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25 Cards in this Set

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Two variables that are not related

(Oral Motor exercises do not help Articulation clients)

Experimental Research

A means of establishing cause-effect relationships

EX: If a client with phonological processes practices with minimal pairs will they improve speech patterns?

Has Independent (Cause) and Dependent variables (Effect).

Descriptive Research

Researchers observe phenomenon of interest and records his or her observations.

EX: People with Aphasia compared to people without Aphasia on word finding measures.

Classification Variable (The two study groups) and Criterion Variable (Performance on a word finding assessment)

Alternative Hypothesis

Two Variables are indeed related

(EX: Will slow easy speech training reduce disfluency?)

Test Sensitivity

Refers to how well a test detects that a condition (Dysphagia) is present when the condition is actually present (The proportion of true positives correctly identified on a test)

Test Specificity

Refers to how well the test detects that a condition (Dysphagia) is not present when the condition is actually not present (the proportion of true negatives correctly identified by the test).

Between-Subjects Design

Comparisons of two or more groups of subjects

Utilizes matching overall (ex: average age) or pairwise matching of each subject to another subject on the extraneous variables (ex: age, education, gender) [Comparing differences between them]

Within-Subjects Design

The behavior of the same subjects is studied under different conditions.

Treatment Efficacy Research

Demonstrates the benefits of treatment through well-controlled studies with internal validity, statistical significance and practical significance.

Treatment Effectiveness

Demonstrates clinical improvement from the treatment when applied in real-world context

Treatment Fidelity

The degree to which actual implementation of the treatment in the real world is consistent with the prototype treatment administered in the controlled conditions of the treatment efficacy study.

Mixed Experimental-Descriptive Research

A comparison of two groups as the descriptive component (EX: dyslexic versus non-dyslexic) and manipulation of an independent variable (EX: rapid vs. slow presentation of written words) as the experimental component.

Measures of Central Tendency

Mean, Median, Mode

Measures of Variability

Range, Standard Deviation, Variance

Statistical Significance: Type I Error

Type I Error: A true null hypothesis is rejected

(EX: Reseacher makes an error by rejecting the statement - Oral Motor Exercises do not help Articulation clients)

Statistical Significance: Type II Error

Type II Error: A false null hypothesis is accepted(EX: Researcher makes an error by accepting the statement - Word drills do not help Articulation clients)

Level of Significance: P-Value

(p < .05)

When there are two sets of data being compared but one dependent variable, differences are analyzed using...

ANOVA (Analysis of variance)


How far each score in the distribution varies from the mean score.

When there are more than one independent variables and more than one dependent variables analysis procedures are...

MANCOVA (Multivariate analysis of variance

ANCOVA (Analysis of compliance)

Cohen's D

Used to compare the means of two or more groups

Content Validity

Measure of the validity of a test based on a through examination of all test items to determine whether the items are relevant to measuring what the test purports to measure

Construct Validity

The degree to which test scores are consistent with theoretical constructs, concepts or expectations.

Comprehensive and Integrated Assessment

Use of Client specific material, sample communication in natural settings and evaluation of skills in depth. Selection of ethnoculturally appropriate tests and interpretation of said tests cautiously.

Authentic Assessment

Naturalistic Observation of skills.