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31 Cards in this Set

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-human behavior is viewed through larger contexts (I.g. Families, communities)

-if one thing changes, the whole system is affected.


-micro, meso, macro


-looks at the family as a whole, rather than individuals

-looks at interactions amount members of the family

-social roles and interpersonal interactions is the focus of treatment

Different types of family therapy

-Strategic family therapy: SW initiates what happens in therapy, designs approach for presenting problem and directly influenced people.

-creating change in behavior vs. understanding behavior

Structural Family Therapy:

- family organization promotes well-being of members

-SW joins/engages the family to restructure and maintain homeostasis.

- observing and manipulating therapy sessions

Bowenian Family Therapy:

-improving the inter generational transmission process

- individual responses are just as important as the entire family

Group Theories

-individuals help each other to influence change, learn social roles

-members gain insight/knowledge of themselves through interacting with others in group (individual self-actualization)

-SW helps members come to agreement

-groupthink: groups make bad decisions because of group pressures

-Group polarization: group makes decision that are riskier than individual decisions( plp individually would be more cautious)


-explain origin of personality

- Psychoanalytic theory (Freud)

-Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler)

-Stages of Psychosocial Development (Erikson)

-Object Relations Theory (Mahler)


-humans are sexual beings and and act on impulses

- Id: acts on pleasure, impulsive

Ego: operates on reality principle, prevents Id from being "socially inappropriate"

Superego: Moral component learned from parents and society. Helps ego to conform to its morals not just reality

Psychosexual stages of development (Oral)

Age: Birth- 12 mnths

Sources of pleasure: sucking, biting, chewing

Result of fixation: excessive smoking, over eating, dependency on others

Stages of development (Anal)

Age: 2yrs, child is toilet trained

Sources of pleasure: bowel movements

Result of fixation: overly controlling personality or easily angered personality

Stages of development (Phallic)

Age: 3-5

Sources of pleasure: genitals

Result of fixation: guilt or anxiety about sex

Oedipus complex: occurs at this stage. Boys loves mom, hostile towards dad.

Stages of development (Latency)

Age: 5- puberty

Sources of pleasure: sexuality is latent, or dormant, during this period

Result of fixation: no fixation at this stage

Stages of development (genital)

Age: begins at puberty

Sources of pleasure: Genitals

Result of fixation: no fixations at this stage

Individual psychology (Adler)

- human behavior is not sexual or aggressive but striving for perfection

Children feel inferior to adults which drives them to master skills and challenges

- unhealthy plp are overwhelmed with inferiority

Self psychology

-Help clients develop a great sense of self cohesion

-when children receive empathetic responses from care takers it helps with sense of self

Three self- objects of need:

Mirroring: validates sense of perfect self

Idealization: borrows strength from other and identifies w/ it

Twinning: needs an alter ego for sense of belonging

Ego psychology

Rational, conscious process of ego

- goal is to maintain and enhance egos control of stress and its effects

Stages of psychosocial dev. (Erikson)

- focused on how children socialize and affect their sense of self

1. Trust vs. mistrust: (birth-1yr) learn to trust others through caregivers

Failure of completion: anxiety, fear of inconsistency of world

2. Autonomy vs. shame & doubt: (1-3yrs) child starts making independent decisions, confident about abilities

Failure of completion: inadequate about ability, dependent, lack self-esteem

3. Initiative vs. guilt: (3yrs)

Stages of psychosocial dev. (Erikson)

- focused on how children socialize and it's affect their sense of self

1. Trust vs. mistrust: (birth-1yr) learn to trust others through caregivers

Failure of completion: anxiety, fear of inconsistency of world

2. Autonomy vs. shame & doubt: (1-3yrs) child starts making independent decisions, confident about abilities

Failure of completion: criticized or controlled 👉🏾inadequate about ability, dependent, lack self-esteem

3. Initiative vs. guilt: (3yrs) assertive, plan and initiate activities, secure about being a leader

Failure of completion: criticized or controlled 👉🏾 develop sense of guilt

4. Industry vs. Inferiority: (6yrs) develop sense of pride, initiate and complete projects

Failure of completion: Initiative discouraged 👉🏾 inferior, doubtful of abilities, fail to reach potential

5. Identity vs. role confusion: (Adolescence) independence and see future( career, family, housing) form identities

Failure of completion: sense of self hindered 👉🏾 self confusion "don't know what I want to be when I grow up"

6. Intimacy vs. isolation: (Young Adulthood) more intimate w/others outside of family

Failure of completion: avoiding intimacy and fear of relationships 👉🏾 isolation, loneliness, depression

7. Generativity vs. stagnation: (Middle Adulthood) establishing careers, start families, part of bigger picture, involved in community activities & organizations

Failure of completion: not achieving goal or objectives 👉🏾 stagnant, feeling unproductive

8. Ego integrity vs. Despair: (Older Adults/ Senior Citizens) Contemplate Accomplishments/ Develop sense of integrity

Failure of Completion: dissatisfied w/ life 👉🏾 develop dis pair, depression, hopelessness

Object Relations Theory (Mahler)

- centered on relationships w/ others

Early attachment 👉🏾 life long relationships


1. 0-1mnth/Normal Autism/None/ infant detached, self absorbed, sleeps

2. 1-5mnth/Normal Symbiotic/ None/ aware of mom, mom & infant are one, barrier against world

3. 5-9 mnths/ none/ practicing/ crawl & walk freely/ active exploration/ distant from mom

4. 15-24mnths/ none/ rapprochement/ close to mom again, wants to be independent but still close with mom

5. 24-38 mnths/ object constancy/ none/ child understand mom is separate entity / support and comfort


- personality: result of interaction btwn individual and the environment

- reject theories re: internal thoughts and theories

-goal is to modify behavior

-behaviors 👉🏾 feelings

Respondent: involuntary behavior elicited by behavior.

Operant: voluntary behavior is controlled by consequences of environment


-Unconditioned stimulus 👉🏾 unconditioned response

-Unconditioned stimulus + conditioned stimulus 👉🏾 unconditioned response

-conditioned stimulus 👉🏾 conditioned stimulus


-Unconditioned stimulus 👉🏾 unconditioned response

-Unconditioned stimulus + conditioned stimulus 👉🏾 unconditioned response

-conditioned stimulus 👉🏾 conditioned stimulus


-Reinforcement( rewards) increases frequent behavior

-punishment decrease behaviors

-Aversion Therapy: treatment aimed at reducing attractiveness of stimulus with averse stimulus (I.g. Treat alcoholism w/ antabuse)

-Biofeedback: used for adhd or panic/anxiety disorders. Behavior training program to help control heart rate/blood pressure

Rational Emotive Therapy: SW changes clients irrational thoughts through self-defeating thinking, non distressing self statements





1. Sensorimotor/0-2yrs/ imaginative play, object image retention, signals meaning( mom leaves 👉🏾babysitter comes)

2. Pre operational/2-7yrs/ concrete to abstract thinking/ knows past, present, future/ night terrors/ magical thinking

3. Concrete Operations/ 7-11yrs/ abstract thoughts/ logical/ cause and effect relationship understood

4. Formal Operations/ 11-maturity/ assumes adult roles and responsibilities, plans for future, thinks hypothetically


- highlights importance of understanding individual behavior in light of environmental contexts

-client centered rather than agency-centered


- Risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse

👉🏾 Family: prior use/ dysfunction/trauma

👉🏾Social: peers who use drugs, social or cultural Norm, availability and accessibility of drugs

👉🏾Psychiatric: Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, mental health disorder

👉🏾Behavioral: use of other substances, aggressive behavior in childhood, impulsivity & risk taking

Causes of Subtance Abuse

Biopsychosocial model: Comprehensive explaination, includes hereditary predisposition, emotional & psychological problems, social influences, environmental problems

Medical model:

👉🏾Addiction: chronic, progressive, relapsing and potentially fatal medical disease

👉🏾Genetic causes: inherited vulnerability to addiction.

👉🏾Brain reward mechanisms: parts of brain produce pleasurable feelings to reinforce use

👉🏾 Altered Brain Chemistry: frequent use alters brain chemistry & required use needed to avoid withdrawals and brain imbalance

Self-medication model: use mor drugs to avoid withdrawals

Social model: drug use is learned & reinforced by societal norms & influence

Substance use disorder

- measured from mild to severe

-Disorders are categorized by the substance ( alcohol use, stimulant use disorder)

Mild substance use disorder: required two of three disorders from a list of 11.

Non subtance related disorder

-gambling disorder

Goals of treatment:

- abstinence from substances

-maximizing life functioning

-preventing it reducing relapse

Harm reduction model: doesn't require a client to discontinue substance use but seeks to reduce or minimize the use

Recovery is ongoing

Stages of alcohol use and drug use treatment

Stabilization: focus is on abstinence

Rehabilitation: Focus is on remaining substance free developing coping living skills grieving loss of substance use

Maintenance: focus is on stabilizing gains made in treatment, relapse prevention and termination

Signs and symptoms of drug use

Cocaine use : dilated pupils, hyperactivity, restlessness, perspiration, anxiety, impaired judgement

Alcohol Withdrawals: delirium tremens 👉🏾 hallucinations, rapid respiration, temperature abnormality and body tremors

Korsakoff's Syndrome: Chronic consumption of alcohol can lead to Vitamin B deficiency. Treatment is thiamine.

Additional treatments: Self- help groups, behavioral therapy, psychological interventions, Antaabuse medication, naltrexone.


- effective communication skills

- solicit information essential for providing services

- silence is very effective for clients who have a high degree of emotion..silence accepting Of those feelings

Acceptance: acknowledging what is

Cognitive dissonance: arises when a person have to choose between two contradictory attitudes and beliefs

Echolalia: repeating noises and phrases. Associate it with catatonia, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia and other disorders

Defense mechanisms- protects people from anxiety

Conversion: repressed urge is expressed as disturbance of a body function (I.g. Deafness, pain)

Devaluation: used by persons w/ borderline personality. Person attributes exaggerated negative qualities to self or another

Displacement: directing an impulse, wish, or feeling toward a person or situation that is not its real target

Idealization: overestimation of an admirer aspect or attribute of another

Intellectualization: avoiding uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts & objects. Using complex words vs emotions