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34 Cards in this Set

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3 factors that contribute to body dissatisfaction
1) social pressure to be thin;
2) internalized thin ideal body type;
3) higher body mass
onset of menstrual cycle
secular growth trend
change over time in which the average age at which physical maturation takes place
sexual motivation
includes biologically organized drives associated w/sexual arousal & pleasure, & a range of social motives.
social controls
product of parental socialization & practices, school achievement & educational aspirations, & attitudes & sexual experiences of friends. provides the normative environment in which sexual activity is embedded.
gray matter
cell body of neurons & nonmyelinated sections of axons & dendrites (in brain)
white matter
myelinated axons that connect gray matter & carry messages b/w nerve cells & brain regions (in brain).
substance that forms around axons, acting as an insulator that speeds signals from one neuron to the next in brain.
executive functions
sometimes called cognitive control functions; include working memory, planning & organizing, & impulse control.
formal operational thought
uses operations to manipulate & modify thoughts & other mental operations. Ability to distinguish b/w reality & possibility is a central feature.
tentative propositions or possible explanations about the causes of events or the systematic associations among factors that explain events.
refers to child's limited perspective at beginning of each new phase of cognitive development.
process of change to a more objective, analytic point of view. In early adolescence, requires an ability to realize that one's ideals are not shared by all others.
personal fable
an intense investment in one's own thoughts & feelings, & a belief that these thoughts are unique.
imaginary audience
early adolescents imagine being the constant center of other people's thoughts & attentions.
internalizing problems
conflicts are directed inwards towards the self, such as feelings of worthlessness & hopelessness.
externalizing problems
conduct problems; conflicts directed outward towards other people or property, such as aggression or delinquency.
used in contexts of depressed mood, depressive syndrome, depressive disorder. (see page 363.)
externalizing problem related to difficulties in controlling or regulating one's impulses.
delinquent offenses
actions for which an adult could be prosecuted.
status offenses
offenses such as truancy & running away, which are illegal for adolescents.
small friendship groups of 5-10 friends.
large group recognized by a few predominant characteristics, such as view of academics, athletics, drugs, etc.
reputational identity
crowd identity
orchestrated, integrated set of ideas about norms, expectations & status hierarchy of salient groups in one's social world.
reference groups
groups in which one is a member or aspires to be a member
ethnic group identity
includes recognizing that some aspects of one's thoughts, feelings, & actions are influenced by one's ethnicity.
an absence of social support or meaningful social connection
alienation of common identity
may occur when one is forced to take on roles or is expected to comply w/ group expectations to which one does not subscribe.
alienation of common bond
occurs when one is unable to form interpersonal ties that provide feelings of acceptance & emotional support.
peer pressure
demands for conformity to group norms and demonstration of loyalty to group members.
fidelity to others
capacity to freely pledge one's loyalty to a group & to adhere to those pledges
sense of separateness, withdrawal from others, & inability to experience bond of mutual commitment.
selection of forces
seeking out of friends who will support their involvement with alcohol or drugs as part of a more general pattern of deviance or thrill seeking.