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13 Cards in this Set

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Loop diuretics

- most effective diuretics

- block the re-absorption of Na and Cl in the loop of Henle

Furosemide (Lasix)

- most frequently prescribed loop diuretic

- able to increase urine output even when blood flow to the kidney is diminished

Torsemide (Demadex)

-has a longer half-life than furosemide (Lasix)

-can be used for once a day dosing

Bumetanide (Bumex)

- 40 times more potent than furosemide

- has a short duration of action

When giving loop diuretics

- Check serum K levels

- Use caution in premature infants and neonates

- Older adults may require lower doses

Loop diuretic adverse effects

- Potential electrolyte imbalances (most importantly hypokalemia)

- Fluid loss (possible dehydration & hypotension)

- Ototoxicity - rare

- Sexual dysfunction

Thiazide diuretics

- Largest most frequently prescribed class of diuretics

- Act on the distal tubule to block Na re-absorption and increase K and water excretion

- Used for the treatment of mild to moderate HTN, and edema related to heart failure, liver failure, and renal failure.

- Less effective than loop diuretics and ineffective in severe renal failure

*Thiazide diuretics can sometimes raise BS levels*

Types of Thiazide diuretics

Chlorothiazide (Diuril)

Hydrochlorothiazide (Microzide)

Chlorthalidone (Hygroton)

Thiazide Diuretics adverse effects

- Hypokalemia

- Potential electrolyte imbalances

- Fluid loss (possible dehydration & hypotension)

- Glucose intolerance

- Sexual dysfunction

- May precipitate gout attacks

- May cross- react with sulfa allergy

Potassium - Sparing Diuretics

- Less effective than loop diuretics

- Often used in combination with other drugs to prevent hypokalemia

Potassium - Sparing Diuretics adverse effects

- Hyperkalemia

- Headache, fatigue

- Fluid loss

- Gynecomastia

- Sexual dysfunction

Miscellaneous Diuretics - Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

- Acetazolamide (Diamox)

- Methazolamide (Neptazane)

Used to decrease intraocular fluid in glaucoma

Adverse reactions: HA, dizziness, tremors, dry mouth, thrombophebitis, fluid and electrolyte imbalance

Miscellaneous Diuretics - Osmotic Diuretics

- glycerin (Colace)

- mannitol (Osmitrol) (Only given IV, very potent)

- Urea (ureaphil)

Used to treat acute urine failure, decrease intraocular fluid, cerebral edema

*Can increase edema*

Use with caution with CHF and pulmonary edema