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15 Cards in this Set

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aetiology of carbuncle of kidney

mostly haematogenous spread due to Staphylococcus aureus (from a cutaneous boil)

Bladder and urethra infections are named?

Cystitis and Urethritis

clinical fetures of adenocarcinoma of the kidney

- May be symptomless until late in the disease

- features of malignancy such as weight loss, anaemia, pyrexia of unknown origin (fever)

- Haematuria

- Mass in abdomen or aching loin pain- Secondary bondy deposits which may cause pathological fracture (hypercalcaemia).

compare and contrast clinical features of cystitis and pyelonephritis



Suprapubic pain

Urinary frequency and urgency

cloudy, smelly or bloody urine



pain in loins (one or both)

urinary frequency

Cloudy urine, may be blood stained

Cystitis can be caused by drugs, toxins and radiation. However, it is mostly due to bacteria. Mention 3 bacteria causing cystitis

-E coli (most commonly)






Define colovesical fistula?

A fistulous passage connecting the colon and urinary bladder.

Glomerulonephritis contains two different mechanisms in pathogenesis?

immune-complex and nephrotoxic


antobodies to either exogenous or endogenous nonglomerular antigens results in the formation of immune-complex which gets passively trapped in the glomerular basement membrane. glomerular injury is due to compement fixation and release of immunologic mediators.


Antibodies reacts with the patients own glomerular basement membrane as the antigen (true autoimmune disease).

Name 5 predisposing factors for Pyelonephritis (infection of kidney pelvis and parenchyma)?

1 Diabetes Mellitus

2 Gout

3 vesico-ureteric reflux

4 40 years+

5 obstruction of urinary flow(due to stone, bladder diverticulum, prostate)

Pathology of acute pyelonephritis includes?

- Inflammatory changes of the renal pelvis and calyces.

- enlarged Kidney, hyperaemic, with scattered small abscesses.

- inflamed kidney and infiltrated by

polymorphs --> necrosis and abscess formation.

Pathology of chronic Pyelonephritis?

- involving 1 or both kidneys

- May be gross scarring of kidneys

- patchy fibrosis and appearance of calcification

Pyelonephritis is divided into acute and chronic. Explain the two different aetiologies.

Acute pyelonephritis:

- Mostly due to ascending urinary tract infection caused by E.coli

Chronic Pyelonephritis:

- Infection above an unrelieved obstruction.

- conditions causing urinary stasis in the bladder, ureter or kidney pelvis.

Pyonephrosis is what by definition?

A collection of pus in the renal pelvis

Routes of infection involves three different scenarios, what are they?

1 Ascending route:- Faeces -> perineum -> Urethra ->bladder ->Ureter -> renal pelvis -> Kidney

2 Haematogenous route:renal or perirenal abscess due to fungi, mycobacterium, streptococcus or staphylococcus.

3 Direct extension:Colon - Colovesical fistula - bladder

vesico-ureteric reflux is happening why?

an opening in the junction between bladder and ureter when the bladder contracts during micturition.

Vesico-ureteric reflux may cause what type of clinical features?

if mild: no associated kidney damage or symptoms.

If severe: may cause pyelonephritis and later -> renal failure