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86 Cards in this Set

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.Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Mechanism of Action:
.Inhibit C.A., resulting in bicarbonate loss in the urine.
.Net Effect: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
.• Alkaline urine, due to Na+-bicarbonate loss in the urine.
• Enhanced chloride reabsorption resulting in acidosis.
.Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, Clinical Uses:
.• Diuretics: limited use.
• Alkalinize urine (Cysteinurea).
• Reduce intra ocular pressure.
• Management of seizures (unknown).
• Given prophylactically for mountain sickness.
.Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors drug
Acetazolamide, C.A. inhibitors not used much
-inhibit CA inhibitors of proximal tubule
.Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors side effects
• Metabolic acidosis.
• Markedly increases K+ loss in the urine (acute effect).
Osmotic Diuretics
Small molecules that are filtered, but not reabsorbed by the kidney.
osmotic diuretics M.O.A.
Effect on the Loop of Henle: (major)
• Given in large doses, they increase the osmolarity of plasma.
• Extract water from peripheral tissues and decrease blood viscosity.
• Increase medullary renal blood flow and reduce its tonicity.
• Impair water reabsorption by thin descending limb of Henle’s loop.
• Impair NaCL & urea extraction by thin ascending limb of Henle’s loop.
• Interfere with transport processes in the TALH.

Proximal conv. tubule: (minor)
• Osmotically inhibit Na+ & H2O reabsorption.
Osmotic Diuretics
Net effect:
• Significantly increase urine with small increments of NaCl and other
-immediate effect
Osmotic Diuretics
Clinical Uses
• Treatment of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome.
• Reduce intra cranial pressure.
• Reduce intraocular pressure.
osmotic diuretics examples
Mannitol, IV infusion: Injection [50 mL of a 25% solution], usual dose 1-5 g.
side effects osmotic diuretics
-volume overload
-contraindicicated in cardiac failure
Loop Diuretics
Mechanism of action and pharmacological effects
• Inhibit Na-K-2Cl symporter in TALH.
• Inhibit the ability of the macula densa to “sense” NaCl.
• Stimulate biosynthesis of prostaglandins.
• Increase total renal blood flow.
• Maintain GFR.
• Potently increase renin release by:
inhibiting the macula densa.
reflexely activating the sympathetic NS.
stimulating intrarenal baroreceptor mechanisms
Loop Diuretics (High-ceiling
• Net Effect:
• Most potent class of diuretics in mobilizing NaCl.
• Copious diuresis and significant NaCl loss.
• Increase urinary excretion of K+/H+ .
• Increase excretion of Ca2+ and Mg2+.
• Impair the ability of the kidney to concentrate urine.
Loop Diuretics (III)
Therapeutic Uses:
• Edema of cardiac, hepatic or renal origin (oral) [GFR<30
• Pulmonary edema (IV):
Decrease pulmonary wedge pressure.
Increase compliance (so can hold more blood)of pulmonary vessels.
Increase peripheral venous capacitance.
Reduce left ventricular filling pressure.
Cause brisk diuresis.
• Hypercalcemia to mobilize Ca2+ (Given in normal saline).
• Protect against renal failure [related to prostaglandin and
• Washout of toxins by increasing urine flow.
• Antihypertensive diuretics used with other drugs.
Loop Diuretics (IV)
Specific Examples:
Furosemide [Lasix)
• Sulfonamide type drug that inhibits NaCl reabsorption in
• Furosemide is administered orally and IV/IM.
• Secreted by organic acid transporter to inhibit the luminal
• Has a wide margin of safety.
• Dose-response curve
influenced by renal disease
(impaired secretion)
most popular
-has to be secreted into tubule by proximal convoluted tubule, travels and inhibits importer from inside
-in renal disease patients, impaired secretion, so have to give lots more
have to monitor them for NaCl when first use it
-pt has to be hydrated so kidney stones not formed from Ca
-very good venodilator
Loop Diuretics (V)
Pharmacological Effects of Furosemide:
• copious diuresis with significant NaCl losses.
• increased urinary excretion of K+/H+
• increased urinary excretion of Ca2+ and Mg2+
• increased renal prostaglandins.
•increased venous capacitance.
Dosage and Pharmacokinetics of furosemide:
• Administered orally at 20-40 mg OD or BID.
• Diuretic response in 30 min, lasting ~8hr.
• Short half-life (1.5 hr), but extensively protein bound.
• Excreted in the urine 65%.
Loop Diuretics (VI)
Side effects of furosemide:
Abnormalities of fluid and electrolytes:
—hypokalemia and disorders in pH (mostly alkalosis).
—requires initial monitoring.
Elevated BUN, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia.
Ototoxicity, sialadentitis (inflammation of salivary glands).
Drug interactions of furosemide:
• interactions with Li+
• indomethacin, is a prostaglandin inhibitor
• probenecid
• warfarin, 99% highly protein boud so is furosemide, can displace water
loop diuretic
-Forty times more potent than furosemide.
• Dose is 1 mg once or twice daily.
• Substituted for furosemide in patients receiving warfarin
• Loop diuretic that also lowers blood pressure.
• Has a longer half-life than other loop diuretics, given
once daily.
3 segments in Collectin Duct
1)Na+-K+ aldosterone-
Independent segment
2)Aldosterone Sensitive
ENaC channel
3)Sodium load segment (proportional to how much sodium makes it to that segment)
-ENaC channel
Inner Medullary Collecting
• Up to 5% of filtered Na+ can
be reabsorbed here.
Two types of Na+ channels
are expressed in IMCD:
1. Amiloride-sensitive,
cyclic nucleotide gated
cation (CNG) channel.
2. low-conductance
highly-selective Na+ ENaC
benzothiadiazides (thiadiazide diuretics) M.O.A.
inhibit NaCl reabsorption in the Na+-K+ aldosteroneindependent
segment of the distal tubule.
benzothiadiazides (thiadiazide diuretics) pharmacological effects
• moderate loss of Na+, K+ and Cl-, cause 3X increase in
urine flow.
• sodium loss results in reduced GFR (chronic).
• elevation of excreted urinary potassium (Hypokalemia).
• Increase excretion of titratable acid, due to increased
delivery of Na+ to the distal tubule.
• Decrease the urinary excretion of Ca2+.
• Increase the urinary excretion of Mg2+.
benzothiadiazides (thiadiazide diuretics)
works on 1st segment of distal tubule
-prescribed lots, and reduce GFR bc used over long period
-reduce Ca, interfere w PTH, major diff bt loop diuretics
(Thiazide Diuretics)
Therapeutic uses:
• Diuretic to reduce edema associated with:
CHF, cirrhosis and nephrotic syndrome
• Hypercalciurea and renal calcium stones.
• To reduce blood pressure in essential hypertension
• To augment the action of other antihypertensives.
• Osteoporosis
• Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus.
Note: like loop diuretics, thiazides require secretion into the
tubular fluid to exert their effect.
• With possible exceptions of metolazone and indapamide,
most thiazides are ineffective when GFR <30-40 mL/min.
Thiazide Diuretics Class I
Preferably used when GFR > 50 mL/min.
• Hydrochlorothiazide: (T1/2 = 2.5 h). Oral, 25-50 mg BID.
• Chlorthalidone: [Hygroton] (T1/2 = 47h). Oral, 50 mg once daily.
• Quinethazone: [Hydromox] Dose 25-50 mg BID.
Thiazide Diuretics Class 2
More potent, might be effective in some patients with GFR <50 but >30
• Metolazone [Zaroxolyn]: 10X more potent than HCTZ.
• Indapamide [Lozol]: 20X more potent than HCTZ.
Thiazide Adverse Rxns
1)Depletion phenomena
-Hypokalemia Dilutional, hyponatremia,
Hypochloremic alkalosis, Hypomagnesemia
2)Retention phenomena: Hyperuricemia Hypercalcemia
3)Metabolic changes
Hyperglycemia, Hyperlipidemia,
Hypersecretion of renin & aldosterone
4)Hypersensitivity &
-Fever, Rash, purpurea -Pancreatitis
-Sialadentitis -Withdrawal edema
safe class of drug
loop diuretics excrete more NaCl for the most part compared to thiazides, def at high doses
Late DCT and CD
• Principal and intercalated cells.
• Principal cells:
• Type A (hormonally responsive)
and Type B (load responsive).
• Type A, involved in Na+
reabsorption and K+ SECRETION.
• Hormonally regulated by
• Type B, involved in Na+
reabsorption and K+ secretion.
Na+ is delivered, the more is
absorbed in exchange for K+
Aldosterone Antagonists
Physiological actions of Aldosterone:
• Aldosterone binds to a mineralocorticoid receptor in DCT.
• Traslocate to nucleus and binds to hormone-sensitive elements.
• Regulate the expression Aldosterone-induced EnaC Na+ channels.
• Consequently transepithelial NaCl transport is enhanced.
• Lumen-negative transepithelial voltage in increased.
• The latter effect increases the secretion of K+ and H+.
Mechanism of action of Aldosterone antagonists:
• Bind to aldosterone receptor in the cytoplasm and prevent its
translocation to the nucleus.
• Reduce Enac channels that are involved in Na+ reabsorption.
• Net effect:
—Increase Urinary excretion of Na+ (Natriuretic effect)
—inhibit the secretion of K+ and H+ (K-sparring)
Aldosterone Antagonists drugs
spironolactone and eplenerone
Aldosterone Antagonists pharmacokinetics
• Spironolactone is a pro-drug that is extensively metabolized.
• Canrenone is an active metabolite with a longer T1/2.
Aldosterone Antagonists pharmacokinetics side effects
Spironolactone side effects
• Hyperkalemia (combine with a thiazide)
• Gynecomastia, hirsutism, uterine bleeding.
B. Eplenerone: [Inspra]
• Expected to have less side effects because it has very low affinity
for androgen receptors compared to spironolactone.
clinical uses eplenerone, more used bc of side effects w hydrochlorothyezide
• Diuretic, usually in combination with HCTZ ( hydrochlorothyezide)
• Treatment of CHF and cirrhosis.
K-sparing diuretics drugs
Triametrene, Amiloride
-Are organic bases and are not structurally related to aldosterone
-very popular
K sparing diuretics Mechanism of action
Inhibit Na reabsorption in late distal tubule, (sodium load segment).
K sparing diuretics pharmacologc effects
• Increase Urinary excretion of Na+ (weak effect).
• inhibit the secretion of K+ and H+ (K-sparring)
K sparing diuretics clinical uses
Diuretics. Combined with HCTZ [Dyazide] to increase their
effectiveness and decrease K+ excretion.
K sparing diuretics side effects
Hyperkalemia, megaloblastic anemia in patients with cirrhosis
Atrial Natriuretic Peptides
Inhibitors of the Nonspecific Na+ Channel
Peptides related to ANP:
-Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and Brain Natriuretic peptide (BNP)- are produced by the heart in response to wall stretch
-C-Type Natriuretic peptide (CNP)- endothelial and renal origin
-Urodilantin- found in urine, paracrine regulator of Na+ transport
• ANP: an atrial peptide produced in response to stretch.
• It binds to NP receptor-A (NPR), activates GC and
increases cGMP.
• BNP is produced by the ventricle.
• BNP also binds to NPR-A and acts like ANP.
• CNP binds to NPR-B in vascular smooth muscle cells and
mediates relaxation.
ANP and related peptides
• Urodilatin arises from the same precursor of ANP.
• Binds with low affinity to ANP-B in the glomeruli and IMCD.
ANP related peptide drug
-Nesiritide, recombinant B type natriuretic peptide (IV)
Clinical effects:
• Increases Na+ excretion by inhibiting:
—The CNG_nonspecific cation channel in IMCD.
—The renin angiotensin system and endothelin production.
• Useful in congestive heart failure because:
—Decreases systemic vascular resistance.
—Decreases left ventricular filling pressure.
—Increases cardiac output.
Side effects: Numerous, related to its narrow therapeutic index.
No data that it reduces mortality in patients with CHF.
Clinical uses Diuretics (review)
• Can be used as monotherapy or as adjuncts.
• Diuretics, alone or in combination with beta-blockers have
been demonstrated through large-scale trials to decrease
mortality in patients with hypertension.
• Diuretics (particularly in low doses) and ACEIs are the best
tolerated drugs for the monotherapy of hypertension.
• Patients with edematous conditions, such as heart failure
and renal insufficiency, frequently require the use of a
diuretic for optimal control of BP.
• Responses to diuretics (thiazides in particular) are seen at
lower doses, which produce a small but optimal natriuretic
effect; higher doses should be avoided because of increase
risk of side effects.
• Cheap.
thiazides diuretics review
• Widely used to treat mild or moderate hypertension.
• HCTZ is the most popular drug for therapy of high BP.
• Metolazone and indapamide may be effective in patients
with impaired renal function when thiazides are not.
However, most of these compounds are usually
ineffective when GFR lower than 30 mL/min and/or
serum creatinine above 2.5 mg/dL.
• Patients with “volume dependent” hypertension (with
low renin levels) show better responses. A poor
response to thiazides may reflect either an overwhelming
load of dietary sodium or an impaired renal capacity to
excrete the sodium
• A single morning dose of HCTZ will provide sustained
effect, while reducing K+ wastage during the nighttime.
loop diuretics review
• More efficient diuretics than the thiazides. used in patients
with severe hypertension unresponsive to thiazides,
especially with renal insufficiency, cardiac failure or cirrhosis.
• The resulting natriuresis with these agents can be excessive
and lead to more side effects than those caused with
thiazides. Therefore, they require more frequent monitoring.
• Due to their high efficacy, these diuretics (furosemide in
particular) is administered I.V. in hypertensive crisis or in
acute pulmonary edema.
• Co-administration of NSAID with loop diuretics is a common
preventable cause of diuretic resistance. Prostaglandins
reduce Na+ reabsorption in the distal nephron, antagonize
ADH, and distribute renal blood from the cortex to the
K+ sparing diuretics review
• Useful in patients at risk of K+ depletion (due to treatment
with thiazides or loop diuretics, patients with primary
aldosteronism, etc.). Useful in patients with hyperuricemia.
• Spironolactone is the diuretic of choice in cirrhosis and is
titrated to 400 mg/day. If GFR is <50 mL/min add a loop diuretic.
• Equipotent to Thiazides as antihypertensives, useful to
enhance the natriuretic effects of other diuretics.
• Available combination formulations include: Spironolactone
+Hydrochlorothiazide; Amiloride +Hydrochlorothiazide =
[Dyazide] a very popular antihypertensive diuretic.
• They are contraindicated in significant renal insufficiency
GFR <75 mL/min or other K+-retaining conditions.
clinical use of diuretics table
38 slide
aquadiuretics (antidiuretics)
-8 arginine-vasopressin also known as ADH
affects water handleing in kidney
-occurs by arginine vasopressin
-acts on 2 classes of receptors
Aquaretics (Anti-diuretics)
Structure and biosynthesis:
• 9 AA peptide derived from AVP preprohormone.
• Synthesized in paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of
• Elevation in plasma osmolarity > 280 mOsm/Kg.
• Depletion of extracellular volume
• Other: pain, nausea hypoxia
aquaretics; Vasopressin receptors and their activation:
VI Receptor:
Found in vascular smooth muscle.
• Binding of vasopressin to V1R activates Gq-PLC-IP3 pathway,
mobilizes Ca2+ causing vasoconstriction
Aquaretics: vasopression - continued
• V2 receptor:
in principal cells in renal collecting ducts (CD).
• Binding of vasopressin to V2R activates Gs-cAMP, PKA.
• PKA increase rate of insertion of water channel containing
vesicles (WCV’s) into the apical membrane of CD.
• PKA phosphorylates the water forming channel
aquaporin-2, which are then inserted as tetramers into the
apical membrane.
• Aquaporin channels increase the permeability of CD to water.
• PKA also phosphorylates the urea transporter (termed
VRUT or UT1), and increase the permeability of CD to urea.
• This in concert with the TALH and the multiplier
concentrates urine, up to 4 times the osmolarity of plasma.
actions of AVP on its receptors
-look @ chart slide 42 as well
-Activation of V1 causes vasoconstriction thru calcium
-V2 found in collecting duct, a GS activator 1st step, PKA phosphorylates aquaporin 2, insertion into channel
-perserve water
aquaretics II. Synthetic peptides that are V1 receptor agonists:
-causes vasoconstriction
-most common used for bleeding ulcers
Rationale: Activation of V1R cause GI and vascular smooth
muscle contraction.
Clinical uses: V1R agonists are given IV to treat post
oprative ileus, reduce bleeding in esophageal varices, to
reduce bleeding during acute hemorrhagic gastritis
aquaretics example
—8-arginine vasopressin [Pitressin]
Administered IV; use discontinued because of numerous side
effects: facial pallor, nausea (increased GI motility) and
effects on the coronary circulation.
—terlipressin [Glypressin] has fewer side effects.
Diseases affecting the
Vasopressin system
Diabetes insipidus (DI)
-drinks lots of water and produces lots of urine
-if taste urine it is tasteless
diabetes insipidus (DI) characteristics
Etiology: Impaired water conservation caused by:
• Inadequate AVP secretion (Central DI)
• insufficient kidney AVP response (nephrogenic DI).
• Excrete large volumes or dilute urine.
• Drink a lot of water (polydipsia)
• Central DI is distinguished from nephrogenic DI by the
administration of a V2R agonist (such as desmopressin),
which will increase urine osmolarity in patients with central
DI but not nephrogenic DI.
when treat don't want to touch the V1 receptor bc cause hypertension, thats why they created desmopressin, V2R agonist
Diseases affecting vasopressin
Causes and Treatment of central Diabetes insipidus:
• Head injury, surgery or trauma in the pituitary or
hypothalamus, tumors, CNS ischemia etc.
• Autosomal dominant (chrom 20)- in gradual loss of AVP.
Treatment of Central DI:
Synthetic vasopressin peptides: selective V2 R agonists.
Desmopressin: [DDAVP]:
• Synthetic AVP derivative: highly selective V2R agonist with
minimal V1R effects.
• Administered nasally (10 μg/whiff), IV, or oral tablet.
• Also used in bleeding disorders, given IV. or nasally to
increase circulating levels of factor VIII and von Willebrand
factor via extrarenal V2 receptors
• Used also in nocturnal enurisis (bed wetting in children).
-resistance/mutation in V2 stuff, use these, treat the cause
-thiazide can becoume antidiuretic; in slide, reduce the volume delivered to distal tubule
Causes & Treatment of Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus:
• Acquired: obstructive renal disease, Drugs: Li, clozapine
• Genetic: X-linked caused by the gene encoding V2R that
result in frame shift, truncated receptor or single amino
acid mutations.
Treatment of Nephrogenic DI:
• Maintain adequate water intake.
Thiazide diuretics: might reduce polyuria by ~50%.
• Cause mild depletion of extracellular water and sodium.
• Compensatory renal mechanisms increase the
reabsorbtive capacities of the proximal convoluted
tubule, reducing the volume delivered to the distal
Syndrome of Inappropriate
secretion of ADH (SIADH)
Etiology: Excessive production of ADH resulting in impaired
water excretion and plasma Hypoosmolarity (Hyponatremia).
Causes: Three drug classes are associated with SIADH:
• Psychotropics: SSRI, haloperidol & tricyclic anti depressants.
• Sulfonylureas: chloropropamide.
• Vinca Alkaloids: (Vincristine and vinblastine).
Treatment of SIADH:
• Patient is asymptomatic if plasma osmolarity is 125-132 mM
• Water restriction is enough.
• Generally when plasma Na+ falls below 120 mM.
*don't treat this unless sodium a big problem (hyponatremia)
Patients with SIADH are treated with:
• Water restriction, IV hypertonic saline
• Loop diuretics (interfere with kidney concentrating ability)
• Demeclocycline: antagonizes ADH at V2 receptors.
• Vaptans (discussed in the next slide)
Other water retaining conditions:
• In CHF, cirrhosis, or nephrotic syndrome, effective blood
volume is reduced; hypovolemia exacerbated by diuretics.
• Hypovolemia stimulates AVP release; patients may become
hyponatremic owing to vasopressin-mediated retention of
• Orally active V2 R antagonists provides a new therapeutic
strategy in patients with SIADH and hyponatremia in
patients with heart failure, liver cirrhosis, and nephrotic
treatment of SIADh and hyponatremia drug
Selective V2R antagonists (Vaptans):
treatment of SIADh and hyponatremi
Pharmacology: 29X more selective for the V2R than the V1aR.
• Significant hypervolemic and euvolemic hyponatremia
[serum sodium <125 mEq/L].
• Symptomatic hyponatremia that has resisted correction with
fluid restriction], including patients with heart failure, cirrhosis
and SIADH).
• Used only in a hospital setting.
• Pharmacokinetics: completely metabolized by CYP3.
Side effects:
Hyperglycemia, GI disturbances and clotting problems.
tolvaptan and conivaptan
-both used only in a hospital setting, bc volemics would use them to stay thin, increases urinary excretion of H2O
See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning.
• SAMSCA should be initiated and re-initiated in patients only in a
hospital where serum sodium can be monitored closely.
• Too rapid correction of hyponatremia (e.g., >12 mEq/L/24 hours) can
cause osmotic demyelination resulting in dysarthria, mutism,
dysphagia, lethargy, affective changes, spastic quadriparesis,
seizures, coma and death. In susceptible patients, including those with
severe malnutrition, alcoholism or advanced liver disease, slower
rates of correction may be advisable.
Convivaptan injection
-also treats SIADH
• Less selective for the V2R than tolvaptan.
• Given IV for acute treatment of hyponatremia in
hospital setting.
• Metabolized by CYP3A4.
• Numerous side effects: such as infusion site reaction.
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors summary
Mechanism of Action:
• Potent competitive inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase.
• Act in proximal tubule (90%) distal tubule (10%).
• Inhibit C.A. resulting in bicarbonate loss into urine.
• Net effect: alkaline urine, enhanced chloride reabsorption
(hyperchloremic systemic acidosis)
Clinical uses in:
• Glaucoma to reduce intraocular pressure.
• Cystinuria to alkalinize tubular urine.
• Management of seizures and mountain sickness.
• Prophylaxis of mountain sickness.
Osmotic Diuretics
Mechanism of action:
• Osmotically inhibit Na+/H2O reabsorption in proximal
convoluted tubule.
• Expand extracellular volume & é renal medullary blood
• ê medullary tonicity to impair ability of thin segments of
loop of Henle to extract water and absorb NaCl.
Net effect:
• é urine flow with small increments of Na, K+ & Cl-.
• Initially é plasma volume & B.P.
Clinical uses:
• Treatment of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome.
• Reduce intracranial pressure.
• Reduce intraocular pressure.
loop diuretics summary
Furosemide, Bumetanide and Torsemide
Mechanism of action:
• Inhibit Na+-K+-2Cl— symporter in TALH.
• increase renal blood flow
• increase renal prostaglandins
• Stimulate renin release and maintain GFR.
Net effect:
• Copious diuresis with significant Na loss
• increase K, Ca2+ and Mg2+ excretion
• increase excretion of H+ resulting in mild metabolic alkalosis
loop diuretics summary
Therapeutic utility:
• Edema of cardiac, hepatic & renal origin (oral)
• Acute pulmonary edema.
• Given I.V. for rapid mobilization of edema fluid
• decrease pulmonary wedge pressure
• Venodilation resulting in decrease left ventricular filling pressure
• increase compliance of pulmonary vasculature that facilitates
mobilization of fluid
• Brisk copious diuresis
• Mobilization of calcium; as in hypercalcemia
• Maintenance of renal PGs & renin to prevent renal failure
• Washout of toxins
• Antihypertensive particularly when GFR is very low.
Examples of Loop Diuretics summary
• High margin of safety
• Dilates veins, increases venous capacitance (decrease L.V.
filling pressure)
• Side effects:
• Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
• Ototoxicity,
• increase BUN, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
• Useful with warfarin
• Vasodilator
thiazide diuretics summary
Hydrochlorothiazide, Chlorthalidone and Metolazone
Mechanism of action:
• Inhibit Na-CL symporter in early distal tubule
• Net effect: mild loss of sodium and water
• increase K+ excretion.....Hypokalemia
Therapeutic utility:
• Treatment of mild to moderate edema
• Essential hypertension
• Diabetes insipidus
• Hypercalciurea
Side effects:
• Hypokalemia & Hypomagnesemia
• Hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia
• Lipid disorders
Potent thiazide diuretics: METOLAZONE, QUINOTHAZONE
Aldosterone antagonists summary
Spironolactone and Eplenorone
• Competitive inhibitors to aldosterone in late D.T. and
collecting ducts
• Spironolactone extensively metabolized
• active metabolite “Canrenone”
Net Effect:
increase Na+ excretion, reduces K+ secretion
Mild diuretic administered with HCTZ [Aldactazide]
Side effects:
• Spironolactone Gynecomastia (in males)
• Hirsutism and uterine bleeding (in females

• Eplenorone, appears to be safer
K+ Sparing diuretics :summary
Triamterene and amiloride
• Inhibits Na+ reabsorption and K+ secretion in late distal
tubule and collecting ducts
• Combined with thiazides [Dyazide]
Drugs affecting ADH: summary
ADH and ADH-like drugs:
• Synthesis and release
• Increases water permeability in collecting tubule (V2)
• Is a vasopressor (V1)
Clinical uses:
• ADH-sensitive diabetes insipidus (Desmopressin)
• Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (Thiazides)
Inappropriate Secretion of AD
• Diagnosis: Plasma hypoosmolarity.
• Treatment: Demeclocycline and Vaptans.