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27 Cards in this Set

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Precusor tissue for the vertebrae development
Scleratome Mesenchyme; from the ventralmedial portion of the somite (Shh and noggin)
The first 4-5 somites are called what?
Occipital Somites
What due the ventromedial somite cells express
Pax1 and Pax9
Somitocoel Cells
Cells located in the cavity of the somite also become part of the scleratome; Crainal half are loosely arranged while the caudal half are tightly packed
Cranial and Caudal halves of somites merge with the caudal half of the next adjacent somite
Cells in the Central Scleratome Compartment form?
Pedicle and prox rib
Cells in the ventral Scleratome Compartment form?
Vertebral body and IV disc
Cells in the Dorsal Scleratome Compartment form?
Dorsal part of neural arch, spinous process
Cells in the Lateral Scleratome Compartment form?
distal rib
Somitocoel cells in Scleratome Compartment form?
Vertebral joints, IV disc, proximal ribs
Anterior 1/2 of the scleratome
Contribute to the formation of the vertebral body, as well as small parts of the neural arch and distal rib
Posterior 1/2 of the scleratome
Contribute to the vertebral body, transverse process, proximal rib, the main part of the distal rib and the main part of the neural arch
Costal processes
In the transverse section, the ribs come derive; all the other levels they become spinous processes
Klippel-Feil Sequence
Rare recessive disorder characterized by the presence of several fused cervical vertebrae. the neck is shortened, low nuchal hair line and limited defects and hearling loss; some have scoliosis
May occur if the 5th lumbar vertebrae is incorporated into the sacrum;
is the fith sacral vertebra is NOT included in the sacrum
Failure of fusion of the neural arches of vertebra
A condition were many or all vertebrae have unfused spinous processes
Spina bifida
a series of conditions were one or a few adjacent vertebrae have unfused spinous processes
Spina Bifida Occulta
Mildest form of spina bifida and is usually asymptomatic
Examples of malformed vertebrae
Hemivertebrae, wedge-shaped vertebrae and unsegmented vertebral bars
Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Sternum formation
Begins independently as cartilage bars on either side of the midline during formation of the ventral body wall in the thorax; derived from somatic mesoderm; a 2ndary segmentation occurs froming sternebrae (forms body, manubrium)
Accessory Ribs
from in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spone; Abnormalities such as fused and forked ribs are often asymptomatic
Pectus Excavatum
Depression of the sternum
Pectus Carniatum
Protrusion of the sternum
Where does the sternum derive from
Lateral plate mesoderm-->somatic mesoderm-->sternum