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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 parts of adaptation?
assimilation- the tendency to interpret new experiences in terms of an existing scheme
accommodation- the tendency to modify familiar schemes in order to account for new dimensions of the object or event that are revealed through experience.
What are the 4 stages of development according to Piaget hypothesis?
sensorimotor intelligence
preoperational thought
concrete operational thought
formal operational thought
limitation in point of view
what is apart of the Id?
pleasure principle: people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain
primary process thought: it is characterized by a lack of concern for the constraints of reality
According to Piaget, what do organisms try to achieve
equilibrium- a balance of organized structures, whether motor, sensory, or cognitive
How is equilibrium achieved?
adaptation- process fo gradually modifying existing schemes and operations in order to take into account changes or discrepancies between what is known and what is being experienced.
sensorimotor intelligence
begins at birth and last till 18 months. increasingly complex sensory and motor schemes that allow infants to organize and exercise some control over their environment.
preoperational thought
begins when child learns language and ends at 5 or 6. develop tools for representing schemes symbolically thorough language, imitation, imagery, symbolic play.
formal operational thought
begins adolescence to adulthood. thinking permits a person to conceptualize about many simultaneously interacting variables. creation of laws and rules and use problem solving.
concrete operational thought
begins 6 or 7 and till 11 or 12. appreciate the logical necessity of certain causal relationships. more successful at problem solving.
What does Piaget mainly focus on in his study of development?
What is metacognition?
many strategies used to guide the way we organize and prepare ourselves to think more clearly and effectively
What did Vygosky argue about development?
development can be understood only within a social-historical framework.
schedules of reinforcement
the frequency and regularity with which reinforcements are given
continuous reinforcement
a new response is conditioned rapidly if reinforcement is given on every learning trial
if the reinforcement is removed for several trials, response performance deteriorates rapidly
who worked on operant conditioning?
B.F. Skinner
operant conditioning
the role of repetition and the consequences of behavior in learning.
what are the 4 learning theories
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
social learning theory
cognitive behaviorlism
cultural theory
the learned systems of meanings and patters of behaviors that are shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next
the 2 cognitive developmental theorist
piaget and vygotsky
social learning theory
social learning evolved from the awareness that much learning takes place as a result of observation and imitation of other people's behavior. (bandura and walters)