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15 Cards in this Set

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Genes provide _________ for a cell to assemble ___________ that express _________ such as eye colors or seed shape.
1. Directions
2. Molecules
3. Traits
Chromosomes are made of _________ and deoxyribonucleic acid or ____, which is an organsim's genetic material.
1. Proteins
2. DNA
Strands of DNA in a ________________ are tightly ________ like a telephone cord.
1. Chromosome
2. Coiled
DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder or a ___________ _______.
1. Double helix
DNA is made of __________, which are molecules made of a ___________ base, a sugar, and a _________________ group.
1. Nucleotide
2. Nitrogen
3. Phosphate
There are 4 nitrogen bases-- ________ (A),__________ (C), ____________ (T) and __________ (G).
1. Adenine
2. Cytosine
3. Thymine
4. Guanine
_____________ copies a DNA molecule to make another DNA molecule. It produces two __________ strands of DNA.
1. Replication
2. Identical
The DNA of each cell carries a complete set of _____ that provide ___________ for making all the _________ a cell requires.
1. Genes
2 instructions
3. Proteins
Segments of DNA that are not parts of genes are often called _______ ____.
1. Junk DNA
Ribonucleic Acid , or ____, is a type of _________ acid that carries the code for making ________ from the ________ to the cytoplasm.
1. RNA
2. Nucleic
3. Proteins
4. Nucleus
Like DNA, RNA is made of ____________.
1. Nucleotides
RNA is single stranded and has the sugar _______ . It has the nitrogenous base _______ instead of Thymine.
1. Ribose
2. Uracil
The process of making mRNA from DNA is ______________.
1. Transcription
Three types of RNA:
1. Transfer RNA
2. Ribosomal RNA
3. Messenger RNA
The process of making a pritein from RNA is called ______________.
1. Translation