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17 Cards in this Set

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Aristotle's formal principle of justice states that you should treat cases dissimilarly...
...in proportion to their dissimilarity
The libertarian concept of distributive justice is based one what factor?
ability to pay
T/F It is illegal to pay for organs in the U.S.
Egalitarian material principles (4)
-first come, first served
-equal share
Utilitarian material principles (4)
-prospect of success
-number of years gained
-number of lives saved
T/F Many people die awaiting kidney transplant because demand far outstrips supply
As biological match has become less important in kidney transplantation with the advent of new immunosuppressive therapy, ___________ has become the highest priority in kidney allocation.
Time on wait list
The current kidney allocation system is a combination of _____________ and _______________.
-first come, first served (top of the list gets the kidney)
-lottery (quality of kidney given randomly selected)
3 problems with the current allocation system
-doesn't give better kidneys to younger candidates
-older more likely to get a kidney
-lower SES placed on list later
Lung and liver transplants include a "rule of rescue" criterion. What is this?
-risk of death while waiting on an organ is taken into account
If failures for organ transplant exceed expected levels by _______%, a transplant center can be flagged.
What is the UNOS proposal to improve efficiency of graft survival regarding the top 20%?
-top 20% of kidneys go to the top 20% of those on the wait list; the remaining 80% are allocated based on time on dialysis
What UNOS criterion was dropped for being criticized as age discriminatory?
-kidneys for the remaining 80% are age-matched within 15 years of the recipient's age
What are the four criterion for estimating post-transplant survival (EPTS)?
-candidate age
-length of time on dialysis
-prior transplant (any organ)
-diabetes status
The National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) requires allocation must take into account what two things?
-efficiency (person and graft survival)
-equity (fair distribution)
The Equal Opportunity Fair Innings Proposal tries to achieve what?
-equal likelihood that individuals in every age group will get a kidney, and that they will get a kidney that matches with their age group
Private insurers will only pay for immunosuppressive drug therapy for transplants for __ years for anyone not 65+ or disabled