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43 Cards in this Set

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inhibits Na/H exchange in the PCT because HCO3 and H cannot form CO2 and H20 rapidly leading to increased HCO3 and H in the lumen
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
why is acetazolamide only a weak diuretic
because the excess Na load can be reabsorbed by the ascending loop of Henle
Adverse effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Hypokalemia - increased bicarb excretion creates negative lumen potentional and pull out K
Metabolic acidosis
Kidney stones - increased urinary pH
therapeutic uses for Acetazolamide
acute altitude sickess (respiratory alkalosis)
metabolic alkalosis
Who is contraindicated in using acetazolamide
patients with liver cirrhosis with high NH3 levels - alkalized urine cannot form NH4 and therefore increased urinary NH3 leads to increased reabsorption and can result in hepatic encephalopathy
inhibits to Na/K/2Cl in the TAL
loop diruretics
adverse effects of loop diuretics
hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis - Increased filtered Na load to collecting tubules leads to increased K and H secretion
Hyperuricemia - increased uric acid uptake in PCT
Hypomagnesmia - Mg is reabsorbed in the TAL when K is secreted into the lumen and creates (+) potential, Calcium is able to be reabsorbed in DCT
therapeutic uses for loop diuretics
acute pulmonary edema
chronic congestive heart failure
edema of nephrotic syndrome
Inhibits Na/Cl cotransporter in the DCT
Thiazide diuretics
adverse effects of thiazide diuretics
hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis - increased Na load to collecting tubules leads to increased K and H secretion
Hyperuricemia - increase uric acid uptake in PCT
Hyperglycemia - decreased insulin release
therapeutic uses of thiazide diuretics
CHF - drug of choice
Nephrotic syndrome with edema
Hypercalciuria - for patients with calcium oxalate stones
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus - decreased urine volume by 50%
what happens to Calcium when Na/Cl cotransporter is block in DCT
increased reuptake due to more axn on the Na/Ca transporter on the basal membrane - leads to decreased urinary excretion of Ca
two different types of K-sparing diuretrics
aldosterone receptor antagonist - inhibits ENaC channel synthesis in the collecting tubules
Na channel inhibitor - inhibits ENaC channels in the collecting tubules leading to decreased reabsorption of Na and K secretion
ENaC antagonists
Adverse effects of K-sparing diuretics
Hyperkalemia and Metabolic acidosis - decreased reabsorption of Na through ENaC leads to decreased secretion of K and H
Gynecomastia - spironolactone
Kidney stones - triamterene
patients that K-sparing diuretics are contraindicated in
renal failure
ACE inhibitors
Therapeutics uses for Spironolactone
Liddle's syndrome (HTN) - increased amount of ENaC channels - used in combination with thiazides
Secondary hyperaldosteronism from CHF or liver failure (due to decreased effective volume)
Used in combination with thiazides and loop diuretics to prevent K excretion
only diuretic that doesn't need to reach the lumen of the renal tubule to cause an effect
Acts on PCT and DLH to decrease Na and H20 reabsorption
Osmotic diuretics
therapeutic uses for osmotic diuretics
cerebral edema
acute renal failure
adverse effects of osmotic diuretics
immediate ECF volume expansion with hyponatremia
later there is dehydration and hypernatremia if water intake is inadequate
contraindicated uses for osmotic diuretics
patients with HF and pulmonary congestion because of ECF expansion
therapeutic uses for triamterene and amiloride
Used in combination with loop diuretics or thiazides to reduce potassium wasting
Freely filtered by the glomerulus but poorly reabsorbed from the tubule
Mannitol - leading to osmotic diuresis
which drugs that decrease the efficacy of loop and thiazide diuretics
treatment for hypercalcemia
furosemide together with parenteral volume and electrolyte replacement
which diuretic can reduce renal calcium stone formation
thiazide diruetics - decrease calcium tubular excretion
Does loop diuretic usually lead to hypo or hypernatremia
hypernatremia, unless the patients drink a ton a water, then they can become hyponatremic
why does loop diuretic lead to hypernatremia
because the medullary interstitium cannot become hypertonic and reabsorb water via the collecting duct
DOC for nephrolithiasis caused by calcium stones
Thiazide due to increased Ca reabsorption
First line drugs used in patient with HTN and DM
ACE inhibitors with thiazide
why does hydralazine not cause orthostatic hypotension
because it only dilates the arteries and not the veins
DOC for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
How is Ethacrynic acid different from other loop diuretics
it is like a sulfonamide and it has some uricosuric effect
Like the 3 classic loop diuretics (sulfonamides)
diuretic that can be used to treat hypercalcemia
loop diuretic
why is hydrochlorothiazide the DOC for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
It seems paradoxical to treat an extreme diuresis with a diuretic but the thiazide diuretics will decrease distal convoluted tubule reabsorption of sodium and water, thereby causing diuresis. This decreases plasma volume, thus lowering GFR and enhancing the absorption of sodium and water in the proximal nephron. Less fluid reaches the distal nephron so overall fluid conservation is obtained
Thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics
mechanism of axn of V2 antagonists
inhibit ADH facilitation of cAMP production which causes insertion of additional aquadporin AQP2 water channels in the collect tubule
V1 and V2 blocker
selective V2 blocker
Which drug causes more potassium loss, loop diuretics or thiazide
Does thiazide lead to to hypo or hypernatremia
hyponatremia - causes cell swelling and can precipitate CNS toxicity