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306 Cards in this Set

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What temperature range is recommended for a dairy refrigerator?
Which piece of food service equipment is the least energy efficient?
Deck oven
A Dietitian ordering canned goods can be assured of a reliable product if they conduct
a can cutting analysis
Which piece of food service equipment may be restricted by a local law?
garbage disposal
What gas is released from a fire?
carbon monoxide
If you worked overtime and did not get paid, which labor law would help your claim?
Fair Labor standards act
If a female is hired and doesn't receive the same pay as a male in the same position, she can seek help from
the Equal pay act
What is the labor turnover rate if 6 employees in a department of 55 were terminated and replaced?
11%, because 6/55 x 100 is 10.9
employees terminated/seperated divided by employees total times 100
What is the food cost percentage if the cost of food is 325 and the income is 865?
38%, because 325/865 x 100 is 37.5
cost of food/income x 100
If a union member repeatedly arrives late, you should
report him to management
What method of food service is used when one school delivers meals to another?
commissary satellite
After an outbreak of food borne illness in the cafeteria, you discover one of your employees has an infected cut on his finger, you should
send the employee home until the cut has healed
If an employee works 5 days each week, how many regular employees can be covered by one relief employee?
How much hamburger will it take to make 300 three ounce patties with a 20% shrinkage?
70 lbs. Use the determining food needs equation, portion size x # servings, convert to lbs.
A food service operates with a 35% food cost. If a menu item has a raw food cost of $1.25 and it takes an employee 45 minutes at 6.00 an hour to prepare, what is the traditional selling price?
100 divided by percent food cost x raw food cost, then that answer times raw food cost
100/35% x 1.25
286 x 1.25= answer
An 8 lb roast beef costs 2.79 a pound. The edible portion is 65%. What is the AP price of the roast?
AP= cost per lb x total lb so 2.79 x 8 is 22.32
The FDA does what three things?
inspects factories, enforces the Food, Drug and Cosmetic act and monitors the interstate shipping of shellfish
What is the cost per meal if you serve 120,000 meals, spend 46000 in food purchases and 1250 worth of food was removed from inventory?
Purchases plus food worth divided by meals served
46000+1250 is 47250
How many meals were served per labor minute if 34 FTE produced 3800 meals in one 40 hour week?
so 34x40=1360
then meals produced/ 1360=x divided by minutes in an hour
3800/1360=2.8/60=.46 or .05
Which management functions should require the greatest allotment of time by a production manager?
Directing and controlling
A cafeteria seats 80 customers. Lunch runs from 1115 am to 1pm. Turnover is 2.5 customers/hr. How many can be served during those hours?
x=105 min
2.5=60 min
105 x 2.5 =262.5
262.5/60 =4.375 x 80= 350
You have been promoted to a top management position. What skills decrease and increase?
technical skills decrease, conceptual skills increase
Beef stew has been unrefrigerated for 4 hours after preparation. What should you do?
Discard the stew
What type of power is ineffective in motivating behavioral change and may create resistance?
Coercive behavior
A business pays 4% of its income as rent ($1200), 70% towards labor and food costs and $2500 towards other monthly expenses. How much profit does this business make per month?
When determining the labor turnover rate in one period look at the number of
employees at the end of the period and the number of new employees
The nutritional label on food utilizes the DRIs which replace the old
Using the scientific approach to management, which of the following would result?
Decreased labor minutes per meal
Where should a hand washing sink be located?
Near the food prep area
Which food service system is least likely to have microbial contamination?
Assembly serve, because you purchase it completely prepared
What can an employer do regarding an employee who wishes to join the union?
Tell them about union dues
What do you call a paid employee who represents other union workers
Shop steward
What oven is the most energy efficient?
Convection oven
The dietitian finds that the ice cream freezer is not working and everything inside has melted. She decides to throw it all out and substitute another item for dessert. She is demonstrating what type of leadership?
What food service system has the lowest labor costs?
What would constitute poor management?
Two supervisors for one employee
How does a new supervisor gain respect?
Communicated regularly with employees to keep them informed
Which is considered a hazardous workplace situation in a hospital?
An employee washing floors during rush hour
What type of leadership style is shown with a circular organizational chart?
When can a citizen have impact on a bill?
when the bill is in public hearings
If you were an employee and member of the union and were involved in initial labor dispute talks, you would be called a
shop steward
Store frozen fruits and vegetables at
In a hospital with 300 patients, it takes 14 minutes to prepare one meal. How many FTEs are needed per week?
If a food service reconstitutes frozen food that is made on site, what type of production system is it?
Cook freeze
What is an example of line authority?
an admin RD in a 600 bed hospital
Which term relates to scientific management?
Work simplification studies decrease ___ and increase ___
costs, productivity
Management's basic function is
Policies are
guides that define the scope of permissible activity
The organizational chart
shows the employee how he fits into the organization
What is not shown on an organizational chart?
degree of authority and informal relationships
A job description can be used for
employee appraisal
A job breakdown lists
what steps to do and how to do them
A work schedule lists both
tasks and time
In making decisions, take the following steps
recognize and analyze the problem, gather data. choose solution, take action, follow up
Responsibility, recognition by management and participation in decision making are all considered motivators by
Being well liked by supervisors, being given special attention and the importance of breaks in increasing productivity are all considered motivators by
Quality circles are useful in increasing
The Y theory of Management is
A scale drawing of an area showing the path of a worker during a process is a
flow diagram
A graphic representation of the separate steps in a procedure using symbols is a
process chart
the number of work movements between pieces of equipment is indicated on a
cross chart
The best use of performance appraisals is to
improve performance
OSHAs responsibilities do not include
developing a better safety program for a facility
What procedure is binding and cannot be changed?
Which of the following is a hearing between labor and management during an impasse to aid in settling disputes?
How many quarts of batter are needed to make 144 muffins using a #12 scoop?
1 qt=32 oz 32/12 =2.66 oz
2.66/32=.083 x 144= 12
If you open sealed bids and place the order with the lowest bid, you are using which buying method?
formal, competitive bid
A written record of items ordered, with quantities and specs is a
purchase requisition
When goods are received, the delivery slip included is an
Which food items require the highest humidity?
fruits and vegetables
The main reason for keeping an inventory is to determine
when and how much to order
Large volume purchasing, centralized production, service areas in separate facilities are features of what system?
A blast freezer and rethermalization are part of what system?
Ready prepared
Gauge refers to
True or false, beef stew at 160F is safe
TRUE...41-135 is the danger zone
Two of the listed ingredients on a frozen food label are BHA and BHT...what is their function?
prevent lipid oxidation
What function is served by glycerol monostearate?
acts as a humectant
Why should manager not allow employees to wear long jewelry in the kitchen?
Employee safety and sanitation
An example of self actualization is
asking for additional training
In the past 5-10 yrs, food service costs have risen due to increased
labor costs
A flexible monthly budget would be recommended for a hospital that is planning to
close some of its wings for renovation for three months
Your nutrition dept has 6.5 FTE dietitians at 20/hr. How much salary is that per week?
hourly x 40 x 6.5=5200
Which is the least efficient way for a dietitian to evaluate a new piece of equipment for purchase?
Attend food service trade fairs
What is the first thing you should do if an employee frequently comes to work without the proper uniform?
Find out why
What do you do if an employee doesn't wash pots as required?
Re-educate her as to proper procedures and provide follow up.
What would add bulk to frozen yogurt?
microcrystallline cellulose
When meat is irradiated, the best flavor comes from
meat that has been frozen
A food service worker confides in you that he has tested HIV positive. What should you do?
Assure him that confidentiality will be respected
A non directed interview provides ___info than a directed interview
To increase the number of patrons served in a cafeteria during the lunch meal use the
scramble system
What is an example of productivity management?
Labor minutes per day
Why are open ended questions better during an interview?
they provide more information
When preparing a budget, which management function is involved?
What is not an operational cost?
Labor costs
What item would appear in a capital budget?
Food service equipment
What can you do if your company denies you the right to organize and form a labor union?
file a claim with the NLRB
In work simplification, which of the following tools is helpful?
a flow chart
Which additive improves crispiness in vegetables?
If implementing a program costs $3 for each patient and the return is $6 per patient, the cost/benefit ratio is
The proper portion size of a dessert item is 1/3 cup. Which scoop size should you use?
The human relations theory of management stresses
employees needs
What is the lowest acceptable holding temperature while serving?
Which of the following would be used to analyze tray line accuracy?
Process control chart
Equipment purchases depends on
the menu
Quality standards for fruit assure you of
specs of minimum quality characteristics
Productivity is measured by
number of portions served per hour
What is a formal study to verify that documentation and processes have been followed?
the audit
Unions usually advance employees based on
A hospital administrator would be most concerned with
the increase in patients length of stay
Spaghetti sauce prepared on Monday is to be served on Wednesday. What should you recommend to the cook on how the sauce is stored?
store the sauce in shallow pans in the refrigerator
Theory Z is based on what premise?
mutual worker/employer loyalty
Which group is responsible for nutritional labeling?
Freezing will
inhibit bacterial growth
What method is used when you log in and out movement from the storeroom?
Perpetual inventory
What job would you not give to a consultant dietitian?
Supervision of dietary employees
Before adding new items to the menu...
give samples to new patients and ask for their comments
The major function of management is
Previously cooked hazardous food must be reheated to an internal temperature of 165F for 15 seconds within
2 hours
The Ouchi Theory Z management theory states that ____ is the key to productivity
employee involvement
A Food Service Director uses a 4 month moveable average to determine how many chicken breasts are needed for August given the number served in April, May, June and July. How would they forecast the need for September?
add August and delete April
An employee voted in by the union who works to settle grievances while on paid time is the
shop steward
Which law sets the minimum wage?
Fair Labor Standards Act
Span of Control refers to the number of
employees under the direction of one person
The line type of organizational chart shows a direct flow of authority from
top to bottom
The employee turnover rate refers to the following
# employees terminated and replaced divided by total number of positions
Which is the best way to maximize meat storage?
Vacuum packaged in oxygen permeable film
Adulterated food is regulated by the
FDA under Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
An employee evaluation should be given
in a quiet place with privacy
A viscosimeter measures
Approximately how many patient trays per minute must a centralized tray assembly unit produce in order to serve 400 patients during 90 minutes?
400/90=4.44, or 4.5
How do you convince Administration that a former nutrition program should be reinstated?
Show that 75% of those who attended had fewer hospital stays (less time in hospital is better!)
Costs which are proportionately responsive to changes in volume are
The width of a main kitchen aisle should be
Why are mono and di glycerides added to the shortening used in cakes?
How wide should an aisle be for two people with a mobile cart to move through?
Which process results in creative, prioritized decision making?
Nominal group technique
If you are working on a cost benefit analysis you would
record the number of hours the Dietitian spent providing nutrition education
An employee evaluation should be given
in a quiet place with privacy
A viscosimeter measures
Approximately how many patient trays per minute must a centralized tray assembly unit produce in order to serve 400 patients during 90 minutes?
400/90=4.44, or 4.5
How do you convince Administration that a former nutrition program should be reinstated?
Show that 75% of those who attended had fewer hospital stays (less time in hospital is better!)
Costs which are proportionately responsive to changes in volume are
The width of a main kitchen aisle should be
Why are mono and di glycerides added to the shortening used in cakes?
How wide should an aisle be for two people with a mobile cart to move through?
Which process results in creative, prioritized decision making?
Nominal group technique
If you are working on a cost benefit analysis you would
record the number of hours the Dietitian spent providing nutrition education
DRGs allow 1600 for an appendectomy for a 4 day stay. The patient is released in 3 days. The hospital will receive
If there is an increase in input and output, productivity will remain
The food service supervisor should carefully monitor a cook/chill production because of concerns about
food safety
Management by objectives refers to a management process which employs
precise and measurable objectives
A useful application of counting FTEs is in planning the
budget for wages
The report presenting the financial condition of an organization as of a particular date is a
balance sheet
The maximum number of calories per serving in a product labeled low calorie is
Five pounds of pressure creates a temperature that is ___ the boiling point of water
greater than
What is the chemical composition of a class ABC fire extinguisher?
Dry, inert chemicals under pressure
When cleaning ____ use chlorine or quaternary ammonia
Underwriters Laboratory does what?
checks safety of electrical equipment
Propionate is used in foods to
increase shelf life by inhibiting mold
A supervising Dietitian who wishes to delegate specific responsibilities should first
establish expected outcomes
What work center design discourages thru traffic?
U shaped
When trying to cut down on the number of employees on a tray assembly line, evaluate the number of
work stations
The efficiency of a foodservice employee is increased if the work center is designed to allow the employee to
use both hands
To reduce the budget, first look at
variable costs
The National Sanitation Foundation standard for equipment construction that is most related to microbiological food safety requires that
surfaces do not have open seams or cracks
The cleanliness of online steam is not an issue when purchasing a
steam jacketed kettle
You are preparing dinner for a 500 ed facility. The menu includes roast beef, mashed potatoes and carrots. What equipment is best suited for this task?
deck ovens and pressure steamers
Meat loaf has been left out for 5 hours. Should you serve it?
No because of the risk of staphylococcus
What is the best tool for rating foods at a pediatric hospital
facial hedonic scale
Where should a Class B fire extinguisher be placed?
near the range
On your meal rounds you notice that elderly patients are not being fed properly. What is the best solution?
speak with the director of nursing
The kitchen floor will be changed. What do you recommend
Clay tiles
How many minutes are needed to sanitize dishes when washing by hand using chlorine?
What law guarantees workers the right to organize and join labor unions?
National Labor Relations Act
What is the major reason for installing automated equipment?
Rising labor costs
The primary reason for portion control in food service is
cost control
Meat loaf has been left out for 5 hours. Should you serve it?
No because of the risk of staphylococcus
What is the best tool for rating foods at a pediatric hospital
facial hedonic scale
Interstate shipping of shellfish is monitored by the
Where should a Class B fire extinguisher be placed?
near the range
On your meal rounds you notice that elderly patients are not being fed properly. What is the best solution?
speak with the director of nursing
The kitchen floor will be changed. What do you recommend
Clay tiles
How many minutes are needed to sanitize dishes when washing by hand using chlorine?
What law guarantees workers the right to organize and join labor unions?
National Labor Relations Act
What is the major reason for installing automated equipment?
Rising labor costs
The primary reason for portion control in food service is
cost control
You teach food service workers about pot washing temps. How do you know if the workers follow the rules?
test water temps at frequent intervals
In order to influence a legislator one day before a vote, the dietitian should
telephone the legislator
A press conference announcing your new business is
media promotion
If you increase the size of the kitchen, what effect will there be on worker efficiency?
a decrease, because there is more room to move so its further to get from A to B
A substitute is legally differentiated from another food by
nutrient content
Use of a sugar substitute is regulated by
What is a good method of food handling
Defrost frozen food in the fridge
Appearance, taste and texture are considered
quality control
You are involved in planning a prospectus. This is a
planning guide for the kitchen
When does a break-even point increase
when costs increase
A food service manager who supervises 35 employees has a problem with discipline and increased absenteeism. Why?
Excessive span of control (too many employees)
What is the most important reason for a microwave oven in food service?
Saves time
If you purchase an oven for 10000. It is expected to last for 10 years after which it can be sold for 3000. What is the depreciation cost each year?
7000/10 is 700
What is NOT found in a standardized recipe?
mixing bowls and measuring spoons
In dry storage, the humidity should be
HACCP standards would be similar for which of the following foods?
frozen beef and frozen corn
The final step in a union dispute is
A decision to feed patients in their rooms rather than in the cafeteria is based on
the philosophy of the institution
The dishwasher temps are as follows, pre wash 140, wash 150, rinse 200...you should turn down the...
turn down the rinse temp
To find out about the new regulations developed by the FDA you would check
the federal register
At what temperature should coffee and items such as thin soups be held for serving?
Forty entrees of fish cost $2 per serving. Total sales for the fish came to $240. What was the food cost percentage?
Which system is not labor efficient?
Methylene is added to some types of coffee to
decaffinate it
During an interview, what can you ask?
Can you get to work on time without any problem?
Quality control is
proactive and focuses on the prevention of errors in food service
Quality assurance is
a measurement of the quality of care provided to patients
How many FTEs can you hire with a weekly budget of 8640 if the salary is 12 dollars an hour?
12 x 40=480
How many 4 ounce servings can you get from 1 gallon of ice cream?
How many servings are there in 10 gallons of ice cream using a #16 scoop?
32=4 oz
What is the gross food cost for June using the following information?
June 1 inventory 5300
July 1 inventory 2700
Food purchases for the month of June 3150
June inv + food purchase-July inv
How do you determine the average check in the cafeteria?
divide total sales by the number of customers
Using the following information, determine the selling price of the meal used to determine the break even point
Food costs 100 Variable costs per meal 5 Break even point 20 meals
What is the best way to prevent contamination of food?
make employees wash hands frequently
A narrow span of management should be employed with
newly hired employees
Which of the following is most important in determining the space required for a food production unit in a new facility?
Market form of foods purchased
A food service is being converted from a conventional system to a ready prepared system. The dietitian should first consider the adequacy of the
low temperature storage capacity
Excess food soil in a dishmachine wash tank will result in foam that interferes with satisfactory dishwashing. The most appropriate corrective action is to
pre rinse dishes before washing
A 50 bed hospital has limited kitchen space for refrigeration, dry storage and food production. The most appropriate type of menu is
non selective (no choice)
Using the following data, the average check for September is
Total revenue 909009
Net income 173010
FTEs 27.9
Number of customers 32613
If dishes come out of the dish machine with water spots
add a drying agent to the rinse cycle
What question could be asked during an interview?
Have you worked at a company under a different name?
If the productivity goal for a patient assembly unit is 4 trays per minute, the unit should be able to assemble approximately 350 trays in
1 hour and 30 min
4x 60=240
350x60/240=87.5 minutes so round to 90 min
You are asked to develop quality control guidelines for receiving purchased foods. The most important guidelines would be
proper temperatures of foods received
A pan of au gratin potatoes has been cooked to an endpoint temperature of 140F. Serving has been scheduled to begin in 10 minutes. You should
substitute with mashed potatoes until the au gratin are done
A hospital cafeteria that currently serves 500 meals at noon must increase service to 800 without adding food production staff. The best action would be
simplify the menu
The purpose of outcomes research is to
determine the most cost effective way to solve a problem
Excess food soil in a dishmachine wash tank will result in foam that interferes with satisfactory dishwashing. The most appropriate corrective action is to
pre rinse dishes before washing
A 50 bed hospital has limited kitchen space for refrigeration, dry storage and food production. The most appropriate type of menu is
non selective (no choice)
Using the following data, the average check for September is
Total revenue 909009
Net income 173010
FTEs 27.9
Number of customers 32613
If dishes come out of the dish machine with water spots
add a drying agent to the rinse cycle
What question could be asked during an interview?
Have you worked at a company under a different name?
If the productivity goal for a patient assembly unit is 4 trays per minute, the unit should be able to assemble approximately 350 trays in
1 hour and 30 min
4x 60=240
240=60m so 60 x 4
then what times 4 is 350? 90 so one hour, 30 mins
350x60/240=87.5 minutes so round to 90 min
You are asked to develop quality control guidelines for receiving purchased foods. The most important guidelines would be
proper temperatures of foods received
A pan of au gratin potatoes has been cooked to an endpoint temperature of 140F. Serving has been scheduled to begin in 10 minutes. You should
substitute with mashed potatoes until the au gratin are done
A hospital cafeteria that currently serves 500 meals at noon must increase service to 800 without adding food production staff. The best action would be
simplify the menu
The purpose of outcomes research is to
determine the most cost effective way to solve a problem
The organized gathering of data and information for the purpose of analyzing a service for clients is
market research
A Dietitian documents their work on time. This is an example of
Chicken has a popularity index of 45%. There are 380 total patients, 85% of whom are eating. How many will chose chicken?
Patients x % eating x popularity index so
380 x .85=323 x.45=145
What must be included when preparing a budget?
Forecasting revenue, predicts future needs
A baker makes a batch of cookies in 18 minutes. What is the maximum number of batches he can make in two hours?
60m/18=3.3 so 3 is one hour and 6 is two hours
What would the next number be on this list with a moving average of 5?
1400, 1200, 1300, 1250, 1350, 1400, 1425
add the last 5 numbers and divide by 5 to get 1345
A meat slicer should be cleaned
after each use
When switching from a conventional to a convection oven, decrease...
the temperature by 25 degrees
What is the best extinguisher to use for a grease fire?
square symbol is for liquid, gas and grease
If temp on the dish machine rinse cycle is 135F, you should
use paper products until the problem has been resolved
OSHA requires documentation on the use of the following
safety goggles
What is the benefit:cost ratio of a program intervention that cost 1,890,000 if the savings as a result of the program were 5.67 million?
benefit is savings/cost
so 3:1
You called a meeting for 9am. 3 out of 5 people arrived on time.What is the general guideline for starting meeting?
start on time
The minimum recommended temperature for a chemical sanitizer is
Sugar and salt are preservatives because they
provide unfavorable osmotic pressure
To sanitize, immerse dishes in a chemical solution for ___ minutes
What is the first component projected during the budgeting process?
The temperature of a beef casserole drops below 140 within an hour. What should you do?
return it to the oven and reheat it to a minimum of 165
If you are concerned that the receiver is not accurately checking incoming stock, you should begin implementing
blind receiving (this omits quantities, weights and prices)
A food service uses hamburger patties at an average rate of 6 cases per day. Lead time is 3 days. You want a safety supply of 2 cases. You need to order them when the supply drops to __ cases
20 (22 is the order point)
What kitchen layout will help prevent other employees from walking through the cook's work area?
plan work aisles separate from traffic aisles
There are seven foodservice employees in the tray assembly unit. The patient census is 350. If 1.5 hours of assembly time is allowed, a feasible productivity goal for the unit is to assemble how many trays per minute?
so about 4
What type of menu would be most appropriate for a new acute care facility with an expected length stay of 2 days?
7 day cycle
What is net profit?
revenue and sales- costs
Sugar and salt act as preservatives because they
provide unfavorable osmotic pressure
To sanitize, immerse dishes in a chemical solution for ___ minutes
What is the first component projected during the budgeting process?
The temperature of a beef casserole drops below 140 within an hour. What should you do?
return it to the oven and reheat it to a minimum of 165
If you are concerned that the receiver is not accurately checking incoming stock, you should begin implementing
blind receiving (this omits quantities, weights and prices)
A food service uses hamburger patties at an average rate of 6 cases per day. Lead time is 3 days. You want a safety supply of 2 cases. You need to order them when the supply drops to __ cases
20 (22 is the order point)
What kitchen layout will help prevent other employees from walking through the cook's work area?
plan work aisles separate from traffic aisles
There are seven foodservice employees in the tray assembly unit. The patient census is 350. If 1.5 hours of assembly time is allowed, a feasible productivity goal for the unit is to assemble how many trays per minute?
census divided by assembly time
so about 4
What type of menu would be most appropriate for a new acute care facility with an expected length stay of 2 days?
7 day cycle
What is net profit?
revenue and sales minus costs
Hospitals use formularies to
obtain volume purchasing discounts (its a list of medicines)
Which organization regulates the irradiation of foods?
The interstate shipping of shellfish is monitored by the
If the chlorine solution in the dish machine is not working properly, the first action should be to
check the concentration and temperature of the solution
If dishes are not cleaned properly in the dish machine, the first thing to check is
the temperature of various cycles
A #12 scoop was used to serve 600 servings of mashed potatoes instead of a #16 scoop. How many servings were they short?
not sure!
The #12 scoop measures
1/3 cup
If an employee is not performing well, the first thing to do is to check the
job description
PERT(Program evaluation review technique) is a tool that will help you
control large projects and calculate the time needed to get the job done
What is an example of indirect cost?
fringe costs
The most appropriate temperature for a sanitizing solution is
You are a supervising dietitian and are very satisfied with one of your diet aides who works very hard. One year after hiring her, you realize the information on her application wasn't true. What should you do?
discuss it with her one on one in your office
A food delivery arrived during tray line service. What should the dietitian do?
Ask the driver to wait
The FDA is responsible for
standard of identity, nutrition labels, imitation foods
A director from another department sends you an email regarding construction. This is an example of what kind of communication?
The cafeteria serves lunch from 11am to 230 pm with a seat turnover rate of 1.5/hour. They need to seat 250 customers. How many chairs do they need?
customers/hours/seat turnover rate
A $240 income was generated selling 40 pieces of fish with a raw food cost of $2.00 each. What is the percent food cost?
raw food cost/food

then income/raw food x actual food, so 240/80=.30 or .33, which is the answer
The Family and Medical Leave Act guarantees
an equivalent position with equal benefits and pay status
You recently interviewed a top candidate for an administrative position and are about to offer him the job. You then learn he is planning to adopt a child. What do you do?
hire him
How many actual relief employees are needed to cover 20 full time employees?
2.5 =1 FTE but I don't know the answer
Based on an 8 hour day, the number of hours worked was 55,267 per year. The total number of hours paid was 59,995 per year. Calculate the number of productive FTEs.
hours worked/year
Which of the following formulas is used to determine a meal equivalent in a commercial operation?
total revenues for a specific period divided by the cost of a prototype meal
This kitchen layout is characteristic of what foodservice system?
Deck ovens/range/tilting skillet/refrigerator/freezer/preparation counter/bulk hot carts/bulk cold carts
This kitchen layout is characteristic of which food service system?
Deck ovens/range/tilting skillet/refrigerator/freezer/prep counter/meal assembly/delivery carts
conventional, all done on site
This kitchen layout is characteristic of which food service system?
Refrigerator/freezer/steamers/ovens/microwave/meal ASSEMBLY/delivery carts
assembly serve
What is the quickest onset food borne illness?
staphylococcus aureus
The profitability of a coffee shop may be determined by calculating the ratio of profit to
Dishes are greasy when unloaded from the dish machine. What should you check first?
the wash temperature