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185 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Falsely accused
Substantive Justice
Deserving concrete thing
Procedural Justice
Ability to be heard
Equal Protection
Right to an attorney
Ethical Likeness
Everyone equal under the law
Social Contract
abstract agreement between the people and government on social policies
habeas corpus
proper punishment
limit on government power
isaiah berlin
negative and positive liberty
negative liberty
freedom from
positive liberty
freedom for
exodus 21
equal punishment
matthew 5
forgiveness v. fairness
Job 1
righteous person loves god regardless
might makes right
old testament
eye for an eye
new testament
trust in god
divine law
commandment of god
natural law
transcending law
positive law
internal logic
Birmingham Jail
Procedural Justice
Thomas Aquinas
humans created in the image of god
Great Chain of Being
Natural order of things
Divine Right
King above everyone else
Absolute monarch
king chosen by god
Leviathan (1651)
Hobbes' treatise for the commonwealth of ppl
Reason over God's law
State of Nature
Locke's belief that all individuals are granted eternal freedom and equality
one's belongings obtained thru labor
original sin
all humans are sinners
theory of progress
cultivate world to generate more wealth
rule of reason
violators of law are punished according to the extent of their violation
labor theory of value
sufficient common for everyone to utilize
creates property
Adam Smith
Work on the world in order to expand it
Rule of propriety
use of money. changes spoilage
Locke's idea that there is a need for gov't to protect property
Locke's belief of limit on gov't power
order & law justified by reason as opposed to god
popular sovereignty
limit on gov't power to protect property
state legislatures
seen to occupy too much power and undermining property
first generation thinkers in support of constitution. fed power
anti federalists
those who exercised ambition and opposed constitution. state power & instilled bill of rights
too much freedom that it undermines property
separation of powers
created to distribute gov't power equally
articles of confederation
agreement amongst 13 founding states
Federalist 10
state legislature too democratic and threatening property
natural aristocracy (cultivated gentlemen)
merchants that powered the Revolution and mainly federalists who feared ambition of legislature
group sharing a common interest
direct democracy
people's direct opinion on state policy
representative democracy
people represented by those elected
large republic which can alleviate problem of factions
instilled bill of rights
federalists 78
judiciary as weakest branch
fundamental law
social contract serving long term interests of people
judicial review
legislative & executive actions subjected to review
gregorio cortez
no longer "might makes right" but who has the better argument
protestant reformation
challenge of church ideals. individual can preach God w/o church
reinvesting hard work for a prosperous salvation
declaration of independence
rules that the sovereign has to abide by
separation of power and checks and balances
striving for equality comes w/ danger and also undermines liberty
centralized administration
state power influenced by federal policies
nanny state
states relying too much on gov't
decentralized administration
local exercising of policies allowing for liberty and freedom
john schaar
nationalism and patriotism
based on ideas of blood, race and contempt
patriotism of places
pride rooted in places
schaar says its difficult to do this b/c we are selling it
unity based upon spiritual and sacred means
based upon covenant ideals
social tyranny
tocqueville's idea that majorities can be coercive
john stuart mill
social and official tyranny
official tyranny
tyranny exercised through law
public opinion
common sense that decides the direction of society
dictatorship created by majority rule
administrative decentralization
supremacy clause
federal law overrides state law when they are conflicting
94 Federal District Courts
inferior courts that receives the litigation
13 Federal Courts of Appeal
circuit courts that deal w/ appeal. sent to supreme court if this is lost
common law
rule imposed as a law for everyone after judge's ruling
common law followed by all other judges
person bringing complaint
person being sued
file brief for a case
Police power
state power to enforce laws
Due Process (14th amend)
all citizens of state guaranteed liberty and justice
secular regulation
legislation is invalid if it does not serve legitimate, nonreligious governmental ends
judicial restrain
judges retaining personal beliefs in deciding court cases
Clear & Present Danger
no harming of other individuals
judicial activism
judges not interfering w/ policies of local gov't
rational basis
gov't law or policy that must be presented by reason
Levels of Scrutiny
judging based on race
Geoffrey Hodgson
liberal consensus
Franklin Roosevelt
New deal president during Great Depression
New Deal
safety net
Laissez - Faire
economy w/ minimal government intervention
savior to depression
Liberal Consensus
confidence in capitalism post WWII
isolation from foreign affairs
truman doctrine
containing Communism
communism crusade
hearings that test for Communism affiliation
list of suspected Communists
Hollywood 10
10 actors & producers called up before HUAC
End of Slavery Importation (1808)
slavery continued
The Great Betrayal
failure of Constitution to address slavery
3/5th Rule
slave vote count as 3/5th
fugitive slave
runaway slaves
small independent farmer
Dred Scott v. Sanford 1857
slaves imported had no rights b/c they are not citizens
Minersville School District v. Gobitis 1940
mandatory flag salute
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette 1943
reverse precedent on flag salute
Lincoln's debate
founding fathers set out to abolish it. all slavery or no slavery. no half-half
Douglas' debate
popular sovereignty
Missouri Compromise
both slave and free state
compromise of 1850
CA as free state while other states were slave states
Democratic Party
pro slavery & popular sovereignty
south constructed w/ aid of African Americans post war
14th amendment
due process of law
jim crow
legal segregation
plessy v ferguson 1896
separate but equal. violate 13th & 14th amendment
public accommodation
policies enforced on society
badge of slavery
closely related to slavery
intrastate commerce
laws within states
interstate commerce
laws between states
prevent blacks from voting
poll tax, literacy tests
lynchings in south to enforce jim crow
Uncle Tom
loyal blackman
emmitt till
murdered based on suspicion
gene pool mixing based on selection
tuskegee experiment
falsely informed group of blacks that their syphilis was being treated
WWII South
blacks began to assert themselves
solid south
democratic south w/ power due to inability of slave voting
brown v. board 1954
separate but unequal
brought case of brown v board
thurgood marshall
brought case against separate but equal for students in school
Westminister v Mendez 1946
segregation of latino students
stigmatic injury
feeling of inferiority invoked by segregation
kenneth clark
white vs black doll
nonviolent student activists that become violent. excluded white people
nonviolence & civil disobedience rooted in black church
Little Rock 9
black students accompanied by soldiers & prevented from entering campus
Black nationalism
black pride
malcolm x
by any means necessary
de facto
segregation to prevent violence
de jure
treatment based on word of law
John Maynard Keynes
investment based on people's demands
fiscal policy
taxation to reduce inflation
monetary policy
gov't influence on business cycle
consumption demand
demand of society
safety net & workers union
foreign policy
vietnam war
great society
era when president johnson pushed for social equality for blacks
war on poverty
johnson's attempt to move equality along
John Maynard Keynes
investment based on people's demands
fiscal policy
taxation to reduce inflation
monetary policy
gov't influence on business cycle
consumption demand
demand of society
safety net & workers union
foreign policy
vietnam war
civil rights act (1964)
law prohibiting discrimination
great society
era when president johnson pushed for social equality for blacks
voting rights act 1965
law allowing blacks to vote
war on poverty
johnson's attempt to move equality along
reason why civil rights movement was hindered
vietnam war spending
affirmative action
favored minority groups to jumpstart equality
reversal racism
whites not given equal racism b/c of affirmative action
draft 1960s
led to student protests
New Left
liberals questioning war
military industrial complex
relation btwn school and army
Clark Kerr
UC Regents president who tried to supported free speech but did not do much.
Mario Savio
students treated like raw material or machines. disagree w/ liberal consensus
Hodgson on Protestantism
living in present rather than future
17 yr old burn draft to show disapproval of draft
Military Service act
Amended to prevent people from burning draft cards
symbolic speech
based on conduct
can be regulated by gov't