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32 Cards in this Set

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Average physician waits how many seconds after patient begins describing his chief complaint before interrupting the convo.
23 seconds
Most important single factor inphysician psychological well-being
Control over practice environment
Physician burnout is most highly correlated with
Stress from uncertainty
Tension, depression, and anger are highest during which time during the first year of post-graduate training
Mid point of the year
What percentage of medical students have experienced suicidal ideation during the previous year?
Average physician waits how many seconds after patient begins describing his chief complaint before interrupting the convo.
23 seconds
Most important single factor inphysician psychological well-being
Control over practice environment
Physician burnout is most highly correlated with
Stress from uncertainty
Tension, depression, and anger are highest during which time during the first year of post-graduate training
Mid point of the year
What percentage of medical students have experienced suicidal ideation during the previous year?
But attempts low 1.4%
Variation of mood & empathy during internship have greater personal distress, fatigue, anger-hostility, depression?
interns 5 months into training
What substance is responsible for the greatest number of premature deaths each year?
What percentage of physicians in the US are chemically dependent?
What substance are residents in training most likely to use than the general population?
How much booze does the average MI citizen over the age of 14 consume in one year?
28 gallons
Standard drink?
-one 1.5oz glass of 80 proof liquor
-1 4-5oz. glass of wine
-1 12 oz. beer
-.6oz. of ethyl alcohol
The proper recommendation for "low-risk" drinking for men/women is?
2/day men
1/day women
What percentage of the US population 18 or older consumes less than 12 standard drinks of alcohol per year?

Basically, less than 10% of all drinkers consume more than 90% of all alcohol sold
Once a person stops drinking and all the alcohol is absorbed from their stomach, their BAC will begin to decrease at about what rate?
0.015% per hour
Communication to a group of persons that gives information about how that person or persons affect others. It is a way of helping other(s) change behavior
Insight into how one's life experiences and emotional make-up affect one's interactions with patients, families, and other professionals.
Personal awareness
4 dysfunctional beliefs adversely affect patient care
1. Limitations in knowledge is a personal failing
2. Responsibility is to be born by physicians alone
3. Altruistic devotion to work & denial of self is desirable
4. It is "professional" to keep one's uncertainties & emotions to oneself
4 steps in dealing w/ emotion
1. Legitimize the emotion
2. Name & label the emotion
3. Respect & Praise
4. Supporting & partnering
5 components for active listening
1. Open ended sentences
2. Neutral utterances
3. Silence
4. Reflection
5. Echoing
3 barriers in dealing w/ emotion
1. Not pursing or getting too involved
2. Opening a Pandora's box
3. Limitations of time & skill
5 components for Patient Centered Interview Goals
1. Develop rapport
2. Facilitate the patient's agenda
3. Use active listening skills
4. Employing good questioning skills
4. Finding common ground
How should we protect the Dr.-Pt. relationship?
1. Define & transmit standards for the DPR
2. Develop strategies to advocate for the relationship
3. Enhance incentives for exemplary DPR
4. Expand training and assessment of physician's communication skills
How to communicate with a patient, reminders for a busy physician
1. Assess what the patient already knows.
2. Assess what the patient wants to know.
3. Be empathic
4. Slow down
6. Tell the truth
7. Be hopeful
8. Watch the patient's body and face
9. Be prepared for a reaction
1. Incompetence
2. Inattention
3. A lack of caring
Circumstances where physician will not be forgiven
Most likely to forive physician
If patient failed to provide complete info
Least likely to forgive physician
If error was due to efforts to keep costs down
Are men or women more likely to favor the patient

Women more likely to favor the patient

Men more likely to favor the physician