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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 reasons for the Incarnation?
To reconcile us with God, to show God's love for us, to be our model, to let us partake in divine life.
What does Incarnation mean?
When God became man.
How can you describe Jesus Christ?
He is one divine person with two natures.
What are Jesus' natures?
One human and one divine.
True or false...Jesus was just a human being with special graces.
How did Jesus show us his divinity?
Thru miracles, forgiveness of sins, and his Resurrection.
How did Jesus show us his humanity?
He had friends, showed human emotions, learned as he grew, had a mom and a dad.
What is the swoon theory?
That Jesus simply swooned but did not really die on the cross.
Do we have any evidence for Jesus' existence?
We have non Christian sources that confirm both his life and crucificxion.
Whati s the consipracy theory?
That the apostles "conspired" or lied together to pretend that Jesus resurrected when he really did not.
What are some reasons why the conspiracy theory is not logical?
It does not explain the change in the personalities of the apostles,or thier preaching the same story everywhere.
Could the person who died for Jesus have been an imposter?
No, his family and friends would have recognized that and the risen Jesus had the wounds.
What is the importance of Pentecost?
It is the birthday of the Church.
What happened at Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the upper room.
How long after Jesus ascended until the Holy Spirit?
THe Holy Spirit came 10 days after Jesus ascended.
For how long was Jesus in his resurrected body on earth?
40 days
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Holy Spirit?
That the Holy Spirit is the Lord and giver of life.
What is the Hebrew word for the Holy Spirit?
True or false, the Holy Spirit came into being at Pentecost.
False, the Spirit was around from the beginning of time.
Why do we need the Holy Spirit?
It is only thru the Spirit that we can have faith.
What is the mission of the Holy Spirit?
To reveal God the Father and Jesus the SOn to us.
Where is the HS present?
In the scriptures, Tradition, the magisterium, the sacraments, prayer, and the saints.
What are the three gifts the Holy Spirit gives us?
The gifts, charisms, and fruits.
What are some titles of the Holy Spirit?
Paraclete, Consoler, advocate.
What does Paraclete mean?
It is the Greek for an advocate.
What are some symbols of the Holy SPirit?
Fire, dove, wind, anointing, laying on of hands, water.
What are charisms?
They are gifts given by the HS for the benefit of the CHurch community and not the individual.
From what do the fruits of the spirit come from?
They are the result of the spirit living in us over time.
When do we receive the gifts of the HS?
First at baptism and the fullness at Confirmation.