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145 Cards in this Set

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Why is Aristotle famous?

He created the first classification system (Plant and Animal):

Organisms that walk, swim or fly

Why is Carolus Linnaeus famous?

He created the classification system involving binomial nomenclature

Who is Charles Darwin?

He created a book called The Origin of Species, supporting the theory that everything comes from evolution

What is the biological species concept?

The idea that if two organisms can mate freely creating viable, fertile offspring then they are the same breed

What are the 3 Domains?

Archaea, Bacteria, Eukaryota

What are the 8 Ranks?

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

What is the human taxa?

Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primates, Hominidae, Homo, Sapien

Which kingdoms are in Prokaryotes?

Bacteria and Archaea

Which kingdoms are in Eukaryotic cells?

Plantae, Fungi, Animalia, Protista,

What type of DNA do Prokaryotes have?

-Plasmid DNA

-Single Chromosomal DNA that is not bounded by a membrane

What type of DNA do Eukaryotes have?

-Chromosomal DNA

-In nucleus bounded by a membrane

How do Prokaryotes divide?

-Binary fission

-Conjugation (Sexual)

How do Eukaryotic cells divide?

-Mitosis (Asexual)

-Meiosis (Sexual)

What type of reproduction do prokaryotes usually undergo?

Asexual reproduction (Binary Fission)

What type of reproduction do Eukaryotic cells usually undergo?

Sexual reproduction (Meiosis)

What type of cell structures do Prokaryotes have?

-No membrane bound organelles

-No mitochondria

What type of cell structures do Eurkaryotes have?

-Mamny membrane bound organelles

How big are prokaryotic cells?

1-10 Micrometres

How big are Eukaryotic cells?

100-1000 Micrometres

Do Eukaryotic cells need oxygen to survive?


What do fossils tell scientists about different organisms?

They can determine the evolutionary history

What are homologus species?

They have a common evolutionary origin

What are analogus species?

Species that perform the same or similar function but evolved seperately

Why do scientists focus on development in the early stages of life rather than adult organisms?

Adult organisms are sometimes harder to compare

How do scientists use biochemistry in order to compare organisms?

They can compare molecules, and macro molecules like proteins

What is phylogeny?

When scientists classify species based on evolutionary history

What are the oldest organisms on earth?

Kingdom Archaea

Which types of environments do Archaea live in?

Extreme environments

What are chemotrophic organisms?

Organisms that obtain energy from inorganic molecules

What are heterotrophs?

Organisms that obtain energy from organic molecules

What are autotrophs?

Organisms that make their own food by using the sun

What are special about the lipids in Archaea

They are more protective and allow Arhcaeic organisms to live in extreme environments

How can scientists use Archaeic enzymes?

They can conduct experiments that require harsh processing (PCR)

What are the 2 major Phyla for Archaea that we talked about in class?



What are the 3 main types of Archaea in Euarchaeota?

Methanogens, Halophiles and Thermophiles

Do methanogens need oxygen to live?


Where are methanogens found?

Below surfaces of swamps and marshes

What type of Archaea are those in Chrenarcheaota?


Are bacteria Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?

They are prokaryotic

Are bacteria unicellular or multicellular?

They are unicellular

What is the main way bacteria reproduce? (Asexual or Sexual)

Asexually-Binary Fission

What is it called when bacteria sexual reproduce?


Are most bacteria chemotrophic or heterotrophic?

Most are heterotrophic

Can some bacteria be autotrophic or cyanobacteria?


What are the 6 Advantages to bacteria?


-Fighting Disease



-Genetic Engineering


What is a symbiotic relationship?

A relationship between two organisms

What is mutualism?

Case in which both partners benefit from the interaction

What are the 2 disadvantages to bacteria?

-Spoilage of food


What are parasitic or pathogenic bacteria?

When one organism #1 benefits at the expense of organism #2. Organism #2 is usually harmed by not killed

What do pathogenic bacteria produce?


What is a toxin?

A poison produced in the body of a living organism that is only harmful to other organisms.

What are the 2 types of toxins produced by bacteria?

Endotoxins and Extotoxins

Which type of toxin is usually fatal?


Which type of toxin is released when cells split?


How many people could 1 gram of botualism kill?

1 million

What are the 3 shapes bacteria can take on?

Cocci (Round) Bacillus (Rod) Spirillium (Spiral)

What are the four patterns of bacteria we must know?

Mono, Diplo, Strepto, Staphylo

What does Facultative anaerobic mean?

Can grow with or without oxygen

What is a saprotroph?

A bacteria that feeds on dead organisms or organic waste

What is phsychrophile?

A bacteria that grows best in colder temperatures

What are 4 ways to classify appearance of colonies in a petri dish?

Elevation, Pigmentation, Margin and Form

What does a positive gram stain look like?

Purple-indicating a thick protein layer

What does a negative gram stain look like?

Pink-indicating a thing protein layer

What are capsules usually created from?


True or false: Bacteria have the ability to have flagella


What is a bacteria spore?

A highly resistant state of bacteria containing the DNA of the bacteria

What is the asexual process of reproduction called in bacteria?

Binary Fission

Do binary fission products create nonidentical or identical offspring?


What is sexual bacteria reproduction called?


What is the lag phase?

When bacteria are adjusting to their new surroundings

What is the exponential growth phase?

When population grows rapidly

What is the stationary phase?

When nutrients start to run out and same amount of deaths as births

What is the death phase

The number of dying bacteria supersedes the amount being created

Define Carrying capacity

The maximum number of organisms a particular environment can support

What is the time it takes for a population to double in size called?

Growth Rate

Are viruses measured in Micrometres?


How are viruses measured?

In nanometres

Can viruses carry out metabolic functions or reproduce on their own?

No, they are not living

Do viruses have DNA or RNA?


What is the protein coat that wraps around the DNA or RNA of viruses called?


True or false: All viruses are host specific


True or False: Viruses have very complicated code in their DNA or RNA

False- They only have one code: Replicate

What are intracellular parasites?

Parasites that are able to use a host cell to perform its functions

What is it called when a virus can reproduce without killing their host cell?

Temperate viruses

What are the 2 cycles viruses undergo?

The Lytic cycle and Lysogenic cycle

What are 4 ways to classify viruses?



-Type of host they infect

-Type of disease they cause

What are 4 reasons why a viral shape is important?

-Allows for protection of Nucleic acid

-Allows for undetection in host

-Resistance for harsh conditions

-Determines cell receptors

What are 3 ways viruses spread?

Humans, Animals, Water

Why do we get symptoms when a viruses infects our body?

We feel the backlash of our body trying to fight back

True or false: Most protists are multicellular

False-Most protista are unicellular

What type of cells are Protista?


Do protists mainly produce sexually or asexually?


What is the preferred environment for protista?

Moist, (Fresh water, salt water)

What are the 3 major groups protista are classified into?


-Animal-like (Protozoa)

-Fungi-like (Slime moulds and Water moulds)

Are plantlike protista chemotrophic, autotrophic or heterotrophic?


Can algae be consumed as food?


What is another name for animal-like Protista?


What are 3 ways animal-like Protista move around?

Cilia, Flagella, Pseudopods

Why are some protozoa exclusively parasitic?

They are unable to move

How are protozoa mainly classified?

Based on their mode of locomotion

What are the 2 types of Fungi-Like Protista?

Slime moulds and Water moulds

What type of environments do Fungi-Like Protista prefer?

Cold, Shady and Moist

What type of feeders are Fungi-Like protista? (Chemotroph, Autotroph, Heterotroph)


How can fungi-like Protista help humans?

They live in our digestive tract, aiding in digestion

Do Fungi photosynthesize?


What type of feeders are Fungi?

Heterotrophs or Saprotrophs

Do fungi undergo internal or external digestion?


Are fungi prokaryotic or eukaryotic?


Are the majority of fungi multicellular or unicellular?


What is the material called that makes up the cell wall in fungi?


True or False: Only some fungi produce spores

False-All fungi produce spores

What is a group of hyphae called?


What is fragmentation?

An asexual process when a hyphae breaks off and grows into a new mycelium

Can spores on a fungi dry out?

No because they have a protective coating

What are the 4 major phyla for Fungi?

Basidiomycotes, Zygomycotes, Ascomycotes, Deuteromycotes

Which phyla do bread moulds belong to?


What do zygomycotes produce during sexual reproduction?


What are horizontal hyphae called?


What are vertical hyphae called?


What do Zygomycotes produce during asexual reproduction?


What phylum are mushrooms a part of?


What is the largest phylum of fungi?


What phylum are yeasts a part of?


What do Ascomycotes produce during sexual reproduction?


Can Deuteromycotes reproduce sexually?


What are the spores called when Deuteromycotes asexually reproduce?


What type of cells are Plants?


Are plants unicellular or multicellular?


How many forms do plants alternate between?


What is the life cycle in which plants alter back and forth called?

Alteration of generations

What is the haploid form called?


What is the diploid form called?


Which type of plant is Non-Vascular?

Mosses and their relatives

What are the 3 types of mosses?

Bryophytes, Hepaphytes and Anthocerophytes

Why are ferns special?

They are Seedless, Vascular plants

What type of plant do "Naked Seeds" Refer to?


What is an angiosperm?

A flowering plant that protects their seeds within a fruit

What is a monocot?

They are plants that have one cotyledon

What is a cotyledon?

A seed leaf

What are the 2 largest groups of Animals?

Invertebrates and Vertebrates

True or False: Invertebrates do not have a backbone


What are 3 types of body layers?

Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm

What are 3 types of symmetry?

Bilateral symmetry, Radial symmetry and asymmetrical

What is a Coelom?

A fluid filled body cavity

What does a Coelom allow for?

Development of complex organ systems