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12 Cards in this Set

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Protozoan parasite. Transmitted by mosquitos. You get chills, fevers, and you sweat


Virus. Transmitted by mosquitos. Only 1 out 5 people infected will report mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, mild muscle and joint pain. Possible link to a birth defect. Disease is spreading.

Zika Virus

Bacteria. Transmitted by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food also by fecal waste. You get diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Found where clean water is unavailable.


Bacteria. Transmitted by The bite of dear ticks. You get flu like symptoms, rash, joint and muscle pain. One of the fastest growing disease in the US.

Lyme disease

Virus. Transmitted through the mouth by contaminated hands or utensils found in the throat and intestinal tract. Most infected people don't show any symptoms but approx 1 out 4 have flu like symptoms worse paralysis. Globally cases are decreasing.


Bacteria. Transmitted by infected person sneezing, coughing and even speaking. Symptoms are persistent cough, coughing up blood, effects in the lungs, fever, chills, and appetite loss. Wide spread and estimated 1/3 of the world will be infected with it.


Virus. Highly contagious and transmitted human to human through coughing and sneezing. Symptoms are high fever, cough runny nose and red/watery eyes. Common worldwide.


Virus. Transmitted by infected animals ( fruit bats or monkeys) but then spreads from human to human through contact with blood and body fluids. Symptoms are fever, severe headache, muscle pain, fatigue/weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding. Found mostly in Africa.


Bacteria. Transmitted by human contact, even linens, and through open cuts and sores. Symptoms are skin infection, abscesses. Found in hospitals, and on sports mats.


Virus. Common highly contagious virus transmitted through close contact with infected person, contaminated food and water, and touching a contaminated surface. Most common cause of food borne illness in the US. Symptoms are that they cause inflammation in the stomach and intestines leading to stomach pain, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea. Loss of fluids can be especially serious for young children. Found worldwide 19-21 million cases for the US alone.


Virus. Transmitted by contaminated fluids and food, IV drug use, sexual contact, blood transfusions, tattooing and piercing. Symptoms are dark urine, pale stool, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing in the skin and the eyes). Estimated 600 million people infected worldwide.


Protozoan parasite. Infects gastrointestinal tract. Transmitted from contaminated water or from infected human and animal feces. Symptoms are diarrhea, gas, stomach cramps, weight loss. 20% of the worlds population.
