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26 Cards in this Set

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Types of diuretics
- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- Loop/high ceiling
- Thiazides
- Potassium-sparing
- Osmotic
How do Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors work?
1) inhibits carbonic anhydrase
2) inhibits HCO3-
3) no Na+ exchange
What are some examples of Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors?
Acetazolamide, dorzolamide, methazolamide
What conditions can Acetazolamide (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) treat?
1) POAG (dec. aqeuous production)
2) angle closure
3) macular edema
4) mountain sickness
What are some side effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide)
- metabolic acidosis
- potassium depletion
- renal stones
- myopic shift
The use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide) are contraindicated in which conditions/patients?
- sulfa allergy
- liver disease
- airway disease
- sickle cell
- pregnancy
- renal calculus
What are some examples of Loop/High ceiling diuretics?
- Bumetanide
- Furosemide
- Torsemide
- Ethacrynic acid
How do Loop/high ceiling diuretics work?
Decrease Na, K, and Cl reabsorption at ASCENDING loop of Henle.
What conditions can Loop/high ceiling diuretics treat?
- pulmonary edema
- hypercalcemia
- hypertension
What are some side effects of Loop/high ceiling diuretics?
- ototoxicity
- hyperuricemia (gout)
- acute hypovolemia
- hypokalemia
What is the most powerful diuretic?
Loop/high ceiling diuretics
What are the most commonly used diuretics?
How do Thiazide diuretics work?
Inhibition of Na/Cl co-transport at DISTAL tubule
What are some examples of Thiazide diuretics?
- Chlorothiazide
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- Chlorothalidone
- Thiazide analogs
What are the Thiazide analogs?
Metolazone and Indapamide
Which Thiazide analog can cause Na excretion even in advanced renal failure?
What conditions can Thiazide diuretics treat?
- hypertension
- edema in CHF and renal impairment
- hypercalciuria
- diabetes insipidus
What are some side effects of Thiazide diuretics?
- potassium depletion
- hyperuricemia
- hypercalcemia
- hyperglycemia
- blood volume depletion
How do Potassium-sparing diuretics work?
1) act on COLLECTING duct
2) inhibit Na reabsorption
3) inhibit K secretion
What are some examples of Potassium-sparing diuretics?
- Spironolactone
- Triamterene
- Amiloride
What are some side effects Spironolactone?
- gynecomastia
- menstrual irregularities
- hyperkalemia

*hyperkalemia is a potential side effect of all potassium-sparing diuretics
Which potassium-sparing diuretics are effective in patients with Addison's disease?
Triamterene and Amiloride
Which potassium-sparing diuretic is not effective in patients with Addison's disease?
What are some side effects of Triamterene and Amiloride?
- leg cramps
- increased blood urea nitrogen
- uric acid retention
- hyperkalemia
What are some examples of osmotic diuretics?
Mannitol and Urea
What conditions can Osmotic diuretics treat?
- acute renal failure
- acute angle closure glaucoma
- increased ICP