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39 Cards in this Set

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The carbohydrate digesting enzyme released in the mouth is….
More is released into the duodenum and is called….
Salivary amylase
Pancreatic amylase
Carbs are broken into ____ by amylases.
Mono- & di- saccharides
Lipids are another word for …
Lipids are broken down by b_ s__ & p__l_ in the duodenum
Bile salts
Pancreatic lipases
Lipids are broken into ____, t_____, and chylomicrons.
Fatty acids, triglycerides
Proteins starch their digestion in the ____ with the addition of p____.
Stomach, pepsin
Proteins continue digestion after the stomach in the _____, with the addition of t___, c_____, and carboxypeptidase.
Trypsin, chymotrypsin
Proteins are broken into their building blocks, __ __, and short ____. Amino acids, peptides
Amino acids, peptides
The digestive hormone that stimulates the stomach to work and make acids is….
The digestive hormone that causes the pancreas to produce pH buffers, cause the liver to secrete bile, and shut off acid production in the stomach is….
The digestive hormone that operates the pylorus, starts digestive action in the duodenum, causes digestive juices to enter the duodenum, and stops our sense of hunger is….
CCK (cholecystokinin)
The digestive hormone that causes the pancreas to release insulin and shuts off action in the stomach is ….. )
GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide
The act of chewing is called….
The squeezing & mixing of chime in the small intestine is caused by the perfectly timed firing of circular and longitudinal muscles in a process called….
The movement of food through the esophagus is an automatic smooth muscular motion called…
The act of vomiting is called…
The condition where a person forces emesis as a means of weight control is called….
The urge to eliminate waste from the rectum is called….
Defecation reflex
The longest and last segment of the small intestine, for absorption of fats and bile salts, is the….
The second portion of the small intestine where most digestion and absorption occurs is the …
The shortest and first segment of the small intestine, where the majority of lipases and proteases and some amylase are added is the….
The valve that controls the flow of bile and pancreatric juices to the duodenum is the ___ sphincter.
The exit of feces is controlled by the internal and external ____ sphincters.
The entry valve to the stomach from the esophagus is usually closed to prevent acid from spewing upward and causing “heartburn”. This valve opens to allow food to enter. It is called the ____ sphincter Lower
The valve controlling the exit of chime from the stomach to the duodenum is the ___ sphincter
Pyloric (also, just called the pylorus)
The inside of the abdominal cavity is coated with ____ serosa.
Organs in the abdominal cavity are coated with ____ serosa.
A ___ ___ is a painful, digestion-stopping condition where a portion of stomach or intestine gets stuck above the diaphragm where the esophagus enters the abdomen.
Hiatal hernia
The main nutrient-absorbing structure in the jejunum and duodenum that work by maximizing surface area, and are present by the millions are called …
Inflammation of the gall bladder is called….
Liver disease, often caused by alcohol, viruses, infections, drugs, exposure to toxins is called….
Fluid build-up in the peritoneal cavity is referred to as ____ and can make a person swell-up.
An intestinal bacterial disease that releases toxins that cause massive, life-threatening diarrhea is called…
The digestive organ responsible for compaction of unabsorbed food, water & vitamin absorption, and vitamins K, B5, biotin manufacture is the…
Large intestine
The flap of tissue at the top of esophagus that closes over the trachea, so we don’t choke, is called the …
The organ that stores bile made by the liver is the….
Gall bladder
Located behind the stomach, the ____ is responsible for the secretion of exo-& endo-crine hormones, and performs a major job in regulating glucose.
The official word for gas released from the anus is a….
The act of releasing intestinal gas is called…