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30 Cards in this Set

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Secure Attachment

1. In a mother's presence, babies pay comfortably

2. Slightly distressed when mother leaves

3. Clingy when neither returns

Insecure Attachment

1. Less likely to explore the environment

2. Either very distressed or indifferent when mother leaves but still does not employee

3. Very upset or indifferent when mother returns


A person's characteristics personailty that show shortly after birth.

1. Emotional reactivity

2. Activity

3. Sociability

4. Impulsivity

Can be categorized as

Easy 40%

Difficult 10%

Slow to warm-up 15%

Unclassified 35%

Basic Trust

A sense that the works is predictable and reliable based on how a child is raised by their caregiver


Bond survival impulse that keeps the child closer to the caregiver and nutures them, giving them comfort in insecure situation

Deprived of early attachment

A child is resilient to bounce back from neglect or lack is attention or abuse and seem unable to build lasting relationships.

Stability and Change

Stable identity traits show as a result of temperament

Other identities change and develop over time.

Permissive Parenting

Submits too childs desires and does not often use punishment

Authoritarian Parenting

High behavioral standards

Strict punishment of misconduct

Little communication

Imposing strict rules "because i said so" don't question authority

Authoritative Parenting

Somewhat both authoritative and permissive patenting that nurtures and allows their child to explore and understand the world yet give them rules and limitations

Neglectful Parenting

Do not punish or nurture. Providing for some basic needs but nothing beyond that. Independent and less truthful

Concerte Operate Stage

Children gain the mental operation that allowed them to think logically about concrete events

Formal Operational Stage

A science- like thinking of consequences

Theory of Mind

The ability to understand other's intentions

Kids with autism have trouble with this


Unable to perceive events from other points of view

Preopeational Stage

To young to perform mental operations such as imagining our understand the reverse of something

Object permanence

The awareness that a object still exists when it is not visible

Sensorimotor Stage

Birth-2 years old when babies take b the world with their 5 senses.


The the time of sexual maturity becoming physically able to reproduced. Usually at pradictable timing.

Growth secondary and primary reproductive body parts.

Changes in mood or behavior


The years spent coming into adulthood

Preconventional Thinking

Self-interests: obeying rules to avoid punishment



Upholds the law to gain social approval and to maintain order



Describes the reflect beliefs in basic rights and self-defined ethical principals


The resolution of self- definition that unifies our natured and nutered traits

Social Identity

The identity gained from being part of a group

Emerging Adulthood

The phase between 18 and 25 when people are at a very strong standstill because you are an adult but dependent on patents

At the peak of physical ability


A period in middle adulthood when women's reproductive ability stops

Social Clock

The general ages that a culture expects someone to be doing at certain part of their lives such as marriage

Empty Nest Syndrome

When all the children of the house leave and the parents are in crisis. However, most parents finds this as a relife and a tone to pursue happiness


A Prejudist against someone based on their age. Often a self-fufillinh prophecy.

Rarely gets called out on

Destructive Protecting: discouraging actions from older people from doing things because we assume they cant