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86 Cards in this Set

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őrült, furcsa alak (n)
informal someone who is mentally ill or behaves in a strange way, a crazy person
őrült, bolond (adj)
Öreg bolond cirkuszi majom :)

A demented old circus monkey.
Retteg a pókoktól.
She's petrified of spiders.
extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move or think
Halálra vált/kővé dermedt a félelemtől, amikor meglátta a puskát.
He was petrified with fear when he saw the gun.
extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move or think
Kővé dermedve álltam amikor egy akkora kutya tartott tartott felém, amit még életemben nem láttam.
I stood petrified as the most enormous dog I've ever seen came running up to me.
extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move or think
hamper (Am), laundry basket (Br)
a large basket that you put dirty clothes in until they can be washed
Mész arra a ma esti táncmulatságra a városházán?
Are you going to that shindig at the Town Hall tonight?
A festive party, often with dancing
foosball, table football
mosquito/insect repellent
fake doggie poop
100 forintos bolt (nem pontos megfelelő)
five and dime = five and ten store
a store where everything cost either five cents (a nickel) or ten cents (a dime)
= variety store
A tüntetők téglákat hajigáltak az ablakokba.
Demonstrators were hurling bricks through the windows.
to throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry:
Mostanában elég ideges/sokat aggódik, mert várja az eredményeket.
She's been edgy lately, waiting for the test results.
nervous or anxious
A bizottság elhalasztotta a döntést.
The committee deferred their decision.
=delay, postpone
to delay something until a later date [= put back]
A javaslat további megbeszélése áprilisra tolódik.
Further discussion on the proposal will be deferred until April.
to delay something until a later date [= put back]
sertés, disznó
especially American English: a large pig that is kept for its meat [↪ boar, sow]
Te mohó dög. (=disznó)
You greedy hog!
informal someone who takes too much of something that should be shared [= pig]:
A gyerekek észreveszik a szorongásaidat. (A gyerekeknek feltűnik, ha szorongsz)
phrasal verb
Children pick up on your anxieties.
to notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it
Csak egy lapnak tűnt fel a minszter kijelentése.
Only one newspaper picked up on the minister's statement.
to notice something that other people have not noticed
outside toilet
kulcsos gyerek
latchkey child
a child who is often alone at home after school has finished for the day because his or her parents are out at work
tejet termel (mell)
Keresgélt/kutakodott a tárcájában és előhúzott egy fotót.
She fished around in her purse and pulled out a photo.
informal to search for something in a bag, pocket or in difficult conditions
Az igazgató a stratégiánkkal kapcsolatos információk után kutakodott.
The director was fishing for information about our strategy.
informal to search for something in a bag, pocket or in difficult conditions
crotch, crutch, groin
the part of your body between the tops of your legs, or the part of a piece of clothing that covers this
Mindegyikünk bedobott pénzt/Összedobtunk pénzt Amy ajándékára.
We all chipped in to buy Amy a present.
if each person in a group chips in, they each give a small amount of money so that they can buy something together
segítő majom
monkey helper
assistance animal
likely to decay quickly
A gyerekek eliszkoltak a kertbe.
The children scampered off into the garden.
= scurry
to run with quick short steps, like a child or small animal
Az emberek gyors léptekkel igyekeztek a munkába.
People were scurrying off to work.
to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry
A benzin ára az utóbbi hetekben a magasba szökött.
The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.
to increase quickly to a high level [≠ plummet]:
A hőmérséklet 26 fok fölé fog emelkedni a hétvége során.
Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend say the weather forecasters.
to increase quickly to a high level [≠ plummet]:
Pam késve érkezett, ziláltan és kifulladva.
Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath.
(of people or their appearance) very untidy
A válaszok egyértelműek. Vagy csak direkt tetteted hülyének magad?
The answer's obvious - or are you being deliberately obtuse?
stupid and slow to understand, or unwilling to try to understand
A cég kellemes/barátságos légkört biztosít.
The company provides a congenial atmosphere.
friendly and pleasant
keeper of a park
Nagyon nagyképű lett, amikor a divatterveit kritizálták.
He got/became very uppity when his fashion designs were criticized.
behaving in an unpleasant way because they think that they are more important than they really are
Sajnos nem viszonozta az érzéseimet. (passzívban)
Sadly, my feelings for him were not reciprocated.
formal to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you.
Meghívtuk őket vacsorára és egy héttel később viszonozták a meghívást.
We invited them to dinner and a week later they reciprocated.
formal to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you
Utálok fogorvoshoz menni, de úgy tűnik, kénytelen leszek lenyelni a keserű pirulát.
I hate going to the dentist, but I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet.
informal to start dealing with an unpleasant or dangerous situation because you cannot avoid it any longer
Megpróbáltunk belógni a buliba, de a kidobóemberek nem voltak hajlandóak beengedni.
We tried to crash the party, but the bouncers wouldn't let us in.
informal to go to a party that you have not been invited to
A vitában patthelyzet alakult ki, mivel egyik fél sem volt hajlandó engedni/kompromisszumokra.
The dispute had reached an impasse, as neither side would compromise.
a situation in which further development is impossible
Átok (=balszerencse) ül ezen a gépen - háromszor romlott el ma reggel.
There's a jinx on this computer - it's gone wrong three times this morning!
bad luck, or a person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck
Átok (=balszerencse) ül rajtam - bármikor mossak el egy poharat, eltörik.
I must be jinxed - whenever I wash a wine glass, it breaks.
bad luck, or a person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck
"Menj a pokolba!" "Viszont! / Ugyanezt neked! / Te is!"
"Go to hell!" "Right back at you!"
whatever someone says to you, you say the same things back
"Megbántottál!" "Te is engem! / Hát még te!" informális
"You hurt me!"
"(Right) back at you!"
whatever someone says to you, you say the same things back
a fokhagyma átható/erőteljes/penetráns szaga
the pungent odour of garlic
having a strong taste or smell
a cikkíró nevét a cím alatt közlő sor
a line at the beginning of an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives the writer's name
"Te vagy a legjobb barát"
"Hát még te."
"You’re the best friend a girl could have"
"Right back at you."
whatever someone says to you, you say the same things back
"Annyira szeretlek!"
"Hát még én, kedves."
"I love you so much!"
"Back at you, Ace."
whatever someone says to you, you say the same things back
kiskapu/kibúvó a törvényben
a loophole in the law
a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to avoid doing something that the law is supposed to make you do
a small building with open sides in a garden, where you can sit and look at the view
Ez a politika hatalmas pusztítást végzett a brit gazdaságban
These policies have wreaked havoc on the British economy.
to cause a lot of damage or problems
A mostani viharok hatalmas pusztítást végeztek a terméseken.
The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops.
to cause a lot of damage or problems
Tönkreteszi az imagedet/nem tesz jót a népszerűségi indexednek, ha látják, hogy segítesz a rendőrségnek.
It'll wreck your street cred if you're seen helping the police.
your "coolness" factor
Acceptability or popularity, especially among young people in urban areas.
popularity with or acceptance by the common people
especially American English
the action of hitting someone's open hand with your own above your heads to show that you are pleased about something
Minden jegy elkelt a koncertre. (főnév)
The concert was a sell-out.
a performance or sports event for which no more tickets are available, because it is so popular
Sok fekete tanuló árulónak tekintette őt. (áruló itt= olyan ember aki cserben hagyta őket pl. pénzért/sikerért)
Many black students regarded him as a sellout.
informal someone who has not done what they promised to do or who is not loyal to their friends or supporters, especially in order to become more popular, richer etc
a szegények elárulása/cserben hagyása politikai okokból
a sellout of the poor for political reasons
informal a situation in which someone has not done what they promised to do or were expected to do by the people who trusted them
to punish someone by no longer allowing them to be a member of the Roman Catholic church
nadrág (=trousers)
pants for casual wear
egy fajta jégkrém: gyümölcslé fagyasztva pálcikán
a food made of juice that is frozen onto sticks [= ice lolly British English]
a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist -- used humorously
Katy Rochford az összes nagynevű sztárról elterelte a figyelmet.
All the big-name stars were upstaged by 12-year-old Katy Rochford.
to take people's attention away from someone else who is more important
öreg diákok
the former students of a school, college etc
John beleegyezett, hogy elmegy a tárgyalásra a helyemben, szóval szabad vagyok/megmenekültem.
John's agreed to go to the meeting in my place so that gets/lets me off the hook / so I'm off the hook.
be off the hook:
escape from a difficult situation
let/get sy off the hook:
allow or help someone to get out of a difficult situation
Senki sem sérült, de az autó megkarcolódott és behorpadt.
No one was injured, but the car was scratched and dented.
hit or press sg so that its surface is bent inwards
Mindenről leltárt készítettünk a lakásban.
We made an inventory of everything in the apartment.
a list of all the things in a place
A hőség enerválttá/fásulttá tett.
The heat was making me listless.
lacking energy and enthusiasm and unwilling to do anything needing effort
Mióta megkapta a vizsgaeredményeit, kedvetlen és közömbös/apatikus (egy szóval).
He's been listless and a bit depressed ever since he got his exam results.
lacking energy and enthusiasm and unwilling to do anything needing effort
a short thin stick used by a conductor / a short light stick that is passed from one person to another during a race
Sosem beszéli ki a csapattársait.
He never bitches about other members of the team.
inf. to make spiteful comments about sy
Ambíciója és elszánt kitartása biztosította, hogy szakmája élére emelkedett.
Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession.

= persistent
determined to continue doing something even if it is very difficult
Elszántan harcolt a gyerekei jogaiért.
She fought doggedly for the rights of her children.
determined to continue doing something even if it is very difficult
A rezgés nagyon idegesítővé tudhat válni egy idő után.
The vibration can become irksome after a while.
Széthányta a szőnyeget.
He puked all over the carpet.
to vomit
Kínosan ügyeltek a részletekre a munkában..
The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.
extremely careful and correct, and using a lot of effort
Hónapok alapos/precíz kutatása kellett a könyv megírásához.
It took months of painstaking research to write the book.
extremely careful and correct, and using a lot of effort
Az új cipőkben mindig hólyagos lesz a lábam.
New shoes always give me blisters.
a swelling on your skin containing clear liquid, caused for example by a burn or continuous rubbing
Peter kikotyogta a hírt mielőtt megállíthattuk volna.
Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him.
to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are nervous or excited:
Nem hiszem! - válaszolta ingerülten.
'I don't think so!' she replied tartly.
a reply, remark etc that is sharp and unkind
Szükséged lehet egy kis cukorra az ételre - egy kicsit savanykás/fanyar.
You might need some sugar on the food - it's a bit tart.
food that is tart has a sharp sour taste
apple/strawberry/custard tart
an open pastry case with a filling, usually of something sweet such as fruit
a type of square, flat pastry filled with fruit or chocolate, which you heat in a toaster and eat for breakfast
Pop Tarts
a type of square, flat pastry filled with fruit or chocolate, which you heat in a toaster and eat for breakfast
Nem vagyok hajlandó lealacsonyító/megalázó/rangon aluli munkát végezni.
I refuse to do demeaning work.
showing less respect for someone than they deserve, or making someone feel embarrassed or ashamed [↪ degrading]
Nem aláznám meg magam azzal, hogy munkáért könyörgök nála.
I wouldn't demean myself by begging him for a job.
make people lose respect for someone or something