, hypoten

A: 10 mg slow IV push over 2 min
40 mg repeated in 10 min until supine BP obtained
OR max out at 300 mg

200mg/500ml D5W to get 2mg/min

Route: IV infusion, IV bolus slow

Selectively blocks A receptors and nonselectively blocks B receptors
Class: Antidysrhythmic

Ind: PVCs, Vtach, Vfib, local anesthetic

Contra: High degree heart blocks, PVCs w/bradycardia

Prec: Do not exceed 300mg/HR, Half dose for PT over 70

Side: Anxiety, dizziness, N/V, widening QRS

A: Initial bolus 1-1.5 mg/kg (3 mg/kg)
add bolus 0.5-0.75 mg/kg every 3-5 min

P: 1mg/kg

Local Anesthetic: .25 mg/kg IO

Route: IV bolus

Suppresses ventricular ectopic activity, raises Vfib threshold, slows impulse through conduction sys
Class: Tranquilizer (Benodiazipine)

Ind: Seizures, status elipticus, premed for cardioversion, acute anxiety

Contra: Hypotension, narrow angle glaucoma, head injuries

Prec: Short duration, Flumazenil should be avail,

Side: Drowsiness, hypoten, resp depression, apnea

A: 2-4 (4.0mg max) seizures
0.05 mg/kg (max 4 mg) anxiety
P: 0.05 - 0.2 mg/kg (max 2 mg)

Route: IV, IM, Rectal

Anticonvulsant, sedative
Magnesium Sulfate
Class: Anticonvulsant, Antidysrhythimc

Ind: Torsades, severe refactory v-fib or pulseless V-tach, eclampsia

Contra: Shock, hear block

Prec: Not used with digitalis, antidote should be avail for resp failure, caution with renal fail pt

Side: resp depression, flushing, drowsiness

Dose: 1-4g

Route: IV, IM

CNS depressant, anticonvulsant, antidepressant
Class: Osmotic Diurectic

Ind: Acute cerebral edema, blood transfusion reactions

Contra: Pulm edema, dehydrated PTs

Prec: Rapid admin

Side: Pulm congestion, sodium depletion

A: 1.5 - 2 g/kg

P: 0.25 - 5 g/kg over 1 hour

Route: IV

Lowers cellular edema
Raises urinary output
Class: Steroid

Ind: Anaphylaxsis, Asthma, COPD

Contra: None

Prec: Maint dose 2-6 hours after onset

Side: GI bleed, prolonged wound healing

A: 125-250 mg
P: 30 mg/kg

Route: IV, IM

Anti inflammatory, suppresses immune response
Class: Tranquilizer (Benzodiazipine)

Ind: Premed for cardioversion, acute anxiety

Contra: Shock, narrow angle glaucoma

Prec: Dilute in D5W, Resp depression common w/other benzo, keep Flumazenil avail

Side: Drowsiness, hypoten, amnesia, resp depression and apnea

A: 1.0 - 2.5 mg or 0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg
P: 0.03 mg/kg

Route:IV, Oral

Hypnotic, Sedative
Class: Narcotic

Ind: Severe pain, Pulm edema

Contra: Head injury, vol depletion, ab pain

Prec: Resp depress, hypoten, nausea, Narcan should be avail

Side: Dizziness, alt LOC

A: IV: 2-5mg followed by 2 mg until pain gone or resp depression ensues

IM: 5-15mg based on wt

P: 0.1 - 0.2 mg/kg

Route: IV, IM

CNS depressant, peripheral vasodilation, lowers sensitivity to pain
Class: Narcotic agonist

Ind: Narcotic OD, synthetic analgesic OD

Contra: Hypersensitivity

Prec: Short lasting, cause withdrawal and should be augmented every 5 min. NO coma cocktail

Side: None

Dose: A: 1 -2 mg
P: under 5 0.1 mg/kg
over 5 2.0 mg

Class: Antianginal

Ind: Angina

Contra: Children under 12, Hypotension

Prec: Protect from light, short shelf life, syncope may occur

Side: Headache, dizziness, hypotension

Dose: 1 Tablet every 3-5 min max 3
Spray SL 0.4 mg every 3-5 min max 3 in 15 min

Route: SL

Smooth muscle relax, reduces card work, dilates coronary and sys arteries
Class: Sympathomimetic

Ind: BP less than 70 refactory to other sympathomimetics, neurogenic shock

Contra: Hypotensive do to hypovolemia

Prec: counter acted by alkaline solutions, monitor BP, necrotic

Side: Anxiety, palp, headache, HTN

Dose: A: 0.5 - 30 mcg/kg
P: 0.01 - 0.5 mcg/kg

Route: Placed in 500 ml of D5W giving a concentration of 16 mcg/ml

peripheral vasoconstriction
Class: Narcotic agonist

Ind: CP, burns, frostbite, sickle cell, extremity injury

Contra: None

Prec: Pts under 18, other depressants have additive effects

Side: N/V, Hypoten, HTN, sweaty, sedation

A: 2.5 mg over 2 min
Under 50kg max 5 mg
Over 50 kg max 10 mg

P: 0.1 mg/kg

Route: IV

Acts within 2-3 min lasts 3-6 hours
Class: Hormone

Ind: Postpartum vag bleeding

Contra: Any other than Post vag bleed

Prec: Placenta deliver first, no other fetus

Side: Anaphylaxsis, cardiac dysrhythmia

IV 10-20 units in 500ml of D5W
IM 3-10 units

Route: IV, IM

Causes uterine contraction, stops vag bleed postpartum
Class: Calcium channel blocker, antiarrhythmic

Ind: A-fib RVR w/rate over 150 and QRS greater than .12, WPW, wide complex tachy (refractory to Lido)

Contra: 2nd and 3rd blocks, hypoten

Prec: Hypoten, MI Pts, widening QRS

Side: Hypoten, N/V, dizziness, arrhythmias

A: 20mg/min
Maint 1-4 mg/min

Max (reasons to stop me):
QRS widens by 50%
Max dose 17mg/kg
Rhythm abolished

P: 15mg/kg

Route: IV bolus, Drip

Raises ventricular fib threshold, suppress ventricular ectopy, increases refractory period of atria
Class: Phenothiazine, antihistamine, H1 antagonist

Ind: N/V, sedation to potentiate analgesics

Contra: Comatose states, alcohol or other depressants

Prec: Avoid interstitial inject

Side: Drowsiness, impair phys and ment

A: 12.5 - 25mg
P: 0.5mg/kg

Route:IV, IM

Anticholinergic, antimetic
Sodium Bicarbonate
Class: Alkalizing agent

Ind: Late cardiac agent, Tricyclic OD, acidosis refractory to hyperventilation

Contra: Alkalotic state

Prec: Correct dose needed, can deactivate catechlamines, gives high sodium level

Side: Alkalosis

Dose: A: 1mEq/kg
followed by 0.5 mEq/kg every 10 min

P: Same

Route: IV

Raise pH
Sodium Nitrate
Class: Nitrate, Cyanide antidote

Ind: Cyanide poisoning

Contra: Not to asymptomatic Pt

Prec: Hypotension w/rapid admin

Side: hypotension

A: 300 mg IV, 1/2 orig dose as needed for 30 min

P: 10 mg/kg IV, 1/2 Same

Route: IV

Converts hemoglobin to methemoglobin
Class: Neuromuscular Blocking agent (polarizing)

Ind: paralysis for RSI

Contra: hypersensitivity

Prec: O2/airway tools avail

Side: paralysis, bradycardia, hypotension

A: 1 - 1.5mg/kg (40-100mg)
P: 1mg/kg

Route: IV

paralysis of skeletal muscle
Class: Histamine H2, receptor antagonist

Ind: Hypersensitivity

Contra: None

Prec: Arrhythmias

Side: Hypotension

A: 300 mg Piggy back over 5-10 min
P: 5-10mg/kg over 5-10 min

Route: IV, IM

Inhibits action Histamine at H2 receptors
Class: Sympathomimetic

Ind: Bronch asthma, COPD, pre-term labor

Contra: Hypersensitivity

Prec: Monitor ECG, BP, Pulse

Side: Palp, tachy, PVCs, anxiety, headache, tremors

A: MDI 2 puffs 1 min apart
Sub Q 0.25 repeat 15-30 min

P: 0.01mg/kg Sub Q

Route:Inhalation, IV Drip, Sub Q

Bronchodilator, Raises HR
Thiamine Hydrochloride
Class: Vitamin B1

Ind: AMS, DTs, Wernickes or Korsakoff's

Contra: None

Prec: Admin prior to D50

Side: None

A: 100mg

Route: IV, IM
Class: Hormone

Ind: Card arrest

Contra: None

Prec: None

Side: Blanching of skin, raise BP, bradycardia

Dose: 40 units (single dose only)

Works well in acidic environment (good for prolonged downtime)

Potent vasoconstrictor, Antidiuretic hormone

Class: Neuromuscular blocking agent

Ind: Paralysis for intubation

Contra: hypersensitivity

Prec: paralysis occurs in 1 min and last 30

Side: hypotension, bradycardia

A: 0.08-0.1 mg/kg

P: 0.1 mg'kg

Route: IV

skeletal muscle relaxant
(Isoptin, Calan)
Class: Cal Chan Block


Contra: Heart block, conduction sys disturb

Prec: Pt on Beta blockers, Hypoten

Side: N/V, dizziness, hypoten

A: 2.5 - 5mg, repeat 5-10 mg after 15 min, max is 30mg in 30 min

0-1 years: 0.1 - 0.2 mg/kg (max 2.0mg)
1 - 15 years 0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg (max 5.0 mg)

Route: IV

Slows conduction through AV node
Inhibits reentry during PSVT
Lower rate of ventricular response
Lower myocardial O2 demand