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109 Cards in this Set

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Morphine Classification
Opioid (narcotics)
Schedule II – high abuse potential
Morphine Drug Interactions
Increased CNS depression when given with other CNS depressants
Note: Two weeks between MAO inhibitors and opiods
Morphine Nursing Implications
Indication: relief of moderate to severe pain
ADE: CNS depressant, slows GI motility, sedation
Monitor: Pain level, Resp rate (hold for RR < 8), BP (hypotension), Bowel sounds, sedation, euphoria
Nsg care: C&DB q 2hr, prevent constipation, safety issues
Morphine Route and Dose
PO: 10-30 mg q4hr
IM/SC: 5-20 mg q 4hr
IV: 2.5-15mg q 4hr
PCA: 0.01-0.04 mg/kg/hr

NOTE: Morphine is a non-ceiling drug
Demerol Classification
Opioid (narcotics)
Schedule II – high abuse potential
Demerol Interactions
Increased CNS depression when given with other CNS depressants
Note: Two weeks between MAO inhibitors and opioids
Demerol Nursing Implications
Indication: relief of moderate to severe pain
ADE: CNS depressant, slows GI motility, sedation
Monitor: Pain level, Resp rate (hold for RR < 8), BP (hypotension), Bowel sounds, sedation, euphoria
Nsg care: C&DB q 2hr, prevent constipation, safety issues
Demerol Route and Dose
IM/SC/PO/slow IV: 50-150 mg q3-4hr
Narcan Classification
Opioid Antagonist
(Opioid antidote)
Narcan Interactions
No action if no opioids
Narcan Implication
Indication: Opioid overdose
ADE: Instant withdraw if pt is addicted to opioids
Monitor: Narcan has a shorter duration of action than most opioids so dose may need to be repeated so monitor RR, LOC, and BP
Nsg care: watch for s&s of withdrawal in the opioid dependent pat
Narcan Route and Dose
IV/IM/SC/ET 0.4-2mg, repeat q2-3hrs PRN
Asprin Classification
Asprin Interaction
Oral anticoagulants, aminoglycosides, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, digoxin, Dilantin, steroids, and others
Asprin Implications
ndications: relief of mild to moderate pain
ADE: bleeding, gastric ulcers, N/D, pedal edema
Monitor: pain level, S&S of bleeding, CBC, PT, platelet count, bronchospasm in pts with NSAID hypersensitivity or asthma.
Nsg Care: give with meals or antacids, assess for bleeding, not for children < 12
Asprin Dose and Route
For pain relief PO: PO/PR 325-650mg q4-6hr PRN
For TIA or MI prophylaxis PO: 81-325mg q day
Ibuprofen Classification
Ibuprofen Interaction
Oral anticoagulants, aminoglycosides, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, digoxin, Dilantin, steroids, and others
Ibuprofen Implications
Indications: relief of mild to moderate pain
ADE: bleeding, gastric ulcers, N/D, pedal edema
Monitor: pain level, S&S of bleeding, CBC, PT, platelet count, bronchospasm in pts with NSAID hypersensitivity or asthma.
Nsg Care: give with meals or antacids, assess for bleeding
Ibuprofen Route and Dose
PO: 200-800 mg 4 times a day
Epinephrine Classification
Adrenergic (stimulates SNS alpha and beta 1&2)

AKA sympathomemetic or catecholamine or Inotrope
Epinephrine Interaction
Epinephrine Implication
Indications: + inotropic, + chronotropic, bronchodilation so used to treat bradycardia, hypotension, bronchoconstriction, cardiac arrest
ADE: tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypertension, peripheral vasoconstriction, hyperglycemia, angina
Monitor: ECG, HR, BP, blood sugar, breath sounds
Nsg Care: titrate to keep HR and BP WNL
Epinephrine Route and Dose
Cardiac arrest: IV 0.5-1mg q 3-5 min
Asthma/Anaphylaxis: SC 0.1-0.5 mg or IV 0.1-0.25 mg
IV prep: 1 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS
Beta Blockers:

Prototype: Propranolol (Inderal) Classification
Beta adrenergic blocker (block the action of the SNS)

AKA antidysrhythmic, Antianginal, antihypertensive
Propranolol Interactions
Propranolol Implication
Indications: treats HTN, angina, Migraines, some tachyarrhythmia,
ADE: postural hypotension, bradycardia, fatigue, bronchoconstriction – avoid use w/ asthma & COPD, avoid abrupt withdrawal, masks symptoms of hypoglycemia
Monitor: BP, HR, breath sounds, chest pain
Nsg Care: change position slowly, hold if systolic < 90 or HR (apical) is < 50.
Propranolol Route and Dose
PO or IV dose determined by the individual drug and what is being treated
Digoxin Classification
Cardiac glycoside

AKA Antidysrhythmic, Inotrope
Digoxin Interactions
Multiple Drugs!!
Digoxin Implication
Indications: heart failure, atrial fib & flutter
ADE: bradycardia, n/v, visual disturbances: diplopia, “halos”
Monitor: HR, serum K & Ca level, dig level (therapeutic is 0.5-2.0)
Nsg Care: hold if apical HR < 60 bpm, Hold 24-48 hr prior to cardioversion, excreted almost entirely unchanged by the kidney
Digoxin Route and Dose
Loading dose: 0.75mg divided into 3 doses given over a24 hr. period.
Maintenance: PO/IV 0.125-0.5mg
If IV give slowly over 5 minutes, dilute with 4 fold or > D5W or NS
Catapres Classification
Catapres Interactions
Catapres Implications
Indications: HTN
ADE: hypotension, dry mouth, drowsiness
Nsg Care: Do not stop suddenly
Ctapres Route and Dose
PO 0.1-0.3 mg BID
SL 0.2-.4 mg BID
Ext Rel 0.17 mg PO q HS
Transdermal 100mcg, change q wk
Nitroglycerine Classification
IV: Tridil
SL: NitroStat
Transdermal (patch): Nitro-Dur
Nitroglycerine Interactions
W/in last 24 hrs if sildenafil (Viagra) was taken → hypotension
Nitroglycerine Implications
Indications: Angina
ADE: headache, hypotension, tachycardia, flushing, dizziness, N/V
Monitor: ECG, HR, BP, chest pain
Nsg Care: Assess chest pain
Nitroglycerine Dose and Route
PO 2.5-9mg q 8-12 hr
IV: 50 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS, give 3mL/hr (10mcg/min)
SL: 0.3-0.6 mg q 5 min
Patch: 1 patch q day, remove at night.
Lasix Classification
Loop diuretic
Lasix Interactions
Lasix Implication
Indications: Edema, HTN, acute pul edema, CHF
ADE: hypokalemia, FVD
Monitor: serum K, I&O, daily wt
Nsg Care: give in the morning, assess breath sounds, urine output, increase K in diet or by supplement
Lasix Rose and Dosage
PO 20-320 mg q day or BID
IV 20-40mg over 1-2 minutes
Heparin Classification
(Best at preventing venous clot formation)
Heparin Interactions
Oral anticoagulants, NSAIDs, ASA increase risk of bleeding.
Multiple drug incompatibilities IV or in the syringe.
Heparin Implications
Indications: prophylaxis & tx of venous thrombus, Pul emboli
ADE: bleeding, thrombocytopenia
Monitor: S&S of bleeding, platelet count,
Nsg Care: Antidote is Protamine, safety: “U” must be written out “units”
Heparin Route and Dosage
IV: loading dose IV bolus 5000 unit s
IV drip: 25,000 units in 500 mL D5W, adjust rate to keep aPTT in therapeutic range (38-70 sec) of 1.5-2.5x norm (25-35 sec)
SC: 2500-10,000 units q 12 hr. (prophylactic low dose SC may not need to check aPTT)
Coumadin (warfarin) classification
Oral Anticoagulant
(Best at preventing venous clot formation)
Coumadin interactions
Diet hi in Vit K decreases effect

Multiple drug interactions
Coumadin implications
Indications: prevention in hi risk for or hx of DVT, pul emboli, atrial fib, mechanical heart valve replacement
ADE: bleeding
Monitor: PT/INR
Nsg Care: Antidote is Vit K, INR/or PT must be regularly checked
Coumadin route and dosage
PO 2-15 mg based on PT or INR(best!)
(INR therapeutic level 2.0-3.0)
PT: norm -12-13 sec, therapeutic 1.5-2x norm = 18 -26 sec)
Fragmin (dalteparin) Classification
Low-molecular-weight heparin
(Best at preventing venous clots)
Fragmin Interaction
Fragmin Implications
Indications: prevention of DVT
ADE: thrombocytopenia
Monitor: does not require monitoring of aPTT
Nsg Care:
Fragmin Dosage and Route
SC: 2500-5000 IU qd
Aminophylline Classification
Aminophylline Interactions
Aminophylline Implications
Indications: asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema
ADE: tachycardia, N, CNS excitement, insomnia, tremor, seizures
Monitor: therapeutic levels: 10-20 mg/L
Nsg Care: HR, breath sounds, O2 sat, color, RR, use of accessory muscles, push fluids
Aminophylline Route and Dosage
IV/PO: Load 6-7 mg/kg
IV 0.4-0.6 mg/kg/hr.
PO 3.125mg/kg q6
Aminoglycosides Classification
gentamycin sulfate
Gentamycin Sulfate Interactions
Do not mix with PCN, give 2 hrs. apart
Gentamycin Sulfate Implications
Indications: gram-negative bacilli infections, Kanamycin & Neomycin given PO as part of pre-op bowel prep
ADE: ototoxicity (damage to 8th CN), nephrotoxicity
Monitor: peak (4-12 mg/L), trough (1-2 mg/L), renal & auditory function
Nsg Care: check C&S, assess hearing, tinnitus; BUN & Creatine, urine output
Gentamycin Sulfate Route and Dosage
IV: 3-6 mg/kg/day ÷ q 8 hr.
Dose often based on lean body weight and serum Creatine

Mix dose in 50-200 mL NS or D5W, infuse over ½-2 hrs.
Septra Classification
Septra Interactions
Not in late pregnancy, infants < 2 months, lactating mothers → kernicterus
Septra Implications
Indications: UTI
ADE: crystalluria, stone formation
Nsg Care: BS as hypoglycemic meds can decrease BS
Septra Dosage and Route
PO: 160 mg BID
Prednisone Classification
Prednisone Interactions
Contraindicated in pts w/ systemic fungal infection or TB
Prednisone Implications
Indications: treat Allergic rx, anti-inflammatory, immune suppressive
ADE: HTN, gastric ulcers, Cushing’s, DM, delayed wound healing, osteoporosis, mood swings
Monitor: BP, S&S of infection, Bl sugar,
Nsg Care: pt education
Prednisone Route and Dosage
PO 5-60 mg/day div BID-QID, decreasing the dose each day
Xanax Classification

CNS depressant
Xanax Interactions
Xanax implications
Indications: anxiety, panic disorder
ADE: sedation, resp depression,
Nsg Care: Antidote: Romazicon, slowly taper to discount long term use
Xanax dosage and route
PO: 0.25-2 mg TID/QID
Dilantin Classification

Schedule IV
anti seizure
Dilantin Interactions
Do not mix w/ D5NS, D5W, LR, 1/2NS
Dilantin Implications
Indications: seizures – tx or prevention, status epilepticus,
ADE: gingival hyperplasia, drowsiness, fatigue,
Monitor: dental check q 3-6 months
Nsg Care: pt ed to not stop meds
Dilantin Dosage and Route
IV: slowly, no more than 50 mg/min
IV loading: 10-15 mg/kg at 25-50 mg/min, then 100 mg IV/PO q6-8 hr.
Only mix w/ NS
Phenothiazine Classification
Prototype: Thorazine (chloropromazine)
“Typical” or 1st generation
Also antiemetic
Phenothiazine Interactions
CNS depressant, avoid concomitant use of other CNS depressants
Phenothiazine Implications
Indications: psychosis, N/V (Compazine), intractable hiccoughs
ADE: CNS depressant, sedation, extrapyramidal effects, postural hypotension, leucopenia, avoid skin contact w/ liquid – an irritant.
Monitor: WBC, safety 2nd to sedation, BP
Nsg Care: Can be a chemical restraint – if so, need an order.
Phenothiazine Route and Dosage
PO 200-800 mg/d
Best given before bed
IM: 25-50mg
Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide) Classification
(Alkylating agent)
Works by interfering with DNA replication
Cytoxan Interactions
+ Aminoglycoside = kidney toxicity
+ Furosemide = ototoxicity
Cytoxan Implications
Indications: treats cancer, chemotherapy
ADE: N/V, alopecia, bone marrow suppression, GI toxicity, hemorrhagic cystitis
Monitor: CBC, platelets, K, I&O, renal function, & hearing or tinnitus
Nsg care: hydration, prevent hypokalemia, give antiemetic. Follow hospital guidelines .
Cytoxan Dosage and Route
IV: 40-50 mg/kg in ÷ doses
PO 1-5 mg/kg
Rapid Insulin
Humalog onset
10-15 min
Peak and Duration of Humalog
1h peak
3h duration
Indication of Humalog
rapid reduction of BS
Short Action Insulin
Regular R
Regular R insulin onset
1/2-1 hour
Regular R Insulin peak and duration
peak 2-3 hours
duration 4-6 hours
Regular R insulin indication
20-30 min ac
Intermediate acting insulin
Humulin N
Lente Humulin L
Intermediate acting Insulin onset
3-4 hours
Intermediate acting Insulin peak and duration
4-12 peak
16-20 duration
Intermediate acting insulin implication
give pc
Long acting insulin
Long acting insulin onset
6-8 hours
Long acting insulin peak and duration
peak 12-16 h
duration 20-30
Long acting insulin implications
control FPG
Long Acting Clear
glargine (lantus)
glargine onset
glargine peak and duration
no peak
24 hour duration
glargine implication
do not mix with other insulin
general rules about insulin
– 70/30 Insulin: 70% NPH & 30% Regular
– Rapid & short acting Insulin cover meals immediately AFTER the injection
– Intermediate acting Insulin is expected to cover subsequent meals
– Long acting Insulin provides a relatively constant level of Insulin and act as a basal Insulin
– Only Regular Insulin is given IV
– Rotate sites
– When mixing Insulins withdraw Regular and then the NPH. The rule is:“clear to cloudy”