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15 Cards in this Set

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developing a sense of competence at useful skills and tasks

combines several developments of middle childhood


pessimism and lack of confidence in one's ability to do things well

positive but realistic self-concept / pride in accomplishment / moral responsibility

industry vs. inferiority

a theory of Erik Erikson

self-concept in middle childhood

redefined and organized into stable psychological dispositions

perspective-taking skills

crucial for developing self-concept based on personality traits

ideal self

how you want to be // children use this to evaluate their actual self

actual self

how you perceive you actually are / not necessarily reality

description of self

preoperational vs. middle childhood

preoperational: "I have a cat a dog and a big TV"

middle childhood: "I'm nice, smart, and creative"

self-esteem in middle childhood

differentiates and adjusts to more realistic level & becomes hierarchically structured

ways children evaluate their self-esteem in middle childhood

academic competence

social competence

physical/athletic competence

physical appearance

mastery-oriented attributions

attribution of successes to ability

learned helplessness

attribution of failure to ability and success to luck

pride and guilt in middle childhood

governed by personal responsibility / children experience self-conscious emotions even when no adults is present

pride motivates children to take on further challenges

guilt prompts them to make amends and strive for self-improvement

emotional understanding

ability to explain emotion by referring to internal states

appreciation of mixed emotions

coping with stress

problem centered vs. emotion centered coping