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37 Cards in this Set

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small units (monomers) that make up DNA

base pairing rules

the bases of the 2 DNA strands always pair up in the same way (T-A, C-G); these pairings occur b/c of the sizes of the bases and the ability of the bases to form hydrogen bonds w/ each other


process by which DNA is copied during the cell cycle

DNA polymerase

a group of enzymes that bonds the new nucleotides together

central dogma

theory of molecular biology, which states that info flows in one direction, from DNA to RNA to proteins (discovered by Francis Crick and includes three processes: replication, transcription, and translation)


ribonucleic acid; a chain of nucleotides, each made of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base (temp. copy of DNA)


process of copying a sequence of DNA to produce a complementary strand of RNA (gene is transferred into an RNA message)


unused portion that are removed from mRNA


used portion that bonds together

RNA polymerase

enzymes that bond nucleotides together in a chain to make a new RNA molecule

messenger RNA

an intermediate message that is translated to form a protein

ribosomal RNA

forms part of ribosomes, a cell's protein factories

transfer RNA

brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to a ribosome to help make the growing protein


process that converts, or translates, an mRNA message into a polypeptide

How is the structure of DNA a common language?

the pairing of bases; strands fit together and are the opposite of each other

3 parts of nucleotides

sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen-containing base

How many nucleotides compose DNA?

~3 billion pairs


double-ring -> A and G


single-ring -> T and C

What kind of bond is formed between the bases and in the backbone?

bases - hydrogen bondbackbone - covalent bond

steps of DNA replication

1) DNA helicase unzips the two DNA strands (breaks hydrogen bond)2) free-floating nucleotides match up3) DNA polymerase reconnects the two strands4) Result: identical strands

role of enzymes in DNA replication

to separate the DNA strands and reconnect the DNA bases

What kind of organic molecule are enzymes?


How do you identify enzymes?

-ase = forming name of enzymes

What molecule helps to ensure that DNA replication is accurate?

DNA polymerase


sequence of 3 nucleotides that codes for one amino acid

stop codon

stop codoncodon that signals to ribosomes to stop translation

start codon

codon that signals to ribosomes to begin translation; codes for the first amino acid in a protein


set of 3 nucleotides in a tRNA molecule that binds to a complementary mRNA codon during translation

point mutation

1 nucleotide is substituted for another (aa change)


change in the DNA sequence

silent mutation

does not change the amino acid formation

frameshift mutation

insertion or deletion of a nucleotide; entire sequence of DNA/RNA after the mutation is shifted (much more serious to the structure and function of final protein)

gene translocation

results from crossing over between non-homologous chromosomes


agent that can induce or increase the frequency of mutation in organisms (causes genetic mutations)

steps of transcription

1) RNA polymerase separates the DNA nucleotides2) Free floating nucleotides match up w/ DNA3) mRNA breaks free in separate pieces4) mRNA processing takes place (introns removed, exons bond together)5) DNA recombines to be used again

How are mRNA codons translated into amino acids? (steps of translation)

1) mRNA enters ribosome 2) Ribosome reads 1 mRNA codon at a time 3) tRNA delivers amino acids until a protein is created