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22 Cards in this Set

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The Pharyngeal apparatus appears? Disappears?
during week 4 of embryonic development and disappears by week 6.
Each pharyngeal arch contains what?
artery, cartilage, ligament, muscle, and nerve.
Arches are covered by ______ and lined by ___________
Arches are covered by ectoderm and lined by endoderm.
_______ separate arches externally and_________separate arches internally.
Grooves separate arches externally and pouches separate arches internally.
If groove and pouch meet, what is formed?
pharyngeal membrane is formed by ectoderm and endoderm between arches.
What cells migrate to form series of archs? what direction do they migrate? what are these structures separated by?
neural crest cells migrate laterally and ventrally into future neck region, becoming mesectoderm or head mesenchyme and form a series of arches; separated by clefts
Muscles of Arch 1:
muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, tensor tympanic, ant. belly digastric
Muscles of Arch 2:
muscles of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, post. belly digastric
Muscles of Arch 3 :
Muscles of Arch 4&6 :
crycothyroid, pharynx constrictors, larynx muscles, oesophagus (st. muscle)
Nerves of Arch 1:
CN V trigeminal
caudal 2/3 maxillary and mandibular
cranial 1/3 sensory nerve of head and neck, mastication motor
Nerves of Arch 2 :
CN VII facial
Nerves of Arch 3 :
CN IX glossopharyngeal
Nerves of Arch 4&6:
CN X vagus
Nerves of Arch 4:
-superior laryngeal
Nerves of Arch 6:
recurrent laryngeal
What do the Arch pouches develop into?
o Arch 1 :elongates to form tubotympanic recess ; tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum, eustachian tube
o Arch 2: forms tonsillar sinus ;mostly oblierated by palatine tonsil
o Arch 3 ;forms inferior parathyroid and thymus
o Arch 4 : forms superior parathyroid, parafollicular cells of Thyroid
What do the Arch grooves develop into?
only first pair persist as external auditory meatus
What do the Arch Membranes develop into?
only first pair persist as tympanic membrane
What do the Arch Cartilages develop into?
Arch Cartilages:
Arch 1- Meckel's cartilage
 dorsal ends form malleus and incus
 midpart forms ligaments
 ant. malleus, sphenomandibular
 ventral part forms mandible template
 horseshoe shaped
o Arch 2- Reichert's cartilage
 dorsal ends form stapes and Temporal bone styloid process
 ventral part ossifies to form hyoid bone components
 lesser cornu and superior body
o Arch 3- forms greater cornu and inferior hyoid
o Arch 4&6- form laryngeal cartilages (except epiglottis, from hypobranchial eminence)
Explain devo of the Arch Arteries
Arch Arteries:
o placental vein -> liver -> heart -> truncus arteriosus->truncus arteriosus -> aortic sac -> each arch artery ->arch artery -> dorsal aorta ->
oArch 1 :mainly lost, form part of maxillary artery
oArch 2 :stapedial arteries
oArch 3 :common carotid arteries ,internal carotid arteries
oArch 4 :left forms part of aortic arch ;right forms part right subclavian artery
oArch 6 :left- part of left pulmonary artery ,right- part of right pulmonary artery
What is the general pattern of Arch structures?
o Arch 1 :Mandibular Arch: 2 prominences:
 smaller upper- maxillary; forms maxilla, zygomatic bone and squamous part of temporal
larger lower- mandibular; forms mandible
o Arch 2 :Hyoid Arch: forms most of hyoid bone
oArch 3 and 4 : form neck structures