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25 Cards in this Set

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In Erikson's theory, the psychological conflict of midlife, which is resolved positively if the adult can integrate personal goals with the welfare of the larger social environment. The resulting strength is the capacity to give to and guide the next generation.
generativity versus stagnation
Levinson's developmental task that requires new ways of being young and old.
Levinson's developmental task that focuses on ways he or she has acted destructively and how they can advance human welfare
Levinson's developmental task to create a better balance. Men become more empathetic & caring and women become more autonomous, dominant and assertive.
Masculinity- Femininity
Levinson's developmental task in which there is a balance between engagement and separateness w/ the external world. Men pull back from ambition and achievement to become more aware of their self. Women move toward greater involvement in the work world and community.
Engagement- Separateness
inner turmoil, self-doubt, and major restructuring of the personality during the transition to middle adulthood. Characterizes the experiences of only a minority of adult.
Midlife crisis
future-oriented representations of what one hopes to become and is afraid of becoming. The temporal dimension of self-concept
possible selves
A theory that claims that traditional gender roles are maintained during the active parenting years to help ensure the survival of the children. After children reach adulthood, parents are free to express the "other-gender" side of their personalities.
parental imperative theory
__________ in midlife results from a complex combination of social roles and life conditions
five basic factors in which hundreds of personality traits have been organized: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness
"big five" personality traits
another term for "launching children and moving on"
empty nest
% of divorces that take place after 20+ years of marriage
_____ educated middle-aged people are more likely to divorce
a trend in which women who support themselves or their families have become the majority of the adult population living in poverty, regardless of age and ethnic group
feminization of poverty
one - _______ of life is spent in the grandparent role
valued elder, immortality through descendants, re-involvement with personal past and indulgence are examples of what:
gratifications of grandparenthood
role assumed by members of the middle generation, especially mothers, who take responsibility for gathering the family for celebrations and making sure everyone stays in touch
% today of middle-aged people with living parents
a family structure in which children live with grandparents but apart from parents
skipped-generation families
% of midlifers caring for an aging parent
today's middle-aged adult, who are "sandwiched," or squeezed, between the needs of ill or frail parents and financially dependent children
sandwich generation
a condition in which long-term job stress leads to mental exhaustion, a sense of loss of personal control, and feelings of reduced accomplishment
invisible barrier, faced by women and ethnic minorities, to advancement up the corporate ladder
glass ceiling
true or false:more than half of all start-up businesses in the US are owned and operated by women
increasing numbers of people spend up to one - ______ of their lives in retirement