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64 Cards in this Set

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headache, acute onset, occurs on exposure to wind, with a splitting pain, the pain may extend to the neck & back, aversion to wind & cold, no thirst, thin white coating, floating tight pulse. Also called head wind.

Wind–Cold Attack Headache
acute onset, distending HA or even splitting HA, fever, slight aversion to cold, thirst, like to drink, sore throat runny nose with a yellow discharge, red eyes & face, constipation, dark urine, red tongue, yellow coating, floating & rapid pulse.
Wind–Heat Attack Headache
acute onset HA with a feeling that the head is tightly wrapped & heaviness, an oppressive sensation in the chest & epigastrium, heavy sensation in the body & limbs, poor appetite, loose stools, difficult urination, white greasy coating, soggy pulse. Can happen after swimming, after working out + sweating then cold shower, from the beach
Wind–Damp Attack Headache
a fixed stabbing HA that lasts for a long time, worse at night, may have history of head injury or trauma, blurring of vision, poor memory, purplish spots on the tongue, thin white coating, deep thin or choppy pulse
Blood Stasis Headache
dull & muzzy pain in the head, dizziness, a feeling of fullness & oppression in the chest & epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, puffy & pale tongue with teeth marks, white greasy coating, wiry or wiry & slippery pulse
Turbid Phlegm Headache
distending or throbbing temporal HA, which is related to emotional changes & exertion, dizziness, irritability, short temper, poor sleep, red face & eyes, bitter taste, red tongue, thin yellow coating Pulse: deep, wiry & forceful
Liver Yang Rising Headache
HA, dizziness, aggravated by overstrain & alleviated by rest, SOB, spontaneous sweats, aversion to wind, palpitation, fatigue, poor memory, poor appetite, pallor, pale tongue, thin white coating, thready weak pulse. Could be HA post menstruation or K xu + W–C attack
Qi & Blood Deficiency Headache
HA w/ an empty feeling, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, soreness & weakness in the low back & knees, fatigue, insomnia, poor memory, seminal emission in men, discharge in women, red tongue, less coating, deep thin and forceless pulse.

Kidney Deficiency Headache

wandering pain & soreness in the body, limbs, joints, & muscles, particularly in the wrist joints, elbow, knee and ankle areas, Limited ROM or fever w/ aversion to cold, thin greasy tongue coating, superficial wiry pulse
wind bi
severe pain in the limbs & joints as if being stabbed or pricked, in worse cases fixed pain that is alleviated by warmth & aggravated by cold, better in the day time, worse at night, limited ROM, (NO local redness or feverish/hot sensations), cold sensation in the affected parts, thin white tongue coating, wiry tight pulse
cold painful bi
pain & heavy sensation in relatively fixed areas of limbs or joints, possible swelling or numbness of the joints or muscles, aggravation during rainy and cloudy days, with or w/o limited ROM, white greasy tongue coating, soft slow pulse
damp fixed bi
painful, swollen joints, burning sensation with redness, warm & painful to the touch , aggravated by warmth, better with cold, limited ROM in the affected joints, worse at night, high fever, mild chills, sweating, thirst, irritability, desire for cold drinks. Possible other heat signs, constipation, burning urine, gout. T: red body, white or yellow & dry coating, P: wiry or slippery & rapid
heat bi
chronic progressive pain, swelling or deformity of the joints with significantly limited ROM, intermittent fever, purple tongue, white greasy coating, choppy or wiry and choppy pulse
Bi Syndrome

qi and blood stagnation

chronic progressive pain of the joints and limbs with numbness and weakness, aggravated by exertion, tiredness, soreness and weakness in the low back and knees, blurry vision, dizziness, tinnitus, pale tongue, white coating or red tongue with less coating, thin weak pulse

Bi Syndrome

Liver and Kidney deficiency

long history of repeated attacks that have already deformed the affected joints, some of the joint areas may have black spots, severe pain in the local areas, limited ROM, soreness, numbness, redness and swelling of the joints, or cold sensation in the joints, worsened condition in the cold seasons, alleviation of pain by warmth, purplish dark tongue with purplish spots and thin choppy pulse

stubborn bi

acute onset, weak and muscular flaccidity of the lower limbs or parts of the body, fever, cough, thirst, irritability, dry skin, scanty and dark urin, dry stools, red tongue with yellow and dry coating, thready and rapid or slippery rapid pulse
Atrophy Disorder
LU heat damaged fluids
acute onset, flaccid or slightly swollen and weak legs, a little hot sensation on touch, low–grade fever, general heaviness, fullness in the chest and epigastrium region burning or pain and scanty dark urine, red tongue yellow sticky greasy coating, soft and rapid or slippery and rapid pulse
Atrophy Disorder
damp–heat accumulation
mostly from diet: chronic progressive weakness and flaccidity of limbs or parts of the body, tiredness, SOB, poor appetite, bloating loose stools, pale face and tongue, puffy tongue,thin white coating, deep thin or weak pulse
Atrophy Disorder
Spleen & Stomach Deficiency
slow onset, chronic, progressive weakness and muscular flaccidity of the lower limbs, soreness and weakness in the low back and knees, extreme tiredness, seminal emission,irregular menses, dizziness, tinnitus, five center heat, night sweats, blurry vision, red tongue, less coating, deep, thready and rapid pulse
Atrophy Disorder
Liver & Kidney yin deficiency
acute onset, weak and muscular flaccidity of the lower limbs or parts of the body, fever, cough, thirst, irritability, dry skin, scanty and dark urin, dry stools, red tongue with yellow and dry coating, thready and rapid or slippery rapid pulse
Atrophy Disorder
LU heat damaged fluids
acute onset, flaccid or slightly swollen and weak legs, a little hot sensation on touch, low–grade fever, general heaviness, fullness in the chest and epigastrium region burning or pain and scanty dark urine, red tongue yellow sticky greasy coating, soft and rapid or slippery and rapid pulse
Atrophy Disorder
damp–heat accumulation
mostly from diet: chronic progressive weakness and flaccidity of limbs or parts of the body, tiredness, SOB, poor appetite, bloating loose stools, pale face and tongue, puffy tongue,thin white coating, deep thin or weak pulse
Atrophy Disorder
Spleen & Stomach Deficiency
slow onset, chronic, progressive weakness and muscular flaccidity of the lower limbs, soreness and weakness in the low back and knees, extreme tiredness, seminal emission,irregular menses, dizziness, tinnitus, five center heat, night sweats, blurry vision, red tongue, less coating, deep, thready and rapid pulse

Atrophy Disorder
Liver & Kidney yin deficiency

long–standing pronounced tremor of limbs with marked amplitude, numbness in limbs, difficulty in movement and rigidity, severe stiff neck, handwriting becomes progressively smaller, staring look, walking with small shuffling steps, tiredness, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, insomnia, night sweats, soreness and ache in low back and knees, poor memory, small and red tongue, less coating thin and rapid pulse

yin deficiency with yang rising
long–standing pronounced tremor of the limbs, walking uncoordinated, swollen limbs, obesity, a feeling of oppression of the chest, heaviness of the body, dizziness vertigo, nausea, vomiting, cough with yellow mucus, dry mouth with no desire to drink, red tongue thick yellow/white greasy coating, deep slippery or rapid pulse

phelgm heat accumulation
from trauma/brain tumor: long–standing pronounced tremor of limbs, walking uncoordinated, cramps in limbs, dark complexion, limitation of movements, purple tongue, thin yellow/white coating, wiry or choppy pulse

Qi and blood stagnation
long–standing pronounced tremor of limbs and head, handwriting becomes progressively smaller, staring look, walking with small shuffling steps, tiredness, poor memory, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, sleeping urine and BM disorders, soreness and weakness in low back and knees, puffy tongue with teeth marks, thin white coating, deep wiry thin and weak pulse

lack of marrow and brain
long–standing pronounced tremors of limbs, walking uncoordinated, weakness of limbs,stiff neck, staring look, tiredness, pale face, dislike of speaking, dizziness, palpitations, restlessness, SOB, poor appetite, spontaneous sweats, pale and puffy tongue, teeth marks, white coating deep weak or thin pulse


Qi and blood deficiency

thirst with desire to drink, dry mouth, dry skin, and tongue, frequent urination, polyuria, red tip of tongue, thin yellow coating, flooding and rapid pulse
Xiao Ke:
Upper Xiao:

Lung Heat Damaged Body Fluids
big appetite, excessive hunger, stronger thirst, increased drinking, frequent urinary discomfort, sensation in the stomach, weight loss, restlessness with feverish sensation, emaciation, dark yellow urine, dry stools or constipation, red tongue, dry yellow coating, rapid, slippery and forceful pulse
Xiao Ke:
Middle Xiao:

Severe Stomach Heat
good appetite or hunger without a desire to eat, thirst, desire to drink, frequent urination, weight loss, tiredness, fatigue of the limbs, loose stools or constipation or dry stools, pale tongue, white and dry coating thin weak pulse
Xiao Ke:
Middle Xiao:

Spleen & Stomach qi and yin deficiency
frequent, copious urination with cloudy and turbid or sweaty urine, dry mouth and tongue, desire to drink, weight loss, dizziness, blurring of vision, red cheeks, itching skin, tinnitus, soreness and weakness in low back and knees, night sweats, restlessness, seminal emission, scanty menses or amenorrhea, red tongue, less coating and thready rapid pulse
Xiao Ke:
Lower Xiao:

Kidney yin deficiency
very frequent copious or scanty urination with emaciation, dry mouth, desire for profuse drinking, dizziness, blurring of vision, aversion to cold, soreness and coldness of the low back and knees, dark or even black face, impotence in men, infertility in women, pale and dry tongue with white coating, and deep thready weak pulse

Xiao Ke:
Lower Xiao:

Kidney yin & yang deficiency

continuous (=spontaneous) sweating w/o any exertion or worse w/ exertion, cold limbs with cold sweat in severe cases, easily catch colds, fatigue, SOB, palpitations, distention in abdomen and epigastrium, pale or pink tongue, thin white coating, thin weak pulse.

Lung & Wei Qi Deficiency
continuous sweating (=spontaneous), aversion to wind, feverish w/ chills, body aches and soreness, or sweating on one side or parts of the body, pale or normal tongue, thin white coating and moderate floating pulse

Ying and Wei Disharmony
spontaneous sweating or night sweating, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, SOB, pale face, pale tongue, thin white coating, and thin pulse.

Heart Blood Deficiency

with qi xu = spontaneous sweating
with yin xu = night sweating
night sweats, red cheeks, hot flashes in afternoon, feverish sensations in the palms and soles, dry mouth, thirsty, irritability, dry stools, dark and scanty urine, dry and red tongue, less coating and rapid thin pulse

Yin Deficiency with Fire Rising
steaming sweats during sleep or in the daytime, yellowish sweats, red face and eyes, irritability, short temper, bitter taste, difficult painful and yellow urination, red tongue, thin yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse


Stagnant Heat Steaming

nose bleeding, dry nose, mouth and throat, may have feverish body, cough with scanty phlegm, red tongue thin coat, rapid pulse
(nose bleed)

Heat Attacking the Lung
bleeding from the nose or gums with bright red blood, thirst with a desire for cold water, dry nose and mouth, smelly mouth, foul breath, restlessness, constipation, dry red tongue, yellow coat, rapid pulse
(nose bleed)

Severe Stomach Heat
nose bleeding, headache, irritability, short temper, dizziness, tinnitus, red face and eyes, bitter taste, red tongue, wiry and rapid pulse
(nose bleed)

Liver Fire Rising
nose bleeding or with gums bleeding, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations SOB, insomnia, pale tongue, thin forceless pulse
(nose bleed)

Qi & Blood Deficiency
bleeding from gums with fresh red blood, painful and swollen (inflammation) gums, frontal headache, dislike for warm/hot food & drink, smelly mouth, red tongue, yellow coating, rapid, flooding and forceful pulse
Bleeding Gums

Severe Stomach Fire
bleeding from gums with light fresh red blood, toothache, headache, irritability, feverish, thirst, smelly mouth,poor appetite, hiccups, dry mouth and tongue, red tongue with dry yellow coating, thin and rapid pulse
Bleeding Gums

Kidney Yin Deficiency
w/ Stomach Heat
bleeding from gums with pink blood, gradual onset, usually aggravated by heat attacking or overstrain, loose teeth, dizziness, tinnitus, red tongue, less coating, thin rapid pulse
Bleeding Gums

Yin Deficiency Fire Rising
chronic gum bleeding with light blood, aggravated by exhaustion, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, SOB, pale face, poor appetite, abdominal distention, loose stools, low voice, pale tongue with teeth marks, weak pulse
Bleeding Gums

Qi & Blood Deficiency
itchy throat, cough with bloody phlegm, dry mouth and nose, fever, slight aversion to cold, sneezing with nasal discharge, red, dry tongue, thin white or light yellow coating, rapid or floating rapid pulse
(coughing up blood)

Dry–Heat Damaging the Lung
emotional changes causing sudden bouts of cough with blood–streaked phlegm or fresh–red blood, irritability, restlessness, distention and pain in the chest and hypochondriac, bitter taste,, red tongue, thin yellow coat, wiry and rapid pulse
(coughing up blood)

Liver Fire Attacking the Lung
cough with scanty blood–streaked phlegm, or recurrent spitting of bright red blood, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth and throat, red cheeks, five center heat, night sweats, hot flush, red tongue, less coat, thin rapid pulse
(coughing up blood)

Lung Yin Deficiency
with Empty–Heat
cough with blood–streaked phlegm or fresh–red blood, chest pain, palpitations, darkish face, emaciation, insomnia, blue–purple tongue, white coating, choppy wiry pulse
(coughing up blood)

Blood Stasis
distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, even with pain in severe cases, vomiting of bright red or dark purple blood, often with food residue, foul breath, smelly mouth, constipation, black stools, red tongue, yellow greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse
(vomiting blood)

Severe Stomach Heat Accumulating
vomiting of bright red or dark purple blood, bitter taste, hypochondriac pain, irritability, short temper, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, red crimson tongue, wiry rapid pulse
(vomiting blood)

Liver Fire
Over–acting on Stomach
constant vomiting of light dusky blood, conditions can be mild or severe, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, SOB, insomnia, pale face and tongue, thin forceless pulse
(vomiting blood)

Deficient Qi
Fails to Control the Blood
red blood in the stools, constipation or loose stools, or abdominal pain, bitter taste, red tongue with yellow greasy coating, soggy and rapid pulse
(blood in the stools)

Damp–Heat in the Intestine
tarry stools or profuse blood in the stools, stomach ache with burning sensation, thirst, dry mouth, smelly mouth, no appetite, red tongue with yellow coating, rapid pulse
(blood in the stools)

Stomach Heat
red or dark purplish blood in the stools, even tarry stools in severe cases dull pain in the abdomen, loose stools, poor appetite, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, SOB, insomnia, sallow complexion, pale tongue with teeth marks, thin pulse
(blood in the stools)

Deficient Qi
Fails to Hold Blood
dusky purplish blood in the stools, or even blackish/tarry stools in severe cases, dull pain and cold in abdomen, like hot drinks, cold limbs, fatigue, dizziness, dislike of speaking, pale face, palpitations, SOB, loose stools, pale tongue with a white coat, weak or deep thin pulse
(blood in the stools)

Deficient Cold in the
Spleen & Stomach
acute onset, burning pain in urethra, frequent and urgent urination, dark yellow urine with or w/o visible fresh blood, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, thirst, canker sores, red face and tongue, yellow coating rapid pulse
(blood in the urine)

Lower Jiao Damp–Heat
scanty dark urine with or w/o visible fresh blood, chronic fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, soreness and weakness in the low back and knees, insomnia, hot flush, five center heat, red tongue, thin rapid pulse
(blood in the urine)

Kidney Yin Deficiency
with Fire Rising
chronic urine with or w/o visible light blood, even with gum bleeding and purpura, fatigue, poor appetite, dizziness, SOB, low voice, pale face and tongue with teeth marks, thin weak (guan) pulse
(blood in the urine)

Spleen Failing to
Control the Blood
chronic blood in urine with or w/o visible fresh pinkish blood, pain or spasm in low back or abdomen which radiates down to lower abdomen, may have difficult urination, fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, soreness in low back and knees, pale tongue with thin coat, deep weak (chi) pulse
(blood in the urine)

Unstable Kidney Qi
bright red spots under the skin, or with nose bleeding, gum bleeding, blood in urine, or stools, thirst, constipation, may have a fever, red tongue, yellow coat, wiry and rapid pulse
(bleeding under the skin)

Blood Heat
red spots and petechiae under the skin, comes and goes, with nose bleeding, gum bleeding, heavy periods, red cheeks, hot flush, five center heat, restlessness, night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, red tongue, less coating thin rapid pulse
(bleeding under the skin)

Yin Deficiency
Fire Rising
chronic and recurrent onset, pale red spots under the skin, aggravated by exertion fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, SOB, poor appetite, pale face and tongue, thin forceless pulse

(bleeding under the skin)

Qi Deficiency
Unable to Hold the Blood