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68 Cards in this Set

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Part 1: Dogs and Dog Training

Lesson 2: Dog Communication

Lesson 3: Positive Dog Training

Petco's Dog Training Mission Statement

The Petco Dog Training Program promotes, through educated, qualified, and dedicated trainers, the well-being of the pet and pet parents with dog-friendly communication, instruction, enrichment, environmental management, and compassion to strengthen the bond during the life of the pet. Our program offers a phenomenal curriculum that positively rewards appropriate dog behaviors and choice to ensure that they are assets to their homes and communities.

Petco's Dog Training Philosophy

The Petco Dog Training Program promotes a relationship of mutual respect and trust between pet and pet parent by using humane, positive, voluntary, and reward-based training methods to teach how our dogs think, learn, and communicate, and how to encourage appropriate dog behavior and real-world applications for Dog Training.

Dog Training Tagline

Building a lifetime bond between you and your dog through fun and positive education.

Dog Training Brand Promise

The Petco Dog Training Program offers fun, educational classes that build the bond between you and your dog which provide you both with effective communication, understanding, respect and a well-behaved pet that is an asset to your home and community.

How would you "read" dog's body language?

Facial features, body position, and context of the situation.

A dog with ears up, floppy tail, bright eyes, relaxed mouth, distributing weight evenly would be showing a _________________ body language.

Playful, Relaxed, Alert, Friendly

Define Commissures

Corners of the mouth

What are common signs a dog is stressed?

Eyes averted, Turning head away, pupils dilated, body tense (stiff posture), nose licking, yawn, tail head low/tucked, body held low and leaning backwards, panting, whale eyes (whites of eye visible), submissive urination.

What are less obvious stressed dog signals?

Displacement: redirected behavior (scratching)

Sniffing the ground

Sniffing the air

Excessive blinking of the eyes

Repeating specific behavior- ex. stretching, shaking

Flicking tongue

Holding ears loosely backwards


Dandruff or Shedding

What are the signs of a very high stressed/anxiety dog?

Shaking, Shivering, Freezing in place, Cringing or groveling, Increase in panting, Closed mouth (no panting), Drooling, Refusal to take high-value treats

What are the signs of a fearful Dog?

Round eyed, whale eyed (whites showing), pupils dilated, ears tight pulled back, retracted commissure, tense body,tail tucked, head averted, tongue flicking, heavy panting, and submissive urination.

Define an Offensively Aggressive Dog.

Fearful dogs that learned that aggression worked to keep them safe. They are not afraid to attack.

Signs of an Offensively Aggressive Dog.

Erect ears, body upright and forward, body still (tail may be wagging), forward commissure with or without teeth,may snap at the air, raised lip, prepared to bite.

Define Defensive Aggressive Dog.

Likely to show stress or fear signals before becoming aggressive. These dogs will defend themselves.

Signs of Defensively Aggressive Dogs.

Ears held low and back or flat, eyes wide, pupils dilated, whale eyes, staring, body heald low to the ground/leaning backwards or sharp body angles, tail held up and very tight (may still be wagging), growling, Teeth bared, raised lip, snapping at the air, prepared to bite.

What is your goal during the introductory phone call?

To determine whether pet parents descriptions indicate their dogs will be ready to learn and behave safely during training class.

What are some options you can suggest to a Pet parent if their dog is stressed?

Arrive about 15 minutes early, be sure dog remains 3 feet from other dogs until dog is more relaxed, redirect them by calling their name and giving high-valued treats, continue to reward throughout class when pet shows calm and relaxed behavior, rub pets chest in slow circular motion, give dog a break with a short walk outside the store.

Can Petco Dog Training help a dog that tugs hard on a leash while walking?

Yes, Petco Dog Training can help

Can Petco Dog Training Help a dog who has bitten the pet parent?

No, Petco Dog Training can not help

What type of health issues can cause aggression?

Pain of any type, impaired vision/hearing, illness, chronic diseases like thyroid issues

When referring out to a behaviorist, the pet parent should felt like...

Petco Dog Trainer was helpful and cared about their dog

Contacting an animal behaviorist is the right thing for them and their pet

Their dogs are indeed great pets

Finish the follwing sentence. When is doubt...

refer it out!

Define Classical Conditioning

A process in which dogs form an unconscious association between two stimuli

Define Operant Conditioning

A process in which a dog forms an association between a behavior and a consequence.

Define Positive Reinforcement

The act of adding a "good" reinforcer when a desired behavior is performed. Increases the chance that the desired behavior will occur again.

Define Negative Punishment

The act of removing a "good" reinforcer when a undesirable behavior occurs.

Define Negative Reinforcement

The act of removing a "bad" reinforcer when desired behavior is performed.

Define Positive Punishment

The act of adding a "bad" reinforcer when an undesired behavior is performed.

Adding something a dog likes when the dog performs a wanted behavior is called

Positive Reinforcement

Adding something a dog doesn't like when the dog performs a specific, unwanted behavior is called

Positive Punishment

Removing something a dog likes when the dog performs a specific, unwanted behavior is called

Negative Punishment

Removing something the dog doesn't like when the dog performs a new, wanted behavior is called

Negative Reinforcement

A stimulus that a dog associates with a primary reinforcer is

Conditioned Reinforcer

Adding something the dog does not like when the dog performs a undesirable behavior is

Positive Punishment

Something bad is taken away or removed once the desired behavior is performed is

Negative Reinforcement

Reward that dogs inherently like and are used to reinforce desired behaviors is

Primary Reinforcer

Something good happens as a result of a specific behavior and encourages the behavior to continue is

Positive Reinforcement

When a dog forms a unconscious association between two stimuli is

Classical Conditioning

When a dog forms an association between a behavior and a consequence is

Operant Conditioning

Something good is taken away when the dog performs unwanted behavior is

Negative Punishment

Any action that can be observed or measured, such as sitting, lying, down, walking, barking, or roll over is

A Behavior

Using a prompt to guide a dog into a specific behavior is

A Lure

A signal that tells dog that they will be rewarded for performing a behavior is

A Cue

Cue should be added once the dog performs a specific behavior _______________ of the time


Any event that can be perceived by a dog is

A Stimulus

A reward that a dog desires.


The dog is rewarded with a primary reinforcer every single time behavior is performed is

Continuous Reinforcement

Replaces continuous reinforcement, the dog hears marker word and randomly receives a reward when behavior is performed is

Intermittent Reinforcement

Waiting for a dog to perform a desired behavior without giving any type of prompt, and then rewarding the dog for performing the behavior is


A process that can be used to teach more complex behaviors is


A dog's ability to respond to a cue in a variety of real-world situations and circumstances is

Cue Consistency

A training method that uses primary reinforcer to lure a dog into position is

Lure and Reward

A sound that tells a dog what behavior, or portion of a behavior, is the desired behavior, always followed by a reward is

Marker Word

When do you say the marker word to the dog?

As the dog completes the behavior you want to reinforce.

When using marker word and reward, when should you give the dog the reward?

Within one second after saying marker word

A verbal signal that lets dog know that a specific activity is over and they can move about is

Release Word

A form of canine communication used by dogs to communicate with each other about resources and to also protect their resources is

Body Block

Put the following in the order in which you teach

Distraction, Duration and Distance

1.) Duration

2.) Distraction

3.) Distance

The length of time for which a behavior is maintained is


Stimuli which distracts a dog is


The act of adding space between the person and the dog when performing a behavior is


Name the three behavior modification techniques are available for responding to undesirable behaviors

Desensitization, Extinction, and Response Subsitution

The process of reducing a dog's undesirable response by very slowly and gradually increasing the dog's exposure to the stimulus so that, over time, the reaction no longer occurs is


The process of eliminating a previously reinforced behavior by removing reward is


The process through which an undesirable behavior is replaced with a desirable behavior is

Response Substitution

What would you recommend to a Pet Parent if:

Her dog barks all day when Pet Parent is at work.

Many correct answers but the basics are:

Interactive Toys, Exercise Pet before leaving, Dog Training Classes

What would you recommend to a Pet Parent if:

His dog jumps on guest when they come to visit.

Many correct answers, but the basics are:

Ignore Behavior and recommend Dog Training Classes