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77 Cards in this Set

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The rate of teenage pregnancy is....
higher here than in any industrialized country.
Depression and Suicide is caused by....
traumatic experience, stress, low self esteem.
Females attempt suicide more than men, but males often succeed more often because they use more lethal methods.
Consequences/Why students drop out
90% of students receive a diploma. Hispanics have the highest drop out rate. Social class, drug use, and pregnancy predict drop outs.
Effects of Working While in School
-Negative, more vulnerable to be taken advantage of by workers.
Onset of Puberty
Age 13 to 18. Adolescence is an invention in modern and industrial society.
Erikson's Theory of Adolescence:
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Identity (+): Who they are, where they belong, and where they are going, strong sense of self.
Development of ______ is the most important part of teenage years.
Important Factors of Self Concept (3)
1. searching and exploring the world.
2. facing crises
3. making commitments (see text).
Internal Locus of Control
The belief that what happens in your life is largely dependent on you.
External Locus of Control
The belief that what happens in our lives is largely dependent upon factors outside of yourself.
-Fate, god, other people's behavior.
Erikson's Theory of Early Adulthood:
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Age 19-45.
-Finding a life partner or friend, emotionally and physically intimate.
Levinson's Life Structures (3 phases)
All the roles an individual occupies, all of their relationships, and the conflicts and balance that exist among them.
1) Novice Phase: period of adjustment
2) Mid-era Phase: adults become more competent at meeting new challenges.
3) Culmination Phase: adults have succeeded in created a life structure that allows them to manage the demands of the new challenges with confidence.
Important Interpersonal Factors of Mate Selection
Physical Attraction
Similarity: attitude, humor etc
Proximity: physical nearness
Familiarity: not a stranger
They like us
First impressions
Romantic Love Theory (Sternberg)
(see text)
The Art of Love (Eric Fromm) (4)
-Responsibility: take responsibility for one's actions in consideration of the loved one's development.
-Respect: honoring and holding the person in high esteem (appreciation) and accepting a loved one as a unique individual.
-Concern/caring: for loved one's well being, behave in ways that increased a loved one's happiness.
Jourard's Active Love
giving to the person to promote their well-being, the loved one's joy is a source of their own happiness.
Jourard's Passive love
taking much, and giving very little.
Maslow's B(being) Love
Loving based on respect and consideration of the loved one's personal growth.
Maslow's D(deficiency) Love
Loving based upon one's needs and is thus conditional.
example: "If you meet my needs then we'll be happy and stay together."
-the first year is the best, quality of interactions between partners is important.
Types of Stable Marriages:
Agree to disagree and avoid each other in order to avoid conflict.
Types of Stable Marriages:
Argue often, don't listen well, but still have more positive than negative interactions.
Types of Stable Marriages:
Express mutual respect even in disagreements, and are good listeners.
______ attachment of partners appears to be realted to marital satisfaction.
Secure attachment
Heterosexual vs homosexual couples
Hetersexual: Those who have live together before marriage are less satisfied with their marriages.
-Committed men do more housework.
Homosexual: More dependent on each other for social support, power and tasks are equally divided.
Negative effects (strongest during the 1st months): depression, lower self esteem, suicide, miss work.
Postpardum Depression
10-24% experience it. Feelings of sadness for several weeks after the baby's birth. Can last for a few weeks up to one year.
Primary Sex Characteristics
Sex organs: ovaries, uterus, vagina, testes and penis.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Breasts, and pubic hair.
Piaget's Formal Operational Stage
Learn to reason logically about abstract concepts.
The belief that one's thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are unique.
Task Goals
based on personal standards and a desire to become better at something.
Ability Goals
Define success in competitive terms, being better than someone else at something.
Marcia's Types of Identity Statuses (4)
1. Identity Achievement: make commitment to goals.
2. Moratorium: crisis in progress but no commitment.
3. Foreclosure: made a commitment w/out going through a crisis.
4. Identity Diffusion: Not in a crisis, and has not made a commitment.
Gender Role Identity & (4) Types
Aspects of the psychological self.
1. Masculine
2. Feminine
3. Androgynous: having both feminine and masculine traits.
4. Undifferentiated: lacking feminine and masculine traits.
Ethnic Identity
Sense of belonging to an ethnic group.
Antisocial behavior that includes law breaking.
The Main task of Relationships with Parents in Adolescence
To establish autonomy from them and to maintain a sense of relatedness with them.
Peer Groups
Associate with a group that shares their values, attitudes, behaviors and identity status.
4-6 people who appear to be strongly attached to one another
a combination of cliques, which includes both males and females.
Primary Aging
Physical changes that have a biological basis and are universally shared and inevitable.
Secondary Aging
Changes related to environmental influences, poor health habits or disease.
Limbic System
Emotional part of the brain.
Self Efficacy
A belief in one's ability to perform some action or to control one's behavior or environment, to reach some goal or to make something happen. (Bandura).
Bacterial STDs
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.
Viral STDs
Genital herpes, genital warts, hpv.
Types of Personality Disorders:
Difficulty forming emotional attachments, lack of empathy, self-centered, break law.
Types of Personality Disorders:
Suspicious of others, guarded, sensitive to violations of personal space or rights.
Types of Personality Disorders:
irrational, attention-seeking, inappropriate emotional responses, sexual seductive.
Some propositions cannot be described as whether true or false.
Crystallized Intelligence
Knowledge and Judgement from education and experience.
Fluid Intelligence
Reflects biological processes and does not depend on specific experiences.
Emerging Adulthood
Period form the late teens to early twenties when people explore options prior to committing to adult roles.
Years of middle or late adulthood in both men and women during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost.
Levingson's Life Structures:
Novice Phase
period of adjustment
Levingson's Life Structures:
Mid-Era Phase
Adults become more competent at meeting the new challenges through reassessment and reorganization of the life structure they created during the novice phase.
Levingson's Life Structures:
Culmination Phase
Succeeded in creating a new life structure that allows them to manage the new demands.
Evolutionary Theory of
Parental Investment Theory
Sex difference in mate selection and mating behavior are based on the different amounts of time and effort men and women must invest in child-rearing.
Social Role Theory
Sex differences in mate preferences and mating behavior are adaptations to gender roles.
Assortative Mating (Homogamy)
Tendency to mate with someone who has traits similar to one's own.
Sternberg's Three Components of Love:
Promotes feelings of closeness and connectedness.
Sternberg's Three Components of Love:
Feeling of intense longing for union with the other person, including sexual union.
Sternberg's Three Components of Love:
Commitment to a Particular Other
Over a long period of time.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Consummate Love
Commitment, intimacy, passion.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Companionate Love
Commitment, intimacy. no passion.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Just intimacy.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Romantic Love
Intimacy and passion, but no commitment.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Only passion.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Fatuous Love
Commitment and Passion, but no intimacy.
Sternberg's 7 Types of Love:
Empty Love
Only commitment.
Holland's Personality Types and Work Preferences:
Aggressive, masculine, low verbal or interpersonal skills, mechanical and tool use.
-Mechanic, electrician
Holland's Personality Types and Work Preferences:
Oriented toward thinking, organizing, planning, challenging tasks, low in social skills.
-Scientists, engineers.
Holland's Personality Types and Work Preferences:
Asocial, highly individual and unstructured activity.
Holland's Personality Types and Work Preferences:
Extroverts, avoid intellectual activity, dislikes ordered activity, prefer to work with people.
-Nurses and Education
Holland's Personality Types and Work Preferences:
Highly verbal and dominating, enjoy organizing and directing others, are persuasive and strong leaders.
Holland's Personality Types and Work Preferences:
Structured activities, like clear guidelines, see themselves as accurate and precise.
-Bookkeeping and filing.