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108 Cards in this Set

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Perceptions we have of our bodies
Body image
Refer to body functioning, but most often ideas, feelings, and experiences about physical appearance or attractiveness of bodies
Perceptions we have of our bodies
When individual’s perception inconsistent with reality
Distorted body image
_____ is a a key to wellness
Body acceptance
Why is body image important?
1. Body image tends to become self-image
2. Negative body image may influence our health behaviors
For a Healthy and positive body image you should Evaluate various aspects of bodies fairly______, finding some characteristics positive and others less so
Healthy body image is influenced by awareness of how bodies ____ and ___.
function and look
Understanding and accepting what one can and cannot expect to achieve in pursuit of ideal body is key to _____
(healthy body image)
Most evidence of association between fatness and physical health is from_______
epidemiologic studies
epidemiologic studies use _______, value derived by dividing one’s weight in kilograms by square of one’s height in meters
body mass index (BMI)
BMI results in value that correlates with ______
body fatness
Individuals at ________—those very thin and those very fat—are at increased risk of certain diseases or mortality from all causes
both extremes of fatness
Examples of Traditional quantitative definitions
are _____ and _____.
overweight and obesity
weights greater than 110% desirable weight
weights greater than 120% desirable weight
____ is a tool for providing quick assessment.
Body fat distribution and health risk is related to ____ and to ______.
-ratio of waist size to hips (waist/hip ratio)
Higher levels of body fat around _____ seem more dangerous than fat in buttocks and thighs.
fat located in abdominal area-
Especially related to health risk
Visceral fat
High levels of visceral fat prone to cluster of metabolic risk factors including:
1. High blood pressure (hypertension of greater than or equal to 130/85 mm Hg)
2. Low level high-density lipoproteins (men <40 mg/dL; women <50 mg/dL)
3. Elevated triglycerides greater than or equal to 150 mg/dL
4. Impaired fasting glucose
hypertension of greater than or equal to 130/85 mm Hg describes _________
High blood pressure
men should have ____mg/dL; and women should have ____mg/dL Low level high-density lipoproteins.
<40 =men
Elevated triglycerides should be greater than or equal to ____ mg/dL
men should have ____mg/dL; and women should have ____mg/dL Low level high-density lipoproteins.
<40 =men
___ is a condition in which three or more of those metabolic risk factors present
Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome increases risk of ____,_____,____,and _____
atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus
Obesity also increases risk of other health conditions including _____,_____,_____, and ______
menstrual irregularities, infertility, gallbladder disease, and some types of arthritis
Underweight is defined as ____% below weight standards
BMIs _____ or lower considered underweight; associated with illness and greater risk for mortality as BMI decreases further
Causes of underweight may include:
1. Genetics
2. Malabsorption of nutrients
3. Metabolic disorders caused by wasting diseases such as cancer
4. Extreme psychologic or emotional stress
5. Excessive expenditure of energy in athletics
6. Voluntarily restricting dietary intake as in anorexia nervosa
Major portion of body fat is Storage Fat which is a
layer of fat under the skin that provides _____. This fat ____and ____many internal organs against physical trauma. It provides efficient means of stockpiling_____.
-cushions and defends
- energy
Minimal amount of Essential Fat serves vital functions such as ______.
membrane integrity
Essential fat:
For men ____% body weight.
For women, healthy minimal amount (essential fat plus the gender-specific fat) ____% body weight
Recommended range of total fat (storage fat plus essential fat): For men ____-____% body weight
For women ____-____% body weight
15% to 20%
25% to 30%
Differences related to gender, age, and stage of development
effect _______
Body fat distribution
Two types of fat distribution:
1. Apples (android body type)
2. Pears (gynoid type)
biggest around waist describes ______
Apples (android body type)
biggest in hips, buttocks, and upper thighs describes ______
Pears (gynoid type)
Most pears = _______; most apples ______
-men and older women
To asses weight distribution one can compare _____ circumference with that of hips.
Men: healthier waist-to-hip ratio ________
Women: healthier waist-to-hip ratio______
-less than 0.95 to 1
- 0.8 or less
What is your waist circumference? Use a _____ to determine your health risk
measuring tape
to asses fat distribution pattern one can compare waist circumference with that of hips because waist diameter provides good _____.
fat estimate in abdominal area
Greater risk for various chronic diseases are associated with _____
Waist more than _____. for men; more than ____for women
-40 in
-35 in
_____ are special cells in which fat is stored
Cells increase in _____. It occurs whenever ______ continues for any time
-positive energy balance
Cells increase in _____.
More specialized, occurring during _____.
-growth spurts
New adipocytes can form at ______ .
any stage of life
True or False: when you exercise you are getting rid of fat cells.
False: Fat cells never go away, they get smaller but will always be there.
It is postiive energy intake if more energy is _____than _____, fat storage goes on until fat droplet reaches ______.
-consumed than expended
-maximum size
If positive energy balance continues, body makes new _______, expanding storage capacity.
Negative energy intake
is when fat is lost, _____, reducing size
energy is mobilized from adipocyte
Negative energy intake
mechanisms of body may work to _____.
reverse small size of adipocytes
Other anthropometric measurements or assessments of fat levels
include distinguish between ____and _____ on basis of physical differences.
fat and other body components
_____ is the most widely accepted anthropometric measurements or assessments of fat levels.
Underwater weighing (densitometry)
_____ and other methods including ______and _______are anthropometric measurements or assessments of fat levels.
-Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA)
-triceps skinfold
-mid–upper arm circumference
1 pound of body fat roughly equivalent to _____ kcal
Energy balance is determined by relationship of ____ to _____.
energy intake to energy expenditure
Set point :
-_______ (of some characteristic) that body regulates or defends.
-Weight (and body fatness) of most adults is remarkably _____.
-Natural level
Weight of most adults _______ after minor gains and losses.
returns to usual level (set point)
______ includes:
-Adjustments bodies make to return to set point
-Among adult humans range of set points for body fatness
Defending set point
What are mechanisms/options for exerting control of set point regulations?(3)
- Changing amount of energy ingested
- Changing level of physical activity
- Changing efficiency of ingested and stored energy
Excursions into overeating trigger _______:
-Set point successfully defended
-Limits to ability to expand energy expenditure
an increase in energy expenditure (can overeat periodically without gaining weight)
If overconsumption is sustained,_____usually occurs
and the ___ is reestablished at a higher level.
- weight gain
- set point
Total energy expenditure is also reduced when _____ is reduced.
level of activity
Reducing the level of physical activity is a ______.
Natural way to conserve limited energy supply
Restriction of food intake usually produces _______.
reduction in level of voluntary activity
Set point effects are also overridden by ______.
consistent changes in voluntary behaviors of eating and exercise
with a consistent positive energy balance one will gain fat and adjust set points ______.
New level of fatness becomes maintained without _____.
great effort
Basis of physical activity recommendations of Dietary Guidelines of _____minutes a day for weight loss
60 to 90
Enduring weight losses seem to be maintained only through ______.
continuing effort
Various pharmacologic substances claim to alter _____
set point
maintaining weight loss is more difficult for those formerly ______.
severely obese
Alternative is surgical intervention, specifically GI surgery for obesity (bariatric surgery):
-May provide __________for those morbidly obese (BMI ____), unable to lose weight through diet and exercise, or have significant obesity-related disorders
-long-term weight loss
- >40
After GI surgery, weight loss was maintained for more than 5 years by _____% patients compared with only about ___% by other approaches.
-50% to 80%
All forms of bariatric surgery have disadvantages and risks.
Surgical interventions are intended for ______
morbidly obese
Patient acceptability of getting GI surgery is assessed by a multidisciplinary team of at least a ____,____,and _____.
physician, psychiatrist, and registered dietitian
Repeat dieting:
________not benign and may lead to nutritional inadequacies, confused food habits, loss of sensitivity to physiologic hunger cues, diminished self-confidence, and loss of self-esteem
Gain-loss weight cycles
A new approach emphasizing acceptance of diversity in body size and shape puts emphasis, not on achieving ideal body composition, but on _____, ____, and ______. Adopting attitudes and behaviors that promote body composition appropriate to each individual’s genetic makeup and contribute to true _________.
-promotion of wellness, personal satisfaction, and well-being
_____ is a approach that focuses on behaviors for long-term changes.
Nondiet approach
Most important goals are those related to ______
changes in behavior
Habits that will become almost self-sustaining
and setting goals related to each person’s needs
(Example: habit of regularly planning and shopping for groceries) are both considered _______.
Changing behavior
When Normalizing Eating, the goal is to __________ and
Involves being in tune with _______.
-reclaim eating as a comfortable and natural process
-needs of body and signals about those needs
______ is eating with awareness, relaxation, and without guilt, allowing ourselves to eat, in appropriate quantities, all foods
Enjoying eating
_________ involves letting hunger and satiety guide eating
Normalizing eating
Minimizing the use of food to meet emotional needs requires being aware of ____ and _____.
-feelings and any associated eating
To minimize the use of food to meet emotional needs one must ____, ____, And _____
be aware of reasons behind food use, eat without guilt, and arrange a safe circumstance for eating
Bodies function best when eat ________. Lifestyles work against this
several times a day spaced throughout waking hours
For many, eating spaced out leads to a pattern of most eating between ____ and _____ with undesirable effects
5 PM and bedtime
Space food throughout _____ to avoid overwhelming hunger or drive to consume excessively. You should eat _____ meals a day.
-active hours
-Three to five meals a day
____ is one of few factors consistently associated with success in maintaining healthy body composition
Exercise is _____requiring energy
mechanical work
One should _____ when adopting new lifestyles.
Increase energy expenditure
Beneficial health effects of _______ is greater than can be accounted for by direct effect on energy balance
Four Factors that may reduce levels of lean body mass are:
-Sedentary lifestyles
-Wasting caused by illness
Exercise reduces effect of factors that effect lean body mass by ______.
increasing or maintaining lean body mass levels
Exercise reduces variety of risk factors for ____,_____, and ______--Conditions associated with increased obesity.
hypertension, coronary artery disease, and diabetes mellitus
Exercise can _____,_____and ______ (even without changes in body fat levels)
decrease heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and improve the blood lipid profile
Exercise seems to change how people feel about themselves and their ability to __________.
be in charge of their own lives
Exercise seems to increase ________with one’s own body when engaging in regular, enjoyable exercise
awareness and level of comfort
Exercise seems to provide time for ______ and reinforce commitment to wellness
-thinking and problem solving
Differences in response to exercise may be related to:
-Fat distribution patterns
-Ability to exercise vigorously
-Appetite response to exercise
________is a poor indicator of beneficial effects of exercise because bodies respond differently.
Fatness level
Significantly increased incidence of obesity among _________
Alarming Trends:
Risk of weight-associated disorders such as childhood ______increases.
type 2 DM
Effects of contemporary lifestyles results in _________.
sedentary behaviors and increasing incidence of obesity
Factors that appear to help reduce the bodys set point for body weight and body fitness include:
A. regular aerobic exercise
B. decreased protein intake
C. use of weight loss medications
D. Use of specific vitamin supplements
A. regular aerobic exercise