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45 Cards in this Set

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Fick principal--

CO= HR X SV = rate of O2 use /(arterial O2 - venous O2)
Mean Arterial Pressure eq
MAP = CO X TPR =2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic
What cardiac valve d/o has a widened pule pressure?
Aortic regurg
Left Anterior Descending
what does it supply
what EKG leads
Anterior wall of left ventricle
V2, V3, V4
Septal branch
what does it supply
what EKG leads
anterior 2/3rds of Intraventricular septum
V1, V2, V3
Circumflex branch
what does it supply
what EKG leads
Left atrium, posterior and lateral wall of left ventricle
AvL, V5, V6
Posterior Descending
what does it supply
what EKG leads
Inferior wall of ventricle
What are the recommendations for LDL levels in patients based on their CAD risk factors
0 risk factors: LDL<160
1-2 risk factors: LDL<130
2+ risk factors, or CAD, DM, or PVD: LDL<100
what are the risk factors for CAD?
tobacco use
Family Hx of CAD in male <55 or female <65
Age male >45, female >55

(+) risk factor HDL>60
HYQ: what is the MCC of death in pts with an acute MI?
Arrhythmia, specifically V.fib
what medications should be given for all post-MI pts?
ARB:Spironolactone or Eplerenone
Beta-blocker : Metoprolol or Carbetalol
what medications should you give for an acute MI?
MONA + BB + K +Mg
Morphine, O2, Nitro, Aspirin
K+ > 4
Mg >2
QH: coronary arteries fill durring _______.
OCP, Diuretics and Testosterone have what effect on LDL and HDL?
Increase LDL, decrease HDL
How does Nitroglycerine decrease angina?
It vasodilates, thereby decreasing preload and thus decreasing cardiac output
A pt has chest pain that is relieved by nitroglycerine, is this angina?
No, nitro will relieve cp d/t GERD and esophageal spasm
A pt has chest pain d/t true angina, what is the next step?
Cath, to assess the need for PTCA
Whats the diff btw myalgias and myositis? which one is a possible s/e of statin use?
Myalgias: muscle pain
Myositis: is assoc w/ statins: muscle inflammation with incr CPK
What do you expect to see on an EKG in a pt with worsening angia that occurs at rest? What are the TX options?
Unstable angina --> ST depression

TX options: ASA, clopidogril, GP2a3b, Heparin, O2, Nitro, B-blkers
A post menopausal female comes in c/o an elephant on her chest, what do you expect to see on EKG?
ST elevation and New Left BBB = MI
What does every acute MI pt get?

Morphine, O2, Nitro, Asa, Beta-blker
What should every post- MI pt be on?
ASA, Beta-blker, ACE or ARB
clopidogril if stented
statin to stabilize plaque
EKG shows PR interval greater than 1 big block
1st degree heart block
EKG shows PR interval gets longer, longer and drops a beat
Wenckeback, 2nd degree type 1

Story Mnemonic for heart blocks
1: pedro comes home late every night
2.1: pedro comes home later and later each night and some nights he doesnt come home at all
2.2: pedro comes home on time every night, but misses a night every once in a while
3: pedro is divorced
Consistant PR interval with random dropped beats
2nd degree type 2
What is the diff btw PVCs and Vtach?
>3 PVCs in a row is Vtach
NS: in a pt with atrial fib, what needs to be done before cardioversion?
a TEE to r/o mural thrombus formation
S4 heart sounds are seen with _____ while S3 heart sounds are seen in _______
S4: Stiffened ventricles, aortic stenosis, LVH

S3: dilated ventricles, CHF, Mitral regurg, MI
The Valsalva maneuver increases ______ murmur and decreases _______ murmur
Aortic Stenosis is decreased with valsalva b/c it increases afterload

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy murmur is increased with valsalva
which two drugs have been proven to decrease mortality in CHF?
Holosytolic murmur radiating from the apex to axilla with S3 and mid-systolic click
Mitral Regurg d/t Mitral valve prolapse
Loud S1, opening snap after S2, and early diastolic rumble
Mitral stenosis
Bounding pulses, diastolic decresendo with late diastolic rumble (austin flint)
Aortic Regurg
Cresendo-decresendo that is decreased with valsalva
Aortic Stenosis
S4 heart sound and boot shaped heart on CXR, symptoms worse with exertion.
Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

TX: Beta-blockers
S3 heart sound, Balloon shaped heart on CXR
Dilated cardiomyopathy

HYQ: What is the difference btw a wandering pacemaker and Multifocal Atrial Tachycadia
each have >3 diff P wave morphologies

MFAT has a rate >100
Wandering Pacemaker has a rate < 100
HYQ: Which antiarrhythmic should be avoided in pts with preexisting lung disease?
Amioderone - need to check PFTs, TFTs, and LFTs
HYQ: What is the drug of choice for acute onset atrial fibrilation with Rapid Ventricular Rate (A.fib w/ RVR) in a pt with Wolf-Parkinson-White?
Cardioversion or Procainimide
HYQ: What is the classic appearance of a heart on CXR of a pt with pericardial effusion?
HYQ: what would you see on PE of a patient with pericardial effusion?
diminished heart sounds, difficult to palpate apical pulse
HYQ: signs of heart failure + Diabetes mellitus + elevated LFTs?
Bronze Diabetes: Hemachromatosis
HYQ: diastolic murmurs are never pathologic, but what is the next step in the work up of a systolic murmur?
What is the acute treatment for exacerbations of congestive heart failure?
Loop (lasix)
Pressor - dobutamine