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39 Cards in this Set

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A-not-b effect

The tendency of infants to reach for a hidden object where it was previously hidden (place A) rather than where it was hidden most recently while the child watched (place B)


In Piaget's theory, the developing child's process of changing his schemes based on his interactions with the environment b


The social status of children who are not respected or liked by peers and become aggressive as a result

Alzheimer's disease

A degenerative brain disorder characterized by memory loss followed by increasing disorientation and culminating in physical and mental helplessness


In Piaget's theory, the developing child's process of interpreting the environment in terms of the schemas he already has. See accommodation


The strong, enduring, emotional bond between a child and its caregivers that some psychologists consider the basis for relationships later in life

Concrete operational period

In Piaget's theory, the period from about age 7 to about 12, in which the child is beginning to understand abstract ideas such as number and substance, but only as they apply to real, concrete events

Conventional reasoning

According to Kohlberg, the third and fourth stages of moral reasoning, which are focused on social relationships, conventions, and duties

Embryonic stagr

The third through with week of prenatal development

Fetal alcohol syndrome

A developmental disorder that affects children whose mothers consumed alcohol during pregnancy. It's effects include a range of psychological problems and physical abnormalities

Fetal stage

The prenatal period from the ninth week until birth

Formal operational perido

In Piaget's theory, the period from about age twelve on, in which a child can think abstractly and consider hypothetical possibilities

Generatively versus stagnation

According to Erikson, a major developmental task of later adulthood is finding meaning in ones work, which produces a sense of Generatively. Failure leads to a sense of stagnation.

Grasp reflex

And infantile reflex in which an infant closes her hand into a fist when her palm is touched

Habituation procedure

A method for studying infant perception. After some exposure to a stimulus, an infant becomes habituated and stops paying attention to it. If the infant shows renewed interest when a new stimulus is presented, this reveals that the infant regards the new stimulus as different from the old one

Identity versus role confusion

According to Erikson, the major developmental task of adolescence is developing a stable ego identity, or sense of who one is. Failure results in developing a negative identity or in role confusion.


In many species, the learned attachment that is formed at a particular early period

Integrity versus despair

According to Erikson, the major developmental task of older age is finding meaning in the life one has led. Success gives rise to a sense of integrity, whereas failure leads to despair

Internal working model

A set of beliefs and expectations about how people behave in social relationships, and also guidelines for interpreting others' actions, and habitual responses to make in social settings

Intimacy versus isolayiln

According to Erikson, a major developmental task of early adulthood is developing an intimate relationship. Failure to do so may lead to isolation

Neural tubr

The tubular structure formed early in the embryonic stage from which the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) develops.

Object permanence

The conviction that an object exists even when it is out of sight. Piaget believed infants didn't develop this level of understanding until the age of at least eight months.

Postconventional reasoning

According to Kohlberg, the fifth and sixth stages of moral reasoning, which are focused on ideals and broad moral principles.

Preconventional reasoning

According to Kohlberg, the first and second stages of moral reasoning, which are focused on getting rewards and avoiding punishments

Prepositional period

In Piaget's theory, the period from about ages 2 to 7, in which a child can think representionally, but can't yet restate these representations to each other or take a point of view other than her own

Primary sexual characyeristics

Bodily structures directly related to reproduction


The period of physical and sexual maturation in which the child's body begins to assume develop into its adult form.

Secondary sexual characteristica

Bodily structures that change with sexual maturity but are not directly related to reproduction

Secure base

According to John Bowlby, the relationship in which the child feels safe and protected

Sensorimotor peripd

In Piaget's theory, the period of cognitive development from birth to about 2 years, I. Which the child has not yet achieved object permanence

Social referencing

A process of using others' facial expressions as a cue about the situation

Sociometric data

Data that describe how individuals in a group interact

Strange situatiln

An experimental procedure for assessing attachment, I. Which the child is allowed o explore an unfamiliar room with the mother present before the mother leaves for a few minutes, and then returns

Sucking reflex

An infantile reflex in which an infant sucks on whatever is placed in his mouth


Environmental factors that can disrupt healthy neural development. These include lead, alcohol, and cigarette smoke

Theory of mind

The sry of interrelated concepts we use to make sense of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as those of others


The social status of children who are not respected or liked by peers and become anxious as a result

Zone of proximal development

The range of accomplishments that are beyond what the child can do on her own, but that she can achieve with help or guidance


The fertilized egg, formed by the Union of sperm and egg