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45 Cards in this Set

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1. After a single alpha emission, Uranium-238 decays to
a. Thorium-234
2. A volcanic ash layer is found within a sedimentary section of Jurassic age containing dinosaur bones. Given that the half life of 19K40 is 1.3 billion years, and assuming that the ash has been a closed system, what proportion of the original 19K40 that the ash contained originally is left
a. Much more than one-half
3. Cross-bedded sand might be found in the _____________ environment of deposition
a. Braided stream
b. Meandering river
c. Sand dune
4. Epicontinental seas…are extensive in __________ time, when North America was separated into two land masses by the Western Interior Sea and Europe was an archipelago
5. The CO2 content of the atmosphere changed from ________ during the present interglacial prior to 1750 to ________ as of 2005.
a. 280 ppm, 380 ppm
6. Which of the following statements is true concerning clades?
a. Clades are monophyletic
b. Clades are groups of organisms in which members of each group are more closely related to each other than they are to any other creature
c. Within clades members chare a more common recent ancestor with each other than with any other organism
7. Theropod hands generally have 3 functional fingers; the cast of albertosaurus hand at the front has 2 fully functional fingers; the little bone adjacent to them probably represents _______________
a. A vestigial finger
8. Bones in the tetrapod forelimb include _____________
a. None of these (femur, tibia, tarsals)
9. the animals from which tetrapods evolved were _______________-
a. lobe-finned fish
10. That velociraptor was a member of the Archosauria and diapsida is indicated
a. The presence of at least one antorbinal opening
b. The presence of two temporal openings
11. Powered flight in the vertebrates has evolved how many times?
a. 3
12. an example of a trace fossil is _____________-
a. a dinosaur footprint
b. a dinosaur corprolite
13. __________ is a process by which soft tissues are often preserved as thin carbon films, as for small dinosaurs found recently in China.
a. Carbonization
14. In Figure 1 at the end of this test, the tracks shown in the column “A” were produced by ____________ dinosaurs.
a. Theropod
15. In ______ rocks of ________ age are deposited in __________ environments is the best place to look for dinosaur fossils
a. None of the above
1. For tyrannosaurus rex, Tyrannosaurus is the species name
2. The “amniotic” egg is used by all tetrapods for reproducion
3. Amniotes include 2 great clades – the synapsids, which include mammals and their extinct “mammal-like reptile” ancestors, and reptiles
4. Dinosaurs are divided into 2 clades based on the structure of their skulls
5. A dinosaur fossil consisting of a few isolated bones suggests that the dinosaur died from old age, drowning or disease
6. The rock and fossil records are very complete
7. Sedimentary rocks and fossils are directly radiometrically dated
8. Georges Cuvier (and William Smith) independently developed the principle of fossil succession
9. Pangea broke up into separate continents and the Atlantic & Indian Oceans formed between the fragments, while Panthalassa decreased in size and became the Pacific Ocean, during the Mesozoic Era
10. Climate will not differ between a world with a pangea and a word with numerous separated continents
11. Fur is specific within mammals but general when comparing mammals and non-mammals
12. An ancesteral characteristic for dinosaurs is that theropod hands generally have 3 functional fingers
13. Hypotheses are proven by the scientific method
1. Chordata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca are phyla in the Kingdom Animalia and each phyla represents a different body plan
2. Primitive members of the Phylum Chordata (the phylum to which dinosaurs belong) are contained in the Burgess Shale.
3. Vertebrate jaws evolved from modified gill arches
4. Most dinosaur body fossils are altered after burial, although some dinosaur body fossils may be unaltered
5. During permineralization, porous material, like dinosaur bone, is filled with secondary materials
6. It takes the same amount of time for 10 grams of a radioactive element to decay to 5 grams as for 1000 grams of the same radioactive element to decay to 500 grams.
7. Where rivers deliver sediment faster than marine processes can redistribute it are where deltas transitional (shoreline) environments of deposition are formed
8. The Principle of Superposition states that the oldest layer is at the bottom in an undisturbed strata
9. An index fossil for the time interval 65-67 ma (also known as the Cretaceous or the Maastrichtian epoch) could be Tyrannosaurus Rex
10. The oldest seafloor in the Indian Ocean (off eastern Africa and Antarctica) is about 165 my old & represents the initial breakup of Gondwana
11. Because the continents are significantly dispersed & sea level is high due to fast seafloor spreading rates along the Mid-Ocean Ridge, Cretaceous climate is warm and moist
12. Hierarchical distribution of features is the most fundamental property of…all living organisms that have populated the earth
13. Charles Darwin (& Alfred Wallace) stated that natural selection was the mechanism by which organic evolution occurs.
14. Examples of homologous structures are dinosaur forelimbs & bird wings.
An epoch of the Late Cretaceous is the _______ Epoch
The Kimmeridgian Epoch occurs during the Late _________
The Carnian Epoch occurs during the Late _____________