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46 Cards in this Set

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Spinal anesthesia is produced by the injection of ____into the ______
spinal anesthesia produced by injection of local into the lumbar subarachnoid space
Epidural anesthesia produced by injection of local anesthetic into _____a, most often at ____level
anesthetic at epidural space, most often at lumbar level
Caudal anesthesia results when local placed in ____space through _____ _____
epidural, sacral hiatus
which takes less to perfform, less discomfort during placement and produces more intense sensory motor anest?
advantages of epidural vs spinal
dec risk of postdural puncture headache, lwr risk of hypotenn epi used,indwelling catheter, post op analgesia
t or F: regional anesthesia produces minimal skeletal relaxation w/out nmb
maximum kyphosis is
T 6
Spinal cord ends at and dura mater extends to
L1-L2; dura mataer to S2
Which are posterior, pedicles or laminas?
In lumbar region, spinous proc nearly-_______ such that needles be directed at
right angls t
T or F: Regional anesthesia provides muscle relaxation without nmb
The laminae of the verteabrae are connected by
ligamentum flavum
the supraspinous ligament connects the
spinous processes
The vertebral body consists of 2 pedicles_____ and 2 laminae posteriorly
pedicles anteriorly, laminae posteriorly
The spinal cord ends at
L1, L2
maximum thoracic kyphosis is at
Dura m,atter extends to
where do the spinal nerves extit the subarachnoid space?
intervertebral foramina
Coverings of the spinal cord
pia mater, arachnoid matter, dura mater
the lower lumbar and sacral nerves are called the
caudal equina
which covering is adherent to the spinal cord and nerves?
pia mater
The space between the pia mater and the arachnoid mater contains_____and is known as the ______
cerebrospinal fluid and is known as the subarachnoid space
Epidural potential space is normally filled with
adipose and connective tissue
Spinal anesthesia follows placement of local anesthetics into tthe ______, most often the _____level
subarachnoid space, lumbar level
Name local anesthetics used for spinal anesthesia
lidocaine, tetracaine, bubivicaine, ropivicaine
principal landmarks for spinal are
spinuos processes and illiac crests
The line drawn between the iliac crests usu crosses the
4th lumbar vertebrae
common spaces of spinal needle are space between
L3/L4 and L4/L5
remember spinal cord ends at L1
Pencil point needs
more force that beveled but allow for tactile feedback of various tissues encountered as needle is advanced
A distinct pop is felt by the anesthesiologists finger as the needle passes through the
dura mater
How is subarachnoid placement of the needle confirmed in a spinal
appearance of cerebrospinal fluid at the hub of the needle
how do you confirm subarachnoid placement?
aspirate a small amt of cerebral spinal fluid into syringe, then inject local over 3-5 sec
which local is usesful for short duration surgical and obstrectic procedures?
which local commonaly used for long abdomonical surgery lasting abt 5 hrs
which locals used for lower extremity, vascular, and orthopaedic operations lasting up to 5hrs
bubivicaine and robivicaine
how do you make a sln hyperbaric?
add glucose (dextrose)
how do you prepare hypobaric solutions?
adding 6-8 ml of sterile water to local
why create hyperbaric slns?
easier to control spread of slns b/c they gravitate to the most dependent aspect of the subarachnoid space
In supine positions, the yperbaric solutions gravitate to
throacic kyphosis (T6)
in sitting position hyperbaric solution will create
saddle block anesthesia good for spinal anesthesia
Which sensory levels/local are used for hemorrhoidectomy?
S2-S5, lidocaine 30-50mg
What sensory levels/local needed for foot surgery
L2-L3 (knee); tetracaine, bubivicaine, ropivacaine 6mg
Lower extrememity surgeries require which which block/local?
L1 (inguinal ligament), tetracaine, bubivicaine, ropivicaine 6mg
Hip surgery, transurethral resection of prostrate, vaginal delivery requires block of which sensory level/ocal?
T10 (umbilicus); lidocaine 50-75mg; tetracaine, bubivacine or robivacaine 6-8 mg.
Lower ab surgery requires block of which sensory level/local
T6-T-7 (xyphoid process); lidocaine 75-100mg
Upper abdominal surgery, C section requires block of which sensory area/local?
T4 (nipple); tetracaine, bubivicaine, or ropivacaine 12-16mg