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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the division of the urogenital system?
-Urinary System
-Genital System
What do both the urinary and genital system develop from?
-Mesodermal ridge (intermediate mesoderm)
What is the excretory duct of both the urinary and genital system?
What are the 3 kidney systems during development?
What happens with the pronephros?
-Rudimentary, nonfunctional and disappears by the end of the 4th week
What occurs during regression of the pronephros?
-the first excretory tubules of the mesonephros appear
What does the mesonephros do after it is form?
-Lengthen, form an S-shaped loop and acquire glomeruls
-At the opposite end, the tubule enters the longitudinal collecting duct (mesonephric duct)
What is the mesonephric duct?
-Longitudinal collecting duct from the mesonephros
What happens to the mesonephric duct in males and females?
-Persists in males
-Disappears in females
How does the metanephric duct form?
-Develops from uteric bud
What is a ureteric bud and which kidney forms it?
-An outgrowth of the mesonephric duct close to its entrance into the cloaca
What does the urteric bud form?
-adult ureter, the renal pelvis, the major and minor calyces, and collecting tubules
What does the penetrating urteric tube induce?
-Metanephric tissue to develop into the proximal and distal convoluted tubules and the loop of Henle
Where does the kidney initially form?
-In the pelvic region and later shifts to a more cranial position in the abdomen
Where does the kidney receive its blood supply before it ascends cranially?
-Pelvic Branch of the aorta
What is the division of the cloacal membrane?
-Urogenital membrane, anteriorly
-Anal membrane, posteriorly
What is the upper and largest part of the primitive urogenital sinus?
What forms when the lumen of the allantois is obliterated?
-Urachus remains connected to the apex of the bladder with the unbilicus
What gives rise to the prostatic and membranous parts of the urethra?
Pelvic part of the urogenital sinus
What is the germ layer for the trigone and the rest of the bladder?
mesoderm (Trigone)
endoderm (rest of bladder)
What is the epithelial origin of the male and female urethra?
What are the names of the outbuddings if the urethra during formation?
-Prostate Gland (male)
-Urethral and Paraurethral (female)
What gene is proposed to determine sex?
SRY on the Y chromosome
When is SRY expressed first?
-Time of testis differentiation
What happens in the absence of SRY gene?
the gonad will differentiate into an ovary
What genes are necessary for female differentiation?
-Wnt-4, DAX-1 located on the X chromosome
What is Wnt-4 required for?
-Stabilization of the paramesonephric ducts
What does DAX-1 do?
-Inhibits steriodogenesis and the release of testosterone Leydig cells
-Effects are dosage dependent
What gene is required in the gonadal ridge for normal development of the kidneys and gonads?
What forms the medullary cords and rete testis in the male?
Sex cords
What happens to the sex cords in females?
-Replaced by a vascular stroma that forms the ovarian medulla
Name the 2 pairs of genital ducts.
Mesonephric ducts and paramesonephric ducts
What forms the uterine canal?
Mesonephric and Paramesonephric duct
What forms the efferent ductules, epididymis, and ductus deferens in males?
Mesonephric ducts
What occurs with the paramesonephric ducts in males?
-Degenerates under the influence of mullerian inhibiting substance produced by the Sertoli cells
What occurs with the paramesonephric ducts in females?
-Form the uterine tube, uterus and vagina
What is the external genitalia derived from?
-Mesodermal tissue around the cloaca