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42 Cards in this Set

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The digestive system is a group of __ that work together to __ food so it can be used for the body.

organs, digest

Food passes through the part of the digestive system known as the __ .

digestive tract

The digestive tract is lined with __ that helps move the food along and protect the organs from the digestive acids.


It can take __ for food to pass through the entire digestive system.

12-24 hours

__ is a series of processes that break down food to give our body energy and nutrients.


__ digestion is the breaking, crushing, and mashing of food

Mechanical Digestion

__ digestion is the process of breaking down large molecules into smaller nutrients.

Chemical Digestion

__ are used to break down the molecules.


Where does digestion begin?

The Mouth

__ creates small, slippery pieces of food that are easy to swallow and easy to digest.


The outermost layer of the tooth is the __, which is the hardest substance in the body.


There are 3 types of teeth

__ - grind food


There are 3 types of teeth

__- mash food


There are 3 types of teeth

__- shred food

incisors and canines

As you chew, the food mixes with __


Saliva contains an __ that begins chemical digestion


Saliva breaks down carbohydrates in our food into ____ ____

Simple Sugars

Chewed food called __ is pushed by the tongue from the __ (throat) into a long tube called the __

bolus, pharynx, esophagus

The esophagus contains muscles that squeeze the food down to the stomach. This process is called __


The __ is the muscular digestive organ attached to the lower end of the esophagus


In the stomach, food is __ by the muscles of the stomach and __ and __ are added to break down the food and kill bacteria

squeezed, enzymes, acid

After a few hours of mechanical and chemical digestion, the food is now a soupy mixture called __


Chyme is released from the stomach through the __ __ into the __ __

pyloric schincter, small intestine

__ are rings of muscles that push food from one area to another. They are usually found where 2 organs meet, like the pyloric sphincter that pushes food from the stomach to the small intestine


The small intestine is about __ __ long

7 meters

Small, finger-like projections called __ line the inside wall, making the surface area large


Villi are covered with cells that __ nutrients and transfer the nutrients to the __

absorb, bloodstream

Chyme __ passes through the pancreas.


The pancreas sits __ the stomach and the small intestine.


The pancreas releases fluid into the small intestine that helps with __ __ and neutralizes the acid in the chyme.

chemical digestion

The pancreas releases hormones that regulate __ levels (as part of the endocrine system).


The liver helps with digestion by:

making bile to break up fat, storing nutrients, and breaking down toxins

Small organ that __ __ made by the liver.

stores bile

Bile is squeezed into the small intestine. What does it do there?

Breaks down large fat droplets into smaller ones, making it easier to digest

We have good __ living in our digestive tract that helps break down food (especially veggies) and prevents harmful bacteria from colonizing our intestines.


The organ of the digestive system that stores, compacts, and eliminates indigestible material is the __.

large intestine

The large intestine has a larger __ than the small intestine, but is only about __ __ long.

diameter, 1.5 meters

The large intestine absorbs __ and __ from the undigested material, turning into semisolid waste called feces or stool.

water, electrolytes

__ in our diets keeps material moving through the large intestine.


The __ is the last part of the large intestine that stores feces until it can be expelled.


Feces pass outside the body through an opening called the __.


Order food goes through the digestive system.




4.small intestine

5.large intestine
