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110 Cards in this Set

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What is the Divine Trinity
One God in 3 Divine persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
Who is God the Father of?
God is the Father of all the Baptized
What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
The role of the Holy Spirit is to help us and guide us until Jesus comes again
Who is in the Communion of Saints?
All souls on Earth, in Heaven, and in Purgatory are in the Communion of Saints-
What are the 4 marks of the Church?
The four marks of the Church are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
What is Grace?
Grace is God's Life within us
Where do we get Grace?
We receive grace in the sacraments
Can you reach heaven without Grace?
No, you cannot enter heaven without Grace
What is a sacrament
A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give Grace
What is Baptism
A sacrament that makes us members of God's family and removes original sin
What is Confirmation?
a sacrament which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us strong and perfect Christian soldiers like Christ
What is Eucharist
a sacrament which contains the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ
What is Reconciliation?
a sacrament which sins committed after Baptism are forgiven through confession and contrition
What is Matrimony?
a sacrament which unites a Christian man and a Christian woman in marriage
What is Holy Orders?
a sacrament administered by the Bishop which men receive the power and grace to perform their sacred duties as ordained ministers
What is Transubstantiation?
Jesus is truly present in the sacraments
Symbol of Thanksgiving in the Eucharist
We offer thanks for Jesus and all we have received
Symbol of Reconciliation
Forgiving Father and the parable of the Prodigal Son
What is the ritual practice of Reconciliation?
Examination of Conscience, confession, penance, Act of Contrition, and Absolution
What is the opening prayer?
Liturgy of the Word 1st reading from the New Testament, Revelations, or Act of the Apostles
Liturgy of the Eucharist
When the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ
How do we show appropriate participation in Mass?
Making the sign of the Cross, bowing before receiving Communion, having no sin when receiving the sacraments
What are virtues?
a habitual and firm disposition to do good
What is the Golden Rule?
Love one another as I have Loved you-God's Commandment
What is a sin?
A deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to God's laws
What is another name for sin?
What are two types of actual sin?
Venial sins-does not destroy the divine life in the soul.
Moral sins- a grave violation of God's laws
Life is created in God's image therefore...
We are all children of God
What are the stages of Stewardship?
God calls us to holiness, we agree to be His disciples, we live out discipleship as stewards
What are 2 elements of stewardship?
share our gifts generously and receive God's gifts gratefully
What is a steward of creation?
someone who cultivates and cares for God's creations, both living and nonliving
What is prayer?
Talking and listening to God
What prayer did Jesus teach us to pray?
The Our Father
what model of prayer is expressed in the Our Father
pray for forgiveness and for the sick
What prayers do 3rd graders need to memorize?
Sign of the Cross, Glory Be, Angel of God, Grace, Our Father, Hail Mary, Grace after meals, Act of Contrition, Morning offering, Apostles' Creed, Hail Holy Queen, and The Rosary
Who is the author of the Bible?
What book in the Bible discusses creation?
What is creation?
God created all things and then rested on the 7th day
Who is Noah and what did he do?
God chose Noah to build a boat and gather 2 of every animal and wait for the flood-only those on the boat would survive
What gospel tells about the birth of Jesus
Matthew and Luke
Who visited Jesus when he was born?
The Shepherds
What is the Epiphany?
When the wise men visited Jesus at his birth- bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and Mir
What is the Greatest Commandment?
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love thy neighbor as thy self
What is
the Pascal Mystery
Jesus' life, death, and resurrection
What sacrament defines the parable of the Prodigal Son?
Reconciliation- the father forgave his son for spending all his fortune
What is the significance of the parable of the Lost Sheep?
Jesus left all the sheep to save the lost one
What is an angel?
A personal, spiritual, and immortal creature who is a messenger who glorifies God without haste
What is the Annunciation?
When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she will bear a son and call him Jesus
What is the Ascension?
When Jesus rose to heaven 40 days after his resurrection
Who is Mary's husband?
Joseph-patron saint of Carpenters
Who is Katharine Drexel?
She gave away her fortune, and devoted herself to ministering to Native Americans and African Americans
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders
What is the Apostle's Creed
A statement of our Christian faith
Who is the Bishop?
Bishop Carl Kemme- He is the head of the Diocese
What is Charity?
The theological virtue where we love God above all things
What is a covenant?
A binding agreement between us and God
What is the Immaculate Conception?
Mary was born without original sin by the Merits and Grace of God
What is a lector?
The person who reads the 1st and 2nd readings at Mass
What is a priest?
An ordained minster of the word and sacraments of the Church
What is a Pastor?
An ordained leader of a parish
Commandment 1?
I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me
Commandment 2?
You shall not take the Lord's name in vain
Commandment 3?
Keep Holy the Lord's day
Commandment 4?
Honor your father and mother
Commandment 5?
Thou shall not kill
Commandment 6?
You shall not commit adultery
Commandment 7?
You shall not steal
Commandment 8?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
Commandment 9?
You shall not covet your neighbors wife
Commandment 10?
You shall not covet your neighbors goods
Why did God send us his Son?
To Save Us
Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus was born...
of the Virgin Mary
If we follow Jesus Faithfully, what will be our final reward?
life everlasting in Heaven
What is a free and undeserved gift that God gives us to grow in holiness?
What sacrament makes us heirs of heaven?
What is the essential action/rite during the Consecration?
The matter is wheat bread and grape wine being changed into the body and blood of Jesus during the Eucharistic Prayer
What is said during the Eucharistic Prayer to change the bread and wine into Jesus' body and blood?
This is my Body and This is my Blood
What is the essential action of Reconciliation?
Matter is outward confession and contrition, the form is the Priest saying I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
What is the purpose of the sacrament of Reconciliation?
because we keep sinning, sin hurts God and others, confession heals our relationship with God and penance helps heal relationships with others.
How does Anointing of the Sick heal you?
through anointing and prayer of the Priest.
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
One of the Main parts of the Mass including the Readings and the Gospel.
What are the 4 parts of the Mass?
Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rite
How and When do you Genuflect?
on the right knee only and when you enter the pew in Church.
What is Easter Sunday?
the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus
What does our conscience do?
it helps us make good choices, because all choices have consequences.
What is original sin?
the sin we are born with passed on from Adam and Eve
What is precious to God?
What gift from God is talking and listening to Him?
What is a gesture to show peace with each other?
the sign of peace
When is the sign of peace finished?
at the beginning of the Lamb of God
What gesture is a sign of respect and adoration during Mass or Prayer?
folding our hands
How should we handle the missalettes, prayer books, and other prayer materials?
with respect and proper treatment
Why do we make the sign of the Cross with Holy water?
it is a symbol of our baptism and sign of respect
How can we show good participation in Mass
participating in congregation's prayers, responses, hymns, refrains, and other parts of the Mass
How can we show respect for the Eucharist?
proper reception of the Host in the hands or mouth.
What do the Gospels tell us?
what Jesus said and did
What does the book of Genesis tell us?
tells us the story of creation-God created the heavens, earth, all living things, Adam, and Eve
What is the Fall of Adam and Eve?
When Eve ate from the forbidden tree and gave it to Adam to eat. They disobeyed God
What happened on the 7th day after God created all the earth?
He rested.
What is another name for the Wise Men?
the Magi
Where in the bible can we find the Lord's Prayer?
the book of Matthew and Luke
What is the story of the Good Shepherd and where in the Bible can you find it?
It is the story of Jesus rescuing the one lost sheep and leaving the other 99. You find it in the book of John 10:11
What are Archangels?
A chief or ruling angel. An angel of higher rank as messenger of God to men
What is a Guardian Angel
angel assigned to protect and intercede for each person
Who was the first Pope?
What is a saint?
A person who leads a Holy life in union with God through the grace of Christ and receives eternal life in heaven
What is a Pope?
The visible head of the Catholic Church
Where does the word Eucharist come from?
Greek word meaning Thanksgiving
What is Anointing of the Sick?
a sacrament which gives health and strength to the soul and sometimes to the body when there is danger of death or serious illness

Who is the current Pope?

Pope Francis