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104 Cards in this Set

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Where is bile made
What are the functions of the digestive system
- Take in food
- Break down food
- Absorb
- Nutrients
- Eliminate waste
What is the purpose of the sailary glands
To produce saliva which is used to break down food in the mouth and keep the mouth moist
What is the largest salivary gland
The paritod
What is the serosa also known as
Visceral peritoneum
Where is the adventitia found
the neck and anus
What does the enteric plexus do
control movement and secretion in the tract
The serous membrane that lines the wall of the adominal cavity is the
parietal peritoneum
What does the lesser omentum cover
connects the lesser curvature to the liver and diaphragm
What does the greater omentum cover
connects to the greater curvature to the transverse colon
The outer surface of the lips are made out of what lining
Keratinized stratified epithelium
THe internal surface of the lips are made out of what lining
Non keratinized strtified squamous epithelium
How many teeth does an adult have
How many teeth does a child have
What system is the salivary glands controlled by
Parasympathetic nervous system
What enzymes do saliva secrete
Salivary Amylase and salivary lipase
What is the function of salivary amylase
breaks the covalent bonds between glucose molecules in starch and other polsaccharides to produce disaccharides maltose and isomaltose.
What is the function of Maltose and isomaltose
To enhance the sweet taste in food
What is the function of lysozyme in the mouth
a weak antibacterial action that washes the oral cavity from bacterial infections
What happens when lysozyme is not secreted
ulceration and infection of the mucosa and dental carie formation in the teeth
What part of the pharynx digests food
the Oropharynx and laryngopharynx
What lining is the esophagus made out of
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
What does the epiglottis cover
the larynx
What is mixed with chyme after the chyme has enter the pyloric region of the stomach
Digestive enzymes from the pancrease; and bile from the liver aid in digestion in the duodenum
What enters the large intestine
Chyme that is not absorbed in the small intestine
Most nutrient absorption occurs in the
small intestine
What part of the small intestine does absorption mostly occur
duodenum and jejuneum
Why is the muscular layer of the stomach different from other regions of the digestive tract
because it consists of three layers: longitudinal, oblique, and circular; whereas the small instestine consists of 2 layers: circular and longitudinal
What is the stomach lined with
simple columnar epithelium
What are the functions of the muscular layers in the stomach
to produce a churning action for digestion
What proudces hydrocholoric acid and intrinsic factor
Parietal cells
What produce pepsiongen which is protein digesting enzymecalled pepsin
cheif cells
What is the function of the stomach
storing and mixing
What is the function of mucus in the stomach
to lubricate and protect epithelial cells of the stomach wall from damaging effect of acidic chyme and pepsin
What is the pH of the stomach when: empty/full
empty: 4
full: 1-2.0
What type of muscle is the muscularis
smooth muscle
What type of tissue is the serosa
What is the function of ACL
to kill bacteria and activate pepsin
Why is vitamin B12 important
it is important in DNA synthesis and RBC prouction
What hormone is secreted by the stomach
What does gastrin do
regulate stomach secretions
What the cephalic phase
prepares the stomach to recieve food; responsible for senstaions: taste, smell, chewing and swalling, and pleasant thoughts of food
Explain the gastric phase
it is activated by the presence of food in the stomach.
Explain the process of the gastric phase
the Vagus nerve in the medulla oblongata is stimulated by food (parasympathetic reflex) and releases ACL and Pepsiongen>pepsin> breaks down proteins> gastrin > more ACL
What two hormones initiated by fatty acids and lipids in the duodenum do?
inhibit gastric secretions
What is the major site for digestions absoption of food
the small intestine
What two ducts join each other and empty into the duodenum
common bile duct and pancreatic duct
What is the lacteal responsible for
transporting and absorbing nutrients
What is the function of absorptive cells
have microvilli that produce digestive enzymes and absorb digested food
What is the function of goblet cells
protective mucus
What is the function of granular cells
protect the intestinal epithelium from bacteria
What are some differences in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
a gradual decrease in the diameter wall, thickness and the number of circular foods and villi
Cluster of lymph nodules found in the ileum is called
Peyer's patches
Where is the liver located
the right upper quadrant of the abdomen against the inferior surface of the diaphragm
What carries blood that is oxygen poor but rich in absorbed nutrients and other substances from the digestive tract to the liver
Hepatic portal vein
What brings oxygen rich blood to the liver
hepatic artery
What function does the liver have with digestion
bile nutralizes ACL and emulsifies fats = fat digestion
What function does the liver have with excretion
Bile has excretory products such as cholestrol, fats, and bile pigments, (bilirubin) that result from hemoglobin breakdown
What function does the liver have with nutrient storage
it removes sugar from the blood and store it in the form of glycogen; also store fats, viatmins A, B12, D, E, and K, copper and iron
What stimulates the gallbadder to contract and release bile into the duodenum
Where does 90% of bile salts are reabsorbed
in the illeum
Where is the pancreas located
retroperitoneal, posterior to the stomach in the inferior part of the left upper quadrant
Where does the large and small intestine meet
the cecum
The transport of carrier molecules include
facilitated diffusion, cotransport, and active transport.
Carbohydrates consists of
starches cellulose and sucrose
Polysaccharides include large carbohydrates such as
starches, cellulose, and glycogen
Salivary amylase in the mouth digest
polysaccharides, fatty acids monoglycerides, and pepsin, smaller polypeptides
In the pancreas the pancreatic amylase breaks down
Mass movements are intergrated by the
enteric plexus
The ______ secretes peptidases and disaccharidases, whereas the _______ secretes trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lipase, and nuclease.
small intestine, pancreas
Gastrin secretion is stimulated by
duodenal pH greater than 3.
What bone is the tooth located on
the mandible
Mass movements are intergrated by the
enteric plexus
The ______ secretes peptidases and disaccharidases, whereas the _______ secretes trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lipase, and nuclease.
small intestine, pancreas
Gastrin secretion is stimulated by
duodenal pH greater than 3.
What bone is the tooth located on
the mandible
The renal tubule is a duct that leads the
filtrate away from the glomerular capsule.
Each nephron consists of a renal corpuscle; the renal corpuscle is where plasma is filled from the
glomerulus and is collected in the glomerular capsule and a renal tubule surrounded by blood vessels.
Cells of the nephron wall process the material filtered from the blood, this returns valuable substances to the
bloodstream and collecting additional wastes for excretion.
This afferent arteriole leads to a convoluted capillary called the
The efferent arteriole leads away from the glomerulus to a second capillary bed, called the
peritubular capillaries.
Venous circulation leads away from the .
Urine is formed through a combination of four basic processes:
1) glomerular filtration, 2) tubular reabsorption, 3) tubular secretion, and 4) water conservation.
Once the fluid moves into the collecting, duct it is called .
The kidneys are able to maintain a relatively stable GFR in spite of changes
in blood pressure
The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), primarily functions in
tubular reabsorption
The PCT reabsorb about 65% of the
glomerular filtrate.
Sodium is thus reabsorbed by both
simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
Sodium carriers will also cotransport glucose and amino acids, thus allowing for the
reabsorption of glucose and amino acids. sodium ions are reabsorbed into the interstitium and then into the blood, an osmotic gradient forms, allowing for the reabsorption of water as well.
Increase levels of antiduertic hormone will lead to
decrease volume of urine
What function does aldosterone have on the kidney
It increases the rate of sodium ABSORBED and potassium and hydrogen ions secreted
Between which two structures does blood filtration occur in the kidneys
Glomerulus and Glomerulus capsule
The vessels that enter during tubular reabsorption are
pertubular capillaries
What promotes glomerular filtration
blood hydrostatic pressure
the majority of tubular reabsorption occurs in the
proximal convolted tubule
triglycerides are oxidized when triglycerides are broken down into glycerol, which enters ______ to produce ATP, and fatty acids, which enter into ______ to produce ATP
glycolysis, citric acid cycle
The juxtaglomerular apparatus is formed where the ________ projects between the afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole next to Bowman's capsule.
distal tubule
he ______ are specialized portions of the peritubular capillaries that extend deep into the medulla of the kidney.
vasa recta
The external urinary sphincter is composed of ______ and is under ______ control.
skeletal muscle, voluntary
In general, when filtration pressure increases, filtrate volume ______, and urine volume ______.
increases, increases
How much of the original filtrate volume is reabsorbed?
In the descending limb of the loop of Henle, water moves out of the nephron by ______, and solutes move into the nephron by ______.
osmosis, diffusion
If respiration rate increases, the amount of CO2 in the blood ______, and pH ______.
decreases, increases
The urinary system assists in regulating all of these EXCEPT:
Body temperature